How much fat is required to go up one cup size?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. James Wethe wrote on :

    An interesting question. I am going to make an assumption you are talking about one cup size in terms of a bra/breast. If that is true, then somewhere in the range of 100 to 200 cc’s of volume will give you about a cup size depending on who you believe… but… that would be dependent on MANY factors such as the issue of what percentage of the grafted fat will actually “stay” long term and many other similar considerations that must be taken into account. The real bottom line is that if you are considering fat grafting to enlarge any area you should schedule a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon who can examine you and provide you with both information and options that are specific to you. Hope this helps.
    J. Wethe, M.D.

  2. CurtisWongMD wrote on :

    Your question cannot be answered without seeing how wide your chest is and what your breasts are like. Invest in a consultation with a local board certified plastic surgeon to find out specifics to your question and whether it is even a real possibility for you.

  3. DrMHughBailey wrote on :

    There is no precise answer to your question. Cup sizes vary from one bra maker to another, and the way bra sizes are designed the volume of a particular cup size varies by both the letter and the size number – a 36C cup has a bigger volume than a 34C cup for example. So the volume needed to increase by one cup size depends on whose bras you are buying and what size you are presently. Wikipedia has articles on bra sizes, which will give you an idea of how “fuzzy” sizing is!

    Also the amount of fat grafted that survives long term varies greatly from patient to patient – half the volume or more may be lost. So the procedure is not as precise as using an implant.

    So as the previous poster suggests, if you decide to have your breasts fat grafted, find a qualified plastic surgeon, and understand that “your results may vary” as the ads say!

  4. DrKathleenWaldorf wrote on :

    That is a very broad question… Cup sizes are different from patient to patient. My recommendation would be to go to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and find a board certified plastic surgeon in your area that specializes in breast augmentation. At the consult they can examine you and determine the right type of procedure that is best for your body. They of course will explain how much fat would be needed in order to achieve a good aesthetic result. Best of luck!
    Kathleen Waldorf, MD FACS

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