A Really Cool Way To Zap Fat And Gain Confidence

To our FabOverFifty Friends: This is a sponsored post for CoolSculpting.

Dana, a recently divorced, Fab-Over-Fifty friend, works hard to keep her body in shape, and it shows. But now that she’s started dating again, the cellulite on her thighs is bothering her more than ever. “The dimples on my outer thighs never go away or even decrease, no matter how many leg exercises I’ve done over the decades. And my muffin top appeared overnight,” Dana says.

“I may sound vain, but I wouldn’t be comfortable wearing a bathing suit around the man I’m dating now, no less having him touch or see me nude.”

Although many women would be ecstatic to have bodies like Dana’s, it’s understandable that she needs all the self confidence she can get, after being out of the dating market for 23 years. “I’d like to feel as good about my body as possible,” she says. “It’s hard enough starting over.”


A Sculpted Summer You

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