trailblazer SAID:

I live in Columbia SC and would like to have some serious bags under my eyes but do not have a referral for a surgeon.
How can I find a good doctor to see about having this condition corrected.

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Robert Buchanan wrote on :

    Having “bags under the eyes” fixed is a cosmetic procedure that requires someone with significant expertise to provide excellent results and prevent problems.The easiest way to find such a person is to visit the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery web site at The previous method of correcting this problem was to take out some fat and skin. This gave relatively good initial results, but the problem recurred even worse somewhat rapidly. Now, no fat is removed but it is simply moved to correct the depression across the bottom of the eye area. Skin is still removed, but it is taken out mainly laterally and the tissues are anchored to the bone beside the eye. Make sure whomever you use does not plan on removing fat and anchors the tissue as well as stabilizes the lateral corner of the eyelid. See for more information.

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