{Beauty} Cheryl Tiegs on Beauty

“To me, the key to beauty is to constantly learn and grow and do things–have adventures!” says FOF supermodel Cheryl Tiegs. Watch this interview to hear more of her wisdom…

Image via The New York Times Style Magazine

0 Responses to “{Beauty} Cheryl Tiegs on Beauty”

  1. Rebecca says:

    ) agree with Cheryl Tiegs. To maintain your beauty at any age you have to learn and grow. I constantly try to try new things
    I remember an old Clairol commercial that said” I have no intention of growing old gracfully. I intend to fight it evry inch of the way !” I believe that statement and agree with it.
    Thankfully I inhertied fine pored skin that does not wrinkle easily. I also maintain my skin and avoid the sun.
    I am a 65 y.o. grandmother but everyone thinks I am still in my early 50’s. When we are out in public people constantly tell me how much my “sons”that are my 16 and 17 year old grandsons look like me. Bless their hearts , the grandsons never tell the people otherwise.

  2. Ali Moss says:

    After I sent that, I realized I sounded a bit snarky but I was just so irritated by it. If such ‘wisdom’ had come from someone like Cindy Joseph or Lauren Hutton, who really do seem to accept their aging faces then I would have believed it.

  3. Ali Moss says:

    Give me a break!!! Are we really supposed to believe that she doesn’t think one should care about wrinkles and that beauty comes from learning and growing when her face and lips are so puffed up from injections that she doesn’t even look like herself anymore? She’s developed that lisp that women who have plumped ‘fish lips’ have. And she says “if” I were to have work done !!! I’m sorry, I hate to be negative here but I am so tired of celebrities not being honest about the fact that they can’t deal with aging and just happen to suddenly look prepubescent. I have seen photos of Cheryl Tiegs pre-inflation and trust me, she did not look like she does now. I just wish she would be just honest about it.

    • admin says:

      Ha! Ali – your comment made me laugh. I’m an admin on the site, and I totally get what you’re saying. Don’t worry about being negative–we appreciate your fab interpretation! L

    • Parvesh says:

      I love your blog!! Yes I do make New Years Resolutions. I am going to post more on my blog this year, 2 or 3 posts a week. I will also be more diligent in mainkg menus. My 5 daughters and I like to e-mail our weekly menus to each other, share recipes, ideas and mostly encouragement.


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