June53 SAID:

I have had a pannus for over 10 years. I am on Medicare because of a disability. I understand there is a possibility that a panniculectomy might be covered for medical issues. I have lower back issues as well as sores in the skin folds. Someone told me back problems would not be a medical reason for Medicare to cover the procedure.
What medical reason does Medicare consider, that would approve the procedure?
I don’t care about getting a tummy tuck, I just want the extra hanging skin removed, I’m so uncomfortable.

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Neal Goldberg wrote on :

    Hi. Your concerns regarding your skin conditions would likely be adequate for coverage of the panniculectomy. If you are truly not interested in cosmesis, then this would be a good procedure for you..

  2. Dr. Beverly Friedlander wrote on :

    Dear anonymous. While a pannicule tomy would certainly address your complaints of excess skin, I find that most people are dissatisfied with the appearance hoping that the remainder pd the abdomen would have looked different afterwards. In the absence of any contraindications or morbid obesity I highly recommend considering a tummy tuck Medicare does not cover the procedure. Good luck. Dr Friedlander

  3. Dr. Patrick Sullivan wrote on :

    I am sorry but this is not a procedure that Dr. Sullivan performs.

    Thank you

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