mizzanet SAID:

If liposuction does not effectively treat cellulite to rid thighs of that ugly rippled and dimpled texture,then what does?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Robert Wilcox wrote on :

    If the skin is thin, crapy, and wrinkled, thigh lift may offer a solution. For common run of the mill cellulite, there is nothing effective in the year 2014. Endermologie may help up to 15% of patients but this requires weekly treatments and so the time involved to maintain does not make this effective.
    Every year there is a new cream or “laser” introduced and the manufacturers claim that they now have it figured out. When something truly effective arrives, it won’t be a secret. There will be a line down the street of patients wanting the treatment–when an effective treatment really appears.
    I hope this has been helpful.
    Robert D. Wilcox, MD
    Plano, Texas

  2. Dr. Constance Barone wrote on :

    Radiofrequency such as ThermiTight can improve cellulite

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