nyrahs SAID:

I just used the application on your site to find an ASPS Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Maryland and nothing came up. I tried abdominoplasty, laser liposuction, face lift and neck lift. Are there no certified surgeons in Maryland?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Roberta Gartside wrote on :

    Another resource for you is the ASPS home website. http://www.plasticsurgery.org.

  2. A Doctor wrote on :

    we list a number of board-certified, superb doctors from Maryland/Virginia/DC. Mark Richards does everything you listed, but we didn’t list all his specialties yet, so that’s why nothing came up. Here’s his info. Geri Brin, FOF

    Dr. Mark E. Richards
    Ageless Impressions – Plastic Surgery Institute
    11300 Rockville Pike Suite 912, N. Bethesda, MD
    Tel.: (301) 468-3458
    View profile

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