Asrai’s Touch Fat Freezing Tool

ec752a6f-e072-48aa-85a8-3285dd966455Angela Lyon was always fit and active and never had to worry about what she ate or her clothing size. Then she turned 50 years old, and put on about 15 pounds during the next four years.

“My girlfriend and I were discussing how to deal with the things happening to our bodies. That was about five years ago,” Angela told FabOverFifty. That’s when she had her “aha” moment, which led to the creation of Asrai’s Touch, a kit that lets you freeze pesky body fat at home.

Angela tells us about herself, what Asrai’s Touch did for her, and who can benefit most from it.

Please tell us a little about your background?

I was a homemaker and a mom raising three kids in Sandy, UT, which is by the mountains and a great place if you’re a hiker. I have always done basic home improvements and enjoyed learning how things work. I did house flipping from the 1990s until the early 2000s. My husband is a manager at a car dealership.

What led to your “aha” moment?

My weight gain after I turned 50 was difficult to deal with and uncomfortable. My pants weren’t fitting and I had a muffin top, even though I wasn’t eating any muffins. It got to the point where I couldn’t deny or hide it anymore. My friend told me she heard that you could actually freeze fat, and I thought ‘how cool is that.’ I did research and discovered that fat could be compromised at the right temperature. The fat would die and the body could then flush it out.


That sounded like a great solution to my problem. I began to think whether I could create something that could be used at home to freeze the unwanted fat, without damaging the skin. I did research, pulling info from here, there and everywhere. And then, I was my own guinea pig. Could I do it?  How would it work? I designed my fat freezing system into a flexible body wrap.   

Once I figured out what to do, I saw quick results on my own body.  I lost an inch off my waistline in five days after my first application.  After my 2nd application, I lost another inch.  I lost a total of 4.5 inches off my waistline in less than 30 days, using this system one or two times a week.  My husband lost 5.5 inches in less than 6 weeks.  

How does Asrai’s Touch work?  

This simple-to-use system comes in a kit with a belt into which three special cooling packs are inserted. An exclusive thin-set lotion, with peppermint and other natural oils, is applied to your skin prior to wrapping the belt around the area where you want to reduce, whether it’s your thighs, saddle-bags, belly or love handles. This system will not only freeze fat, but it will ‘burn’ it as well.

The cooling packs are placed in the freezer to reach the proper temperature so they can work on the fat located directly under the skin. Although the cold reaches far beneath the skin, the packs and belt also are designed to help prevent damage to the skin. Once the fat cells are destroyed, the body flushes them out.  


We assume Asrai’s Touch doesn’t replace good diet and exercise?

Asrai’s Touch needs to be used along with a proper diet and exercise.  Let’s say you were able to kill all the fat cells in your body, except for the fat in your ankles.  If you didn’t maintain a balanced lifestyle with proper diet and exercise, you’d wind up with fat ankles. Killing fat cells in one area on your body, without the balanced lifestyle, will cause the other fat cells to get fatter.

One woman lost a total of 20 inches, but she didn’t stay with a sensible exercise and diet plan, so she put the fat back on. If you want the results to be permanent, it has be your first choice to lead and stick with a healthy lifestyle.  

On what kind of woman or man does Asrai’s Touch work best? At what age?

5a6bf0_ea2a02e0d3c91a377f7f74d9b81ce092It works best on the people who have the jiggly kind of fat, rather than hard, pregnant-like fat, which is more difficult to remove because it goes much deeper. You’re a good candidate if you’re 10 to 15 pounds overweight, maintain a good diet, and exercise.

Women in their 70s are seeing results, and I had a gentleman in his 90s who wanted to buy the kit. But you have to exercise caution since your skin gets thinner as you age.

Does it work better on one part of the body than another, and when do you start to see results?  

It works quickly and effectively on the thighs, especially on cellulite. Results tend to be slower on love handles. The fat above-the-belly-button will reduce more quickly than the ‘pouch’ below the belly-button. One woman, Sonya, recently called me excitedly from Atlanta and said, ‘I can’t talk, but I wanted to tell you that I’ve lost two inches already.’  At that time, she had only had her kit for less than a week.


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0 Responses to “Asrai’s Touch Fat Freezing Tool”

  1. carol says:

    and how long do the results last for?

  2. Donna Lankford says:

    Great if this works! I experienced the same thing….but I was able to get healthy again and lost the belly fat by simple changes, including exercise! I realized I wasn’t the same as before menopause and needed to do things differently or continue to gain weight. I lost 10 pounds and I am healthier than I was 10 years ago. You can lose the weight too!

  3. BellaTerra66 says:

    Oh yeah, right. I’m on board — not. Just another scheme for the manufacturers to make money.


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