babydarling SAID:

Hi! I had breast implants done about 23 years ago. They are silicone. I have never had a problem with them. I had a mri during the silicone hey day and everything was fine. I had a mamograpphy 4 years ago and again fine. I was wondering if its possible that one of them has moved ? I feel it protruding into the space between both breasts. Can they shift? Or move? Could it be something more serious? Thanks Laura T.

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Susan Kolb wrote on :

    This is usually indicative of a rupture which can lead to more serious problems. Please see the information at If your insurance does not exclude complications of cosmetic surgery, explantation may be covered but reimplantation usually is not.

  2. Dr. Maria LoTempio wrote on :

    Hi, Laura,
    You have had these implants for quite some time and I would recommend you having them looked at. There are newer implants now, gel implants are a nice alternative if you need to have them replaced. Either way, I would have a surgeon evaluate you.
    Good luck.

  3. Dr. William Rosenblatt wrote on :

    They usually do not move, but it sounds as if you should be examined by a plastic surgeon. In my experience, the older silicone implants ( which you have.) often need to be replaced. Even if they break, they do not cause serious health issues, just that after a long period of time, there may be issues that would be best dealt with by putting in the newer better implants.

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