Kiss My Itch Goodbye ($8 for 2oz) could be your scratching savior. For those of us affected by itchy skin, we know that it’s more than just a little annoyance.

Over time, excessive scratching can lead to red, cracked skin. Everyday creams often do little to combat the problem, whether it’s caused by the weather, fabric allergies, or a mild skin condition like eczema. Prolonged scratching also can cause infections and even scarring, so we better ditch the itch completely.
Made with grape seed oil, shea butter, and other natural ingredients, this special patented formula “will become a permanent addition to your bathroom counter,” according to its manufacturer. When applied after showering, the lotion’s anti-itch ingredients work best. “to provide long-lasting relief from winter itch and many other types of skin issues,” the manufacturer reports.
Are you ready to kiss your itch goodbye? 20 FOFs will test this.

To enter to win,
comment below by answering the question:
What causes your skin to itch?

Want an extra chance to win?
20 FOFs will win. (See official rules, here.) Contest closes April 15, 2014 at midnight E.S.T. Contest limited to residents of the continental U.S.
0 Responses to “{Test This} Kiss My Itch Goodbye”
Kim S. says:
I am very sensitive to fragrance. For example, when using hair products that have scents, it forms scabs in my head that itch like mad! In addition, I have chronic eczema and rosacea on my face that constantly itch and burn. I would love to check out “Kiss This Itch Goodbye.”
alisa says:
i think dryness causes me to itch, and of course allergies!
Phoenix says:
Changes in the weather.
Jewel Hopson says:
My year-long, all season, every season, all day, every day allergies cause my itchy skin to bother me 24/7.
Clara Miller says:
I have MS as well and was wondering if it could be the meds I take but only my back itches. No place else. Would love to try.
MARY says:
My skin gets so dry and itchy…
sandy haber says:
I don’t know exactly what causes my skin to itch: winter, summer, chlorine — but I’d really like to find something that’s not a prescription to stop the itch!
Patricia N says:
We’ve had a long, cold, dry winter so my skin is in terrible shape. Plus, frequent hand washing is drying my skin as well.
Lisa Kerr says:
I get very dry, cracked skin so I would love to test this product!
marcie says:
dry winter weather!
Connie Faulkner says:
My skin is very dry plus I am post menopausal – legs have alwasy been a probelm – very dry and especially after a shower.
My current new problem is in the genital area – extreme itch.
Donna Benavides says:
Dry skin as well as unknown causes make my skin itchy.
Pam Dove says:
I had a dermatologist remove 2 small moles (preventative surgery) and as a result was left with 2 bad scars and an itch that required 3 return visits to the doctor for an injection that was supposed to stop it. Yeah sure. It drives me crazy and to scratch it requires another person to reach, because of the awkward location on my back shoulder blade. Bummer when you’re a widow and live alone. I’m open to trying anything……PLEASE!!!
B. Lerner says:
My husband has an awful skin condition where he gets extremely itchy bumps on his forearms. Because they itch so strongly, he often digs holes in his arms to get rid of it — they look like a minefield. He’s looked at all kinds of food triggers, medication triggers, etc., & has been unable to find a reason. I would really like to see if this product works for him.
Kathy Kitson says:
I’d love to find something that would help my skin “itchies.”
Cathy Perry says:
I wish I knew what was making my skin itch. My daughter, 24, has the same problem.
Sandie says:
Dry skin mainly. The outside weather, the indoor heat, hot showers, etc.
Linda Carroll says:
Dry Weather.
anna sattali says:
hope it works
I have severe dry, red, itchy, unattractive skin. My legs, arms and back are the most serious. I have tried numerous lotions, creams and have found very little relief. A prescription cream (Elecon) I can get from the dermatologist helps; however, I must use it very sparingly because it thins your skin. I scratch until I bleed which is not only so very uncomfortable but embarrassing. I hope I am a candidate to receive Kiss My Itch Goodbye. Thank you.
Geralyn says:
I have dry skin.
Christa Reiter says:
This could be the answer to my prayers. This past winter has been the worse for dry itchy skin despite use of multiple lotions. I just want to get a decent night’s sleep but the itching is worse then. I would really love to test this!
Jacquie says:
In addition to the aging process, I am severely hypothyroid, which causes additional skin dryness, and I have excema. I would wish for something for relief.
Gayla says:
I get sunburned and the healing skin itches, I have to find oils or lotions to help with this. I would love to try your product.
Rosiey says:
Dry skin has plagued me most of my life, even as a teenager. It would be a miracle to find something that really worked!
f says:
I used to use an old product called SPERTI OINTMENT- it was FANTASTIC. But Alas the government doesn’t allow it to be sold. Is this my new salvation for dry cracked bleeding hands?
My fingers get so thick and dry they bleed- cold weather is awful no matter what I use on them- including wearing gloves ( both outdoor and rubber ones for chores) and sleeping with hands covered in Vaseline in gloves .
If this works it will be a true HAND_ SAVER.
AJB says:
Walking in hot weather
Marie says:
I have developed an itch caused by ‘HAIR SPRAY’ dropping on my shoulders and back. I have showered until I turn into a prune – have applied moisturizers until I could slip off the edge of the earth. All this and it still persists. I would be more than happy to give this seemingly break through product a “work out”
It’a a mystery.
Sometimes I think it’s stress.
It’s always in the same place just under my collar bone in the center of my chest.
It can even become painful.
I’d like to have a remedy so please send me Kiss My Itch Goodbye. It sounds like a miracle. Thanks
IntoTheMist says:
I am at the age now and need some relief until allergy season is over in the summer because my skin gets affected.
Sue Pompetti says:
Allergies and super dry skin in the winter.
Karen H says:
As I’ve aged, my skin has dried out and I suffer more and more from itchy skin…mainly on my legs. Drives me nuts. If this product works, it will be a blessing.
Pamm Peterson says:
I swim several times a week. The chlorine really
Does a number on my skin
Barb Betts says:
Dry weather and the cold are my worst enemies
Gail says:
Central heat & showers that are too hot make me itch — and my husband is tired of scratching my back!
Aida Orellana says:
Oh God, I can definitely use this, my allergies are killing me and everything seems to itch at a certain time 5-6p
Sharon says:
New clothes. I have to wash whatever I buy before I wear it or my skin itches like crazy.
Deborah says:
I have had a problem with itching skin when I sweat. It started 7 years ago when I started menopause. I have tried every cream possible and nothing has worked. This sounds wonderful and I love the fact that it is all natural. I would love to try this and report back on how it works. I am sure there are others out there with the same problem. This would be a dream come true if it works as good as it sounds. With summer coming I could really use it. This problem is making me miserable.
Soledad says:
Winter weather dries my skin.
Colleen Bergen says:
I do not know what makes my skin so itchy. I get very small “grains” under my skin that are itchy and if I scratch it, the “grain” will come out, and the itching will often settle for a short time, but then comes back with a vengeance and often gets infected. My face, arms and legs are scarred from this problem. I would welcome something to soothe my skin.
Rose-Ann C. says:
Allergies and bug bites cause my skin to itch!
Pamela Moresby says:
I got itchy feet from living in a basement for 3 years, that used to flood whenever it rained. I’ve never had a decent nights sleep since and went to every Dr under the sun and nothing ever worked. I can get a temporary cure but that never lasts.
Christine Norman says:
I have sensitive skin, so I am always scratching some part of me on a daily basis. Anti itch creams have not worked on me. I would love it if this one did.
Suzanne Fondl says:
What makes my skin itch? Let’s see, I’m a redhead (fair, sensitive skin), I live in New England (cold, dry air), & I’m undergoing chemo for OvCa (chemo makes you itch!)
Jackie Feitshans says:
I actually do know what is causing my itchy skin . I have moved from Indiana to SW Florida. I do have very sensitive skin . I break out from the Noseeums here . I have tried about everything recommended to help not getting bit. I still get the bites. I am getting some scarring from itching myself. I am hoping your product will Stop the itching and give me my skin back . Please “Kiss My Itch Goodbye”!
laurie weil says:
I honestly don’t know- my arms will be fine and suddenly a hive live bump will appear and itch like crazy. I also have spells where my arms or legs will itch and there is nothing I can do to stop it.
Patricia taylor says:
Guess just getting older and losing the elasticity of my skin. It itches terribly
Nancy Coupland says:
This year’s bitter winter weather has dried out my skin terribly. I’ve tried several moisturizers but nothing has been remarkable.
Pam holloway says:
Dry weather causes my skin to itch. I’d love to try this new product. Pick me, pick me.
Cheryl says:
I suffer with eczema. Stress, allergies, or just using a wrong fragrance can cause it to flare up. The itching is unbearable and embaressing
nereida says:
what causes my skin to itch? COLD WEATHER! this winter was the WORST, I tried very hard not to scratch, but I just had to and then…PAIN and more redness was my punishment for not resisting. I have purchased so MANY different oils, creams, lotions, butters and anything that was on sale!
I really would LOVE to try this product and KISS MY ITCH GOODBYE FOREVER…
JEAN says:
Nezzy ( Cow Patty Surprise) says:
Now your singin’ this Ozark Farm Gals song!!! I’ve been battling the stinkin’ shingles since I got the dang shingles shot last November.
Please send me a bath tub full of the stuff. Heeehehehe! I’d love to give the product a run for it’s money…oh yeah…it’s FREE!!! :o)
From the itchy hills and hollers of the springy Missouri Ponderosa, ya’ll have a most blessed and beautiful day!
Megan S says:
Winter dry air really makes my skin dry. And I am a nurse, so I am constantly washing my hands and they are super dry.
Monica Platz says:
My skin dries out through the winter and spring allergies seem to worsen my itching!
kathleen witkowski says:
I have problems with my liver and it causes me to itch especially at night.
Fran says:
Cold weather, dry skin and allergies make my skin itch.
Terisa says:
Lynn says:
Please Kiss My Itch Goodbye!!!
Jules Prater says:
Dry winter,and having to wash my hands constantly at work can cause some REALLy dry skin.
Beth says:
I am frequently itching and don’t know what is the cause but I sure would love to test this product before I tear up my skin.
violet chef says:
Everything makes me itchy. Allergies (environmental), my cats–couldn’t I just shave them? Dust and mold, if i don’t clean and let it lie there then i won’t breathe it in. Eating more than 1 acidic food daily—one more strawberry won’t kill me. Fragrances, is anything really unscented? Dry cold weather–hello polar vortex, and the steam heat in my apartment. And finally the hot water in my morning wake up shower. Oops almost forgot the stress from work
Kathy says:
my skin gets super itchy – mostly in summer when it is humid
Laurie weiner says:
Dry itchy skin all year round!
Karin C. says:
My skin is very sensitive and anything makes it itch.
gina says:
I have dry skin year round and a small spot of eczema on my right hand, so I am itchy. I have seriously been itchy since about 8 years old!
Myrna says:
Dry skin, insect bites and allergies cause my skin to itch.
Monna Sparks says:
I don’t know why I get itchies – looks kinda like hives sometimes and it itches like crazy. I have tried many things for it that do not seem to work too well, so I would love to try this and see if it helps. Thank you!
Pamela says:
Dry winter skin and post menopausal.
Stella Ferraiuolo says:
I’ll start with itchy dry skin in the winter from the cold and/or dry heating system. Cosmetics, cleaning products and the like have me itching all the time. I’m always reaching for the hydrocortisone or dry skin products. Would love a combination of the two.
Elaine Van Horn says:
I am 77 years old and have taken good care of myself through the years, but the itching I have endured the last two years, is horrible. I have tried so many different things, but nothing seems to work. I would love to try “Kiss My Itch Goodbye”
Winter and everyday conditions cause my skin to become dry.
Judy Langdale says:
No kidding, I’m really itching to try something new and that works.
Margaret Gabriele says:
The cold dry winter weather makes me itch.
Mary Hada says:
I don’t know why I sometimes itch uncontrollably..just my arms. It comes and goes. Have itched until almost bring blood. I have tried lotions/Cortizone, etc. Sometimes helps. It may be internal?
Tammy says:
Cold drying winter weather and hot humid summer days both make my skin itch.
Jill says:
I live in a very dry climate, high desert country, I drinl lots & lots of water & my skin is still very dry.
Patricia Michko says:
dry, heat in the winter, plus aging skin
Patricia Michko says:
dry, winter weather and aging skin
Patti Neuman says:
Dry flaky skin from low winter humidity and allergies. I suspect age has something to do with it too.
Darcy B says:
sweating–makes my skin itchy
Debi Seveland says:
Marilyn says:
Dry and aging skin.
Mary says:
Winter causes my skin to itch, as does an over abundance of sunlight LOL.
I have to say though, I would love to win Kiss My Itch Goodbye, because my husband has had even itchier skin this year, and I hate the way the lotions feel when I put it on his back or on me. This product sounds so much better!
I really would love to win Kiss My Itch Goodbye.
Patty Doman says:
I’m assuming it’s hormones ? I’m 50 and I’ve tried everything.
Laura says:
I have dry skin on my hands and legs which causes my skin to itch especially at night. I’m not sure why I have such dry skin; perhaps it’s hormonal since I never had it before. Would love to try this.
angela hudson says:
I have tried everything and my arms still itch ! scratched myself bloody many times. I would love to test this, if it works for me I’ll be buying it regularly for the rest of my life!
Karen Cogburn says:
Sweating while working out
Zenaida says:
My skin itches when it becomes extremely dry. This happens more often in the winter.
Share Ross says:
I would love to check out your product. Anytime I travel in the winter to dry, cold climates, my skin suffers and gets itchy. Love the fact that your product has such pure ingredients. That is what gives me hope that it might actually work!
Connie Williamson says:
Allergies. The itching gets horrible unless I take very expensive allergy meds.
Diane Hinkle says: ugly disease…………….psoriasis! You have no idea how bad you can itch until you get this disease. It will drive you nuts!
Miesha L says:
Weather, and allergies make my skin itch!
Carla says:
I have extremely dry skin. It cracks and bleeds in the winter. Would love to have something to help with my skin!!