Coverup77 SAID:


I’m trying to start my career working for a plastic surgeons office or medspa as a consultant, patient rep or front desk. I have previous experience, but it seems impossible to find theses offices that may be hiring.
Can you give me some suggestions of where to look? I have tried the following:,monster, craigslist & career builder with no luck.
I have a passion for the industry and would love to work my way up and hopefully attend cosmetology school and become a licensed medical esthetician.
Any help you can provide is much appreciated. Ps I live in Chicago


0 Answers

  1. Dr. Gustavo Galante wrote on :

    These positions are generally no different than in other industries. In addition to your current efforts, I suggest you contact offices directly and send your resume to locations you are willing to travel to, Good luck.

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