{My Story} Resolutions of a newly-minted (FOF) bartender

[Editor’s note: The essay below, by FOF Cheryl Rich Heisler, is part of a series of personal blogs from our readers. Have your own story to tell? Email your “What I Know Now” idea to geri@faboverfifty.com.]


By profession, I am the president and founder of a career consulting business for attorneys frustrated by their traditional career options. By formal education, I am one of those self-same attorneys.  But, by avocation, I am what I perhaps should have always been—a mixologist.


As a career consultant, I get a great deal of satisfaction helping people uncover their passions. But this past year, I decided I hadn’t realized one of my own lifelong passions–becoming an expert at making cocktails. I have poignant memories of heart-to-heart talks with my Dad over the tops of chilled martini glasses, and I get a wicked kick out of mixing and matching libations of all flavors and colors to create something new, different and kind-of clever.

However, giving up my day job to pursue this passion wasn’t a sacrifice I was willing to make. As an FOF, I realized you can have your cocktail and drink it too. While I continued my career consulting business–meeting clients in the mornings and in the afternoons–I studied for my mixology license. I love the reaction I get when I tell people I passed a second “Bar” exam. It was one of my major highlights of 2011.

But now it is 2012: how will each of us expand our horizons over the year ahead?

The lawyer in me suggests prudence:  plan better, save more.

The career coach in me says add more play, uncover a new passion, take those horseback riding lessons I’ve been thinking about.

And the bartender in me? She says lighten up, life is short.  Have a drink.  Toast to health and happiness and all the unpredictable, wonderful surprises that a New Year can bring.

Start the New Year off right with this refreshingly sweet n’ spicy cocktail shot:

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0 Responses to “{My Story} Resolutions of a newly-minted (FOF) bartender”

  1. Sandra says:

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  2. Carol Colman says:

    Preach it, sister! This is just what I need to hear right now, as I explore taking my side business and turning it into my main attraction. “You can have your cocktail and drink it too” – brilliant! Cheers to your success.

  3. Fred says:

    Cheryl dear:

    Thanks for sending it to me.. You made me smile. You are the prettiest mixologist I know. I look forward to a l’chaim with you again soon.

    Much luv!!!


    • Kervin says:

      I didn’t think I’d not like and ended up liking would be The Midnight Breed Series by Lara Adrian..I thghout it would be the same as few other vampire novels I’ve read but it was a refreshing take on vamps.

  4. Deborah says:

    What a great story about your professional and personal lives. Thanks for sharing it. I’m inspired to do — and drink — something new.

  5. Sally says:

    I’m going to expand my horizons in every way that you suggest. Great suggestions. Thanks!


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