
I became a vegeterian last year and I am always looking for different receipes. Can you recommend any cookbooks that cater to needs of over fifty

0 Answers

  1. nidradeb wrote on :

    Hi, Have you ever checked out Donna Hay’s dishes (she’s akin to Martha Stewart, but in Australia). She has luscious recipes in cookbooks available in most bookstores and a limited limited selection of recipes online (donnahay.com). One favorite of mine is salads and vegetables from her simple essentials series. Her portions are right, food combinations are inventive and flavors are sublime.

    Happy cooking (and eating)!

  2. Sharon Bennetti wrote on :

    Hi Lynn, You have made a personal lifestyle change which is great. I personally am not a vegeterian, however, I do cook a variety of recipes and vegeterian recipes are never left out of cooking experiences. I look for recipes that sound good to me, I always read reviews for tips and hints. My best solution for vegeterian recipes is “Google”, I have found thousands of great recipes surfing the multitude of links. Attached is a link from Delish.com, I feel all FOF’s do not need an individual cookbook, but the versatility of great experiences and for our well being. Good luck. I hope you find something great to enjoy with the link below.

  3. Marilyn Laine wrote on :

    I like a good old standard by Anna Thomas-Vegetarian Epicure. I hear she has an updated version out now.

  4. Diane Goodman wrote on :

    Try Canyon Ranch cookbook…but the other advice I would give is this: most cookbooks now have a lot of great recipes for vegetarians so pick one from a chef you love. Or, more fun, get a cup of coffee and go sit in Barnes & Noble’s cookbook section and flip through the books until you find one you love.

  5. Carolyn Wispe Burns wrote on :

    I agree with Seattekath. I often just take a meat dish recipe and substitute with meatless alternatives, tofu, beans, cheese, eggs, fake meat. I just have to be really careful about salt and too many carbs. (I guess those are issues for the over 50 crowd). Look at ethnic foods, too. Good Luck.

  6. Kathy J Craig wrote on :

    I have found some great receipes in a book called “Before the Change”. This book has some great information.

  7. Lonna Kahn wrote on :

    I am well over 50 and am not a vegetarian and I eat anything and everything that I want, but I often make recipes from any general cookbook and just leave out the meat and use veggie broth instead, with excellent results. I don’t know of any specific cookbook, but you might try a magazine instead.

  8. Shirley Farley wrote on :

    Hi Lynn, I love Mark Bittman’s books but my favorite is Fields of Greens by Annie Sommerville. These are the recipes I use when feeding carnivores because they’re rich with flavor and nothing pretends to be anything it is no–no tofurkey anywhere. Have fun!

  9. Ellen Falkenberry wrote on :

    Don’t know of any cookbooks that address FOF issues per se, but please remember to inclued enough protein in your diet – this is often an issue with vegetarians.

  10. Cheryl Wait wrote on :

    I also agree with the choice of Mark Bittman’s book, it’s fantastic. I also like The Everything Vegetarian Cookbook: 300 recipes Everyone will Enjoy. You could also try the The American Vegetarian Cookbook from the Fit for Life Kitchen. All the suggestions from everyone look great to me. Enjoy!

  11. Chef Karen wrote on :

    Any cookbook by Chef Deborah Madison would be perfect for you – she’s the real queen of vegetarian cooking in America. James McNair or Mark Bittman also are good sources. My all-time favorite (for me) would have to be Roger Verge’s Vegetables in the French Style – the photos are wonderful and every recipe has been a success. Good luck on your journey finding one or more that are right for you!

  12. Mimi Berger wrote on :

    “The Moosewood Cookbook” still rocks! I also love Bert Greene’s “Greene on Greens.” My son is a vegetarian, so our family meals are always all vegetarian — except sometimes a fish or poultry entree is added for everyone else. We don’t use meat substitutes, except Soysage. We prepare a variety of healthy vegetables, often grilled, and everyone is satisfied. Spinach and mushroom lasagne made with whole grain pasta and not too heavy on the cheese is a favorite. A green salad, baked sweet potatoes, creamed spinach (lowfat, of course!), steamed broccoli with a baked ginger pear for dessert is another favorite. Use your favorite vegetable recipes and enjoy every delicious bite. “The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook” is not a vegetarian cookbook, but there are tons of delicious recipes in it that have no meat. Good luck, and Happy Health!

  13. Candy Murphy wrote on :

    I am not sure they cater to the needs of any age group, but anything from the Moosewood restaraunt in upstate NY. They have several cookbooks published and they are truly innovative in their approach to a vegeterian lifestyle. My dad decided to move to a vegeterian diet in his eighties and he said he never felt better! Good Luck and Bon Appetit!

  14. Sara Wald wrote on :

    I agree with seattlekath- Mark Bittman’s How to Cook Everything Vegetarian is fabulous for vegetarians!

  15. Isabel Interian wrote on :

    Sorry lynnzltd, I don’t really have a cookbook to recommend. However, what I can tell you is to get as many locally grown seasonal fruits and vegetables as you can. They will have better flavors than something that was was picked and shipped from far away.

  16. Victoria Salti Wilson wrote on :

    I love Chef Meg Galvan’s recipes. She has a cookbook coming out on October 4th called: The Sparkpeople Cookbook: Love Your Food, Lose the Weight. I am confident it will be great as i have enjoyed everyone of her SparkPeople.com recipes. Definitely not limited to weight loss because it is plain old healthy eating.

  17. seattlekath wrote on :

    I am definitely over 50, but I don’t feel that means I have any special needs, other than the fact that I find I have to practice “all things in moderation” more. 😉

    Favorite vegetarian cookbooks: Mark Bittman’s How to Cook Everything Vegetarian, Deborah Madison’s Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone, and Moosewood Restaurant’s Simple Suppers. Simple Suppers does have some fish recipes, but it’s mostly vegetarian.

    You can also find some of my favorite vegetarian main dishes on my blog: http://tinyurl.com/43t2b9h

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