CorettaButler SAID:

I have crohns disease and had many surgeries. The most recent was a hernia, and scar tissue.. my abdomin hangs like produce bags.. I am embarrased to take my clothes off because my stomach hangs and swings and feels like its hanging on to my insides. is there any advice.. ?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Janet Woodyard wrote on :

    It sounds like a tummy tuck would be the best procedure for you. A tummy tuck can be extended onto the hips or beyond to remove loose skin in these areas. You would need an in-person consultation for a complete exam to discuss your particular case. I am more than happy to see you. Best of luck, Dr Woodyard

  2. Dr. Rondi Walker wrote on :

    Thank you for your question.
    Without a physical examination it is not possible to give you completely accurate advice. But, it seems you would benefit from an abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) and possibly an extended abdominoplasty to address all the skin laxity on your lower abdomen, hip and back. During the procedure your abdominal muscles would also be tightened.
    I would be delighted to see you in consultation. My office is in Washington, DC close to the Maryland border.

    Best wishes!


    Rondi K. Walker, M.D.
    Plastic Surgeon

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