{Poll} Celeb Plastic Surgery….Fake or Fabulous?

These 9 FOF celebs went under the knife and…well, you tell us. Do you think their new faces look fake or fabulous? Plus, Dr. Fardad Forouzanpour, board-certified cosmetic surgeon and owner of The Beverly Hills Cosmetic Surgical Group, weighs in. Dr. Fardad specializes in breast augmentations, lifts & reductions, eyelash transplants, rhinoplasties, liposuctions/liposculpture, abdominoplasties and more.

Dr. Fardad: “She looks good, despite a few asymmetries. Her facial features are very natural, but her inner brows are slightly too low.  Looking at the outer corner of her eyes, a little more skin hangs on the right compared to the left.”
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Dr. Fardad: “Jane looks natural and not overdone at all.  However, there are a few small corrections she could consider: A slight asymmetry at the outer upper eyelids (there’s more skin hanging on the right side) and a few lines in the outer corner of the eyes.
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Dr. Fardad: “She looks very natural and her brows are well-positioned.  She could use some touch-ups: light Botox around the corners of her eyes, a little skin removed from the lower lids and some skin tightening to treat facial lines.”
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Dr. Fardad: “Jessica’s cheeks are a little too large for her face, perhaps as the result of an implant or too much filler.  The forehead is a little high.  Her eyes appear to be over-corrected with the lower lid pulled too tight. The right eye appears to be smaller in size than the left. The upper lip shows signs of aging.”
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Dr. Fardad: Her cheeks are very large, the lips appear unnatural, the skin looks unhealthy, and her eyes look to be different sizes (the right eye is wider). The lower lids have lines, bulges and looseness.  The chin is slightly droopy which might be due to a malpositioned or too-large implant. It would be tough to make her look completely natural again.”
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Dr. Fardad: “Her brows are too lifted making her look permanently surprised. The cheeks are very full and the lower jaw and chin line are quite wide.  The upper eyelids are asymmetrical (more platform on the left than the right).  The skin looks over treated with peels or laser resurfacing — it’s too white, too smooth and too glossy.”
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Dr. Fardad: Sharon looks natural and youthful. Her jaw line looks great and facial features are well proportioned.  She doesn’t needs anything done.”
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Dr. Fardad:It’s obvious she has had work done.  Her face is very round, and her cheeks are quite full. She has quite a number of lines on the sides of the eyes and upper cheeks.  The eyes are small and perhaps pulled too tight.”
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Images via Zimbio: Deborah Harry, Jane Fonda, Jane Seymour, Jessica Lange, Priscilla Presley, Sharon Stone
Other images: Evil Beet Gossip and AwfulPlasticSurgery

0 Responses to “{Poll} Celeb Plastic Surgery….Fake or Fabulous?”

  1. Marie says:

    Where did “Chrisy Snow” go…..Suzanne Somers you killed her…..Seriously —-you goofed. And Priscilla Presley….I do not recognize you. Sue that Doc for malpractice.

  2. belindabg says:

    Suzanne looks GAWDAWFUL. So does Meg Ryan. What are these women thinking????
    Too bad, they should’ve let nature just AGE THEM GRACEFULLY….

  3. Norma Byrd, ASID says:

    I think a woman owes it to herself to do as much as JUDICIOUSLY possible to look her best—-not for others, but for herself. I’m 75 and had liposuction for a protruding tummy and little love handles that, even though I wasn’t fat anywhere else wouldn’t go away. This was 20 or more years ago and looking at both of my sisters I am THRILLED that I had it done even though my tummy skin isn’t smooth. (Can’t see that under my clothes!) About ten years ago I had droopy eyelids worked on by an exellent specialist and now they’re needing it again (runs in my family). Surgery kept me from looking worried or unhappy all the time and I’d love to return for another blephorectomy. I’m not in love with the other wrinkles and sags on my face but looking at these and other celebrities fighting the age battle (and losing!) I would never, NEVER risk coming out looking like a freak. Many must surely sleep with their eyes opened, they’ve been stretched and restretched so often. (Seen Burt Reynolds lately? YIKES!) There are other, safer ways to keep looking young, and attitude (and acceptance) has a whole lot to do with it.

  4. Shirley says:

    I don’t understand the fascination with thick flabby lips. I didn’t even recognize Suzanne Somers, ugh. And Meg Ryan, who was the height of cuteness at one time, looks awful.

  5. Debbie says:

    For some growing old gracefully would have been a better choice!

  6. Natalie says:

    I love Jessica Lange and she looks like she hasn’t had any work done but is just old, older than she should look. I pretty much agree with the rest of the comments and if I ever seriously thought about having some work done, I’d think about these ladies and decide against it.

  7. Rosanne says:

    Sharon Stone may look fabulous but she barely resembles her former beautiful self. So to me she looks fake.

    It must be difficult to stop these procedures once you get started. Too many women don’t know when it is time to stop and age gracefully not to mention naturally.

  8. Hope says:

    Agree that Jane Fonda and Sharon Stone look amazing. Jane Seymour looks pretty good, too. And it is sad that the rest have gone to such lengths and had such awful results. In particular, Priscilla Presley and Suzanne Somers are scary. They would all likely look MUCH better aging naturally than doing creating these caricatures of themselves. Makes me want to avoid needles forever.

  9. Beverly Young says:

    OMG! Looking at the photos of Priscella Presley, Suzanne Sommers, Jessica Lange and Meg Ryan makes me feel very content with my wrinkles and saggy skin. I just have a whole lot of character!! I am going on 72 and I would be petrified to spend a lot of money and go thru all that pain and then end up looking like they do.

  10. Anthea says:

    There is no way that their natural faces could look worse than their new faces. There comes a time to grow older gracefully.

  11. norma edlemon says:

    I am Fonda age almost, my heavens I would love to look that wow

  12. katie says:

    This is scary some look so fake.

  13. jaki scarcello says:

    This is one of the sddest things I have seen on your site. To me this gallery says that these women are uncomfortable in their own skin.
    I wish for them all the peace of coming to acept and embrace their current age because only then can they really enjoy it.
    As long as we continue to evaluate ourselves and our lives to the standards of a past stage of life we can not find peace and joy in the current stage.

  14. Carol says:

    Suzanne Sommers and Meg Ryan are faces I didnt recognize

  15. Cynthia says:

    I barely recognized Meg, Jessica, Priscilla and Suzanne. How sad for these once beautiful women to have such bad work done. If one decides to have work done, how are they protected from botched lifts like this.?I have many friends who have had face lifts and they look fabulous. I would think research would alleviate such disasters. So sad. It would be my luck this would happen to me.

  16. Sarah says:

    Would love to have seen some natural beauties in the mix who have embraced their age and chosen not to have any surgical work done. The scary ones have made me reconsider the possibility of ever going under the knife. Bad plastic surgery looks far worse than normal aging.

  17. Kristi says:

    Alas, neither does having money assure that you have any wisdom or will employ any common sense…as is clearly evidenced in these photos 🙁

    (why won’t anyone actually care enough about these women to tell them that the natural aging that will occur is FAR MORE BEAUTIFUL than the results of all that “work” done on their faces?)

  18. Diantha says:

    First of all, Jane Fonda is amazing looking! I’d say that I would love to look that good when I’m her age, but I’d love to look that good at ANY age! Jessica Lange scared me. I just remember her being so incredibly beautiful and now she looks worse than old. I did not even recognize Suzanne Sommers. Jane Seymour… pure class. Sharon Stone….just awesome. Meg Ryan and Prisilla…so sad and so botched. Just goes to show that having lots of money does not guarantee great work.

  19. Becky says:

    I’m sticking to my guns: no knife! How is it worth it?

  20. Diane says:

    Thank goodness we do not all have the money to make ourselves look like these women. I see so many “celebrities” who once were lovely who now look like freaks. They must like the way they look though……….they have the money to have it “redone” again. I choose to live with my wrinkles…..many were caused by pain and sadness but just as many were caused by laughing and smiling and enjoying the outdoors.

  21. Allyson says:

    I was disappointed to see Meg Ryan change her face. I’ve always thought she had the prettiest lips…that turned up and gave a a subtle smile always. The new lips look horrible in my opinion.

  22. Diane Pavellas says:

    Jane Fonda looks truly fabulous, Sharon Stone also looks amazing and so does Jane Seymour,although she could use some filler.

    Meg Ryan was beautiful and adorable before. She didn’t need this and it has taken away her natural beauty, Too Bad! The other’s had bad surgeries.

    I had my face lifted at 61 and will be 69 in August. Mine is Fabulous!! What plastic surgeon did Some of these women use? I had the Best. Dr Terry Perkins. Santa Barbara. All my friends went to him and adore him. He won’t do outrageous stuff to you even if you ask him. You “Must” get a “Great” Plastic Surgeon. Dr Terry is not one of the most expensive. I would say he is low to moderate and does only “Natural looking procedures”. I hope to go back when I am 71!

  23. Sue says:

    Thanks for letting us vote since our comments to the tv are never heard. Does Meg Ryan even recognize herself when she looks in the mirror?

  24. Pat says:

    Some work is fine but just don’t get the draw to “large” lips! I have yet to any one that doesn’t look like the “Joker”. My husband just commented on how much sexier women look as they age! Yeah for the support!

  25. sherrykay says:

    Looking at these pix: I think we forget that, like everyone else, besides aging, they must contend with lifestyle choices made earlier in their lives (like sun, cigs, etc.) and heredity-things they cannot change now. I have the same opinions about the actresses who look good and those who do not. However, the sheer amount of makeup does them no favors. The lights give them a ‘melty’ look. I realize they are heavily made up for stage/camera shots, and not close-ups, but really-they would look so much better if they lightened up on the makeup. I did not see any actresses of other ethnicities-I think they tend to age better.

  26. Alene says:

    I agree with you all, but I am 59 and have completely lost my jawline. I don’t care about the wrinkles and the puffy eyes. It’s that side view that kills me. It runs in my family. It makes me feel so old and tired. I’m leaning on fixing it, but I’m afraid that my face won’t be consistant. I guess I should go to drs. and just do the research. I think some of these women, like Meg Ryan, were just too young to have work done. They took “cute” and destroyed it. So sad. PS. My husband loves me just the way I am. But I don’t!!!

  27. Connie says:

    Why can
    t we see some beautiful NATURAL women? My favorite Diane Keaton comes to mind…..

  28. Patricia Assanowicz says:

    WHY?? Meg Ryan to me always had a natural beauty to her, it looks like she choose the wrong doctor, and Suzane Somers was another natural beauty, she did go through alot with her medical problems and I think that may have played a role in her changing looks. I agree with cosmetic surgery to a point. Some celeb’s in my opinion get really carried away, yes, I guess living in California the land of botox and silicone and if you have the money I guess it can be addicting. Nothing wrong with a nip here and a tuck there as long as you know your Doctors credentials and don’t end up like Prisclla Presley, to me that is sad that a doctor did that to her, she is a beautiful woman inside and out.

  29. Texas Duchess says:

    Except for Jane Fonda and Jane Seymour, these gals look terrible and even with the Janes, I wonder why Jane F has so many wrinkles around her eyes and none anywhere else (not even her neck!) and I don’t really see that Jane S had anything done. I also didn’t recognize Sharon Stone. Frankly, Priscilla and Suzanne look very swollen as though they have Predisone (steroid) puffiness. Filling your lips should be against the law on the grounds that the results are just creepy! I agree with Robert Redford who when explaining why he’d never have plastic surgery said, “You end up looking body-snatched.”


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