meredlp SAID:

What are my surgical options for getting rid of a double chin at age 52 most efficiently and least costly?

On: November 30, 2012
To doctors from: NJ

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Theodore Diktaban wrote on :

    Hi Meredith, In my office, I use a combination of Laser Liposuction to melt and remove the fat and Precision Tx to give an extra boost of skin tightening and collagen stimulation. This gives patients a beautifully defined jawline, chin & neck.

  2. Dr. Csaba Magassy wrote on :

    Dear Meredith: Laser assisted submental lipectomy offers the best solution for your situation, the fat is removed and the skin will shrink to a ceratain extent….

  3. Dr. William Rosenblatt wrote on :

    Liposuction can often get rid of the double chin, it is the most economical. If you have a lot of excess skin, then perhaps a neck lift would need to be done too.

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