karenmm58 SAID:

I had weight loss surgery and have excess skin on my arms, thighs and buttocks. What are my options?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Kevin Tehrani wrote on :

    Dear Karen,
    Congratulations on the weight loss. It is not uncommon to see patients in my practice after massive weight loss requiring procedures to address the redundancy of skin leftover. These procedures may include abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), Upper arm lift, thigh or breast lifts or lower body lift. Each patient is very unique and combination of procedures may be performed at any one time. You would need to have a consultation to assess your candidacy. Best of luck.

  2. Dr. William Rosenblatt wrote on :

    Plastic surgeons are doing more body surgery to remove the excess skin from large weight losses. See a plastic surgeon for more information, each patient is unique and needs an in person consultation.

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