LisaCooper SAID:

I have lost 200 lbs and need my skin removed from my stomach cause it hangs to my knees what is this called

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Roberta Gartside wrote on :

    Dear Lisa: Congratulations on your accomplishment of losing 200 pounds. As stated in the previous answers the excess skin is referred to as a pannus or apron. Removal of the excess skin may be done in conjunction with a Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) or separately, called a panniculectomy. I would recommend a consultation to determine your goals. I would be glad to see you.

    Dr. Roberta Gartside
    Reston, Virginia

  2. Dr. Janet Woodyard wrote on :

    Lisa, The hanging abdominal skin is called a pannus and the portion of a tummy tuck or body lift that removes that pannus is called a panniculectomy. Sometimes insurance companies will cover this part of a body contouring procedure if you are experiencing chronic problems with skin ulcerations, infections or irritations such as yeast dermatitis. I would recommend that you schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your particular needs based on an exam. Congratulations on the weight loss. That is no easy task! Dr. Woodyard

  3. Dr. Rondi Walker wrote on :

    Hello Ms. Lisa Cooper,

    Congratulations on your weight loss! I understand how difficult this task is. For massive weight loss such as yours, the best treatment would be “total circumferential abdominoplasty” in which the excess skin and fat is surgically removed.

    We would be delighted to see you for a consultation!


    Dr. Walker and Staff
    Walker Plastic Surgery
    Washington, DC 20016

  4. Dr. Kelly Sullivan wrote on :

    Good Morning Lisa. I believe the procedure your talking about would be a Panniculectomy. This procedure would remove the excess skin you have hanging from your abdomen, but would not address any muscle issues you might also be having. If you needed to have muscle issues addressed, this would be an Abdominoplasty. An abdominoplasty will address both the muscle issue and the hanging skin. Sometimes when you have such a large amount of skin that needs to be removed, you could potentially need more than one surgery to give you the full results you wish. I hope I was helpful in answering your question!

  5. Dr. Elliot Jacobs wrote on :

    You most likely have an overhanging “pannus” which is commonly associated with massive weight loss. This is usually very loose skin plus some stubborn areas of residual fat. The very real problem with an overhanging pannus is that it interferes with walking, finding appropriate clothing is difficult and you may be prone to recurrent skin irritation and infections in the warm, moist areas of skin where the overhang occurs.

    The best treatment for you is generally a “panniculectomy”, in which the hanging apron of skin and fat is surgically removed. It is not a tummy tuck in the traditional sense, although sometimes a tummy tuck can be included in your treatment.

    You would be well served to consult with a plastic surgeon who is skilled in the area of massive weight loss patients.

    Good luck!

    Elliot Jacobs, MD, FACS
    New York City

  6. Dr. Csaba Magassy wrote on :

    The procedure that you’re referring to is called an abdominal panniculectomy, a type of abdominoplasty. A panniculus (the skin you described as hanging down) can be the result of loose tissues after massive weight loss. There is grading to describe the amount of hanging skin. Grade 1 – Panniculus barely covers the hairline of the mons pubis but not the genitalia, Grade 2 – Extends to cover the genitalia, Grade 3 – Extends to cover the upper thigh, Grade 4 – Extends to cover the mid thigh and Grade 5 – Extends to cover the knees or beyond.

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