babydoll60 SAID:

I’m 52. How many years does a life style lift last?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Csaba Magassy wrote on :

    Most of the “lifestyle Lifts” are perfored by NON Plastic Surgeon…Consequently the results are unpredictable…I would say 6 months to a year…

  2. Dr. Martha Matthews wrote on :

    Life Style Lift is a brand name for a company that offers various plastic surgical procedures in an office setting without general anesthesia. The procedures performed would depend on the physician providing them. You would have to discuss that with the physician who works with that company.

    There are many variations on facelifts, some of which fall into the category of “mini-facelift”. Doctors have many names for these, but basically all involve procedures that are less extensive and less invasive than a traditional facelift. Longevity of results depends on many factors, including what surgery is done, skin elasticity, how bad the problem was in the first place, and factors such as heredity, smoking, weight loss, and general health. Also, you will continue to age at whatever rate is normal for you.

    In general, since mini-lifts are not as extensive, they tend to have less dramatic results.

  3. Dr. Martha Matthews wrote on :

    Life Style Lift is a brand name for a company that offers various plastic surgical procedures in an office setting without general anesthesia. The procedures performed would depend on the physician providing them. You would have to discuss that with the physician who works with that company.

    There are many variations on facelifts, some of which fall into the category of “mini-facelift”. Doctors have many names for these, but basically all involve procedures that are less extensive and less invasive than a traditional facelift. Longevity of results depends on many factors, including what surgery is done, skin elasticity, how bad the problem was in the first place, and factors such as heredity, smoking, weight loss, and general health. Also, you will continue to age at whatever rate is normal for you.

    In general, since mini-lifts are not as extensive, they tend to have less dramatic results.

  4. Dr. Beverly Friedlander wrote on :

    Hi Sharon,

    A life style lift isonly performed by doctors who belong to the Lifestyle group. As such, there are no published peer reviewed articles on the surgery. There is a tremendous variation on what is done during the procedure which effects the outcome and the longevity of the results. I hope this helps. Good Luck.

    Beverly Friedlander, MD

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