Are you sick of new grays popping up between coloring appointments? Gorgeous, gray-free hair can now be yours in a flash, with Everpro’s Gray Away ($13 for 1.5 oz), a temporary root concealer that makes it easy to target problem areas. Gray Away uses “self-adjusting color technology,” which matches the formula to your unique hair, according to the manufacturer. The product is “fast drying, sweat resistant and flake free.” Your color will sustain throughout the day, and the formula “washes out with shampoo.” Gray Away comes in two shades, light brown for medium brown hair, and black/dark brown for black to medium brown hair.*
Is this the fastest way to touch up your grays? 25 FOFs will test this.
* This product is not for women with blonde hair.

To enter to win,
comment below by answering the question:
When did you notice your
first gray hairs?

25 FOFs will win. (See official rules, here.) Contest closes March 12, 2014 at midnight E.S.T. Contest limited to residents of the continental U.S.
0 Responses to “{Test This} Gray Away”
Marilyn Montague says:
I first noticed my grey hair when I was 18 years old.
kassie says:
when I was 16.
carla hoffman says:
when I was 21, mom said it would 🙂
kelly says:
i noticed gray hair randomly when i was about 48/49 but i didn’t color my hair, rather i pulled the few out.. now at 51 i notice i have a few more. (6 or 7?) i’m not opposed to colouring my hair, i just haven’t had to so far!!
AJB says:
I noticed a couple in my 30s.
sweetpskincare says:
Sweet P’s is committed to providing you with Luxury Organic Skincare products and services that reflect your personal style. We specialize in organic skin care, custom fragrances, custom gift packaging, personalized labeling and much more.
Jeri Helton says:
I stared graying at 14 im fifty now and have to color my hair every 2weeks anything thst could help me not have to color so often would be a true blessing.thanks for considering me
Jules Prater says:
Right after i had to have a hysterectomy i noticed greys popping out by my ears!!
Merrill says:
I noticed them in my late 30’s during and after my divorce was finalized. They are VERY stubborn grays!!!!!
Sue J. says:
Only within the last year!
Stephanie Galbraith says:
I noticed them right after my 30th birthday… 🙁
Melanie Montgomery says:
In my 30s is when I started to notice them
Marilyn Nawara says:
I started plucking a few out in my early 30s and it went downhill from there
Cindy Merrill says:
Two years ago. I have grey streaks at the temples, very hard to keep colored.
Stacy S. says:
I started noticing gray hairs when I turned 30.
Annette Lanning says:
I noticed the grays mid 40s. They are mostly around my face. I can color it but they pop back thru in a couple weeks so this would be so perfect for me. THanks so much for the opportunity.
Becky P says:
My grey hairs would thank you
Miranda Ward says:
I started getting Gray Hair at age 16. I am now 28 with alot.
Sand says:
Around 18, due to extensive vitiligo.
Lynne T says:
I actually got a few when I was only about 29 years old.
Mary says:
It was hard to tell as I used to streak my hair and the natural colour was an ash blonde. I would say I was about 50.
Kathryn C says:
noticing now in my early 40’s 🙁
Linda Letto says:
Stubborn grey needs color.
Brenda Elsner says:
I found my first gray hair at 31.
b+ (Retire in Style Blog) says:
I began plucking the gray out when my children were young. I would wait outside the piano teacher’s house and pull them out one by one. It is a wonder I am not bald.
Would you believe that now I have decided at age 72 to let my blond hair be a thing of the past and am totally white? My face is youngish so I think it suits my age. In fact I think very classy! I feel good about me so that is good…right????
Barbara Torris
Aileen says:
I always had the odd one or two grays even as a teen, but since 35 I’ve been getting my dad’s pattern of silver hair coming in at the nape of the neck and spreading upwards. There are clusters just above the temple too.
Becca C. says:
I started noticing the stray white strand in my late 20s due to stress and personal issues, but then they never seemed to stop even after I got over these issues. This would be a great opportunity to try this product.
Jennifer Barr says:
late 30’s
Brittney House says:
I’m 26 and I have a couple grays poking through already.
Linda Lansford says:
I first noticed my gray hairs in my mid thirties.
Christine says:
starting noticing at age 50
Debra Guillen says:
I began noticing my gray hairs when I was in my 40s. I would love to try this product. Thanks
Mihaela Day says:
in my mid 20s 🙁
diane says:
my grays started in my 50’s
Denise S says:
I noticed in my early 30’s.
Nancy says:
premature – in the genes – more now
Christie says:
oh my goodness, I noticed my first gray hairs when I was 31.
cyndi br says:
I started noticing my greys in my 40’s
Pamela j says:
Probably in my thirties, my grandmother went completely white(hair) when she was in her early twenties!
Katherine Williams says:
After my hair grew back from chemothearpy.
JAN says:
I can’t really remember many adult years without grey hair.
My hair grows so quick and would love to try this product. Inbetween the hairdresser visits
Kyah says:
I started noticing a few when I was in my early 30s, but I had enough hair to cover them. Then life happened and suddenly I was hit with a mass of silver threads of wisdom. Now, at 57 I’ve got this Bride of Frankenstein thing going on, with eyebrows AND eyelashes to match!
Patricia N says:
My grays started showing up at around age 40. I could definitely use a product like this for my dark hair which starts to look skunk-like when the roots are showing
Carol C says:
I started with a few in my 30’s. Now I am not sure how grey I am. Probably very. I do have to get my hair colored more often.
Larisa K says:
It snick on me when I was about 42 and now I just can’t completely get rid of grey. I really can use the product like this!
Janet George says:
I have been coloring my hair since I turned 40 and have been looking for something like this. Would love to try.
Marsha Crain says:
I started noticing my greys at about 55. My daughter-in- law asked me if I would like her to color my hair. I do now and found a great color but HATE the greys that pop up around my ears and parts!!! Would love to try this product!!!
Eileen Devaney says:
I noticed my first gray hair in my late 20’s. It’s awful!
Julia Petrie says:
The grays started showing up in my mid 30’s. Not too many but they were there. Now at 55 they are every where. 🙁
MaryAnn Litt says:
I was coloring my hair way before I knew I was getting gray, but I knew I had to keep my hair colored when I was about 35.
Basya S says:
I start to see them around 45-47. I really need the product like this. My hair grows fast, which is good, but my hair line becomes grey way too fast.
Judy Corbett says:
They first showed up in my early 30’s. I have to color every 3 weeks and hate week 3….it really should be every 2 weeks. Need this sooo bad and I haven’t been picked in forever!
Kris O. says:
My grey arrived in my late 20’s and has gotten worse each year. Just weeks after coloring my hair the wiry, grey hair starts showing up again. I can’t afford to color my hair so often, this product sounds awesome to bridge the gap!
Teri says:
At age 62, over 20 years of gray hairs and I have worked with a only a two different products that I use to cover gray hair in between color coverage applications. I would gladly offer my assistance to you in determining comparison in product.
debra says:
in my 40s
Laura J says:
Oh mine was so funny, we were at my sons baseball game…and my hubby noticed my first one! Announced it a little TOO loudly and had some of the other moms come look! So embarrassed! Now…theres no hiding them! Would love to try this! I do color…but the grays come back in pretty fast before I can recolor.
Tina says:
Eighteen! At first it was fun – not anymore! Help!
Fay Swenson says:
In my 30s – in fact I had more gray hair than my Mom did when she died 12 years ago. I use a brush gray root touch up now but would love to try this product and spray my roots as my new growth comes in more white now than gray and I am only 52. I would like to trial the medium brown.
bernardina says:
in the last year, so I have been lucky since I’m 55! Would love to try this product.
Diane McMahon says:
saw my first grey hairs in college and I was not happy with them then
Geri Diaz says:
I am 56. Need I say more?
Monica Platz says:
I started to notice my gray hair when I got married at 35! That should have been a redlight for me, but nooooo! 🙂
Virginia says:
In my early fifties! Now that I am sixty, I swear new ones pop up daily, especially around my temples. Even hair color doesn’t keep them colored for long. It is really, really frustrating!
Helene Galek says:
The fine hairs around my temples go gray fast and I don’t want to keep doing my whole head just for those parts- roots on top of head concern too!
I’m a redhead so this will be interesting to see if it match itself to my color!!
Renee says:
My stand out white/gray hair started when I was around late 20’s. Now in my 50’s I have it colored regularly every 6 weeks. It’s expensive if we want to look a bit younger. I know I’m not ready to go gray all the way.
barb says:
wonder if it will work
barb says:
I started going gray at 22
Debbie W says:
This would be perfect for me. I’ve been wanting to stop coloring my hair, but knew the growing out period would make me crazy!
Robyn Malach says:
I started noticing the grays in my early-to-mid thirties. Then I could cover them with a little artistic highlighting. I’m now in my 50s and my hair is white, not gray, and no longer just here and there but all over. My mother stopped coloring her white hair at about my age and it was gorgeous. But I’m not ready! I get my hair professionally colored every 3 weeks (my hair grows fast)but still those white roots are brutal. Because they’re white up against my white head I look like I’m going bald. Help! I refuse to grow old gracefully!
Jo Dresden says:
Around my mid-thirties. I have been lightening or flooring my hair ever since.I would love to see if Gray. Away would extend the time between visits to have my colored.
Rebecca says:
noticed them in my early 30’s
Pam holloway says:
I started noticing gray hair in my 40’s. I’d love to try this product.
AD Roberts says:
I noticed my first gray hairs at age 20. My mom said she started getting gray hair at 13. I have a sister 60 who has lots of gray and one 67 who has no gray at all. Go figure.
Jewel Hopson says:
I first noticed my gray strands when I was Fab Over Fifty.
SandraB says:
I started going grey in my early 20’s. I am 56 and I color my hair every three weeks. I can not afford to go to salon. I would really love to try this product.
Donita K Rensberger says:
I noticed my first grays around 50 and am now 57. I’d love to cover them in between hair coloring! Sounds like a great product! My color on my gray hair lasts about two weeks or sometimes don’t take the colors at all! Ugh!
Judith Sharp says:
I noticed my first gray hair when I was 18!
Dana Connor says:
My first greys came in after the birth if my second child…and now, nothing seems to cover them…
Jane R says:
When I was in my mid forties I first noticed gray strands of hair around the temple areas of my face. I now color my hair every six weeks. It’s very expensive to get my hair colored at the salon and I would love to find a product that can extend the time frame for coloring. The gray starts showing at around 3-4 weeks, but I try to extend it as long as possible since the cost is so high.
Joanie Ferrara says:
Really could have used this product a few weeks ago, when I confused my appointment (and missed it!) and then my hairdresser was away on vacation. She had told me about it, but I never did get to the store to look for it.
Nancy Isgette says:
Been battling the Grays since my early forties, but this would be an ideal way to save a little money between salon visits, perhaps, stretching the visits out a bit !!
DS says:
I would love to try this product – I spend a fortune on coloring my hair, and anything that would help me get more mileage out of my hair color appointments would be great!
Christine Williamson says:
Roots that are gray or faded look so unattractive and make me feel old and tired. Not ready to give up color yet!
Kim says:
I started having grays in my part in my 40’s, and now they are very prominent in my part just a week after dying, if they even take the color at all. I need some help! I can’t dye my hair every other week!
Joyce says:
I was 35. The gray hair jumped out at me when I looked at myself in my car mirror before going into my dentist’s office to have a root canal. I was filled with dread.
Suzy Zawadzke says:
At age 28
Brenda says:
I really get mad between coloring. On me those little grey close to the hair line and ears pop out. I have even use a mascara brush wiped down just so they aren’t noticed. Love to try this product.
susan sachs says:
I have been dealing with gray hair for thirty years. Within 2 weeks of a color I see the roots re-appearing.Color resistant at the hairline so I’m also trying to conceal even after a new coloring.Would love to try a new product.
Jenny Chanady says:
At my Roots and at the hair line near my face.
Kathy11016 says:
The greys are moving in and I’m looking at the dark blonde and the grey moving in saying what do I with this…………..
Fran Herzig says:
I was 18 when my sister shockingly pulled one, then two, then several gray hairs out of my otherwise sable hair. To my dismay, I was totally gray by 38. I have been coloring my hair most of my adult life and am now 62. I color every two weeks. It would be a blessing to be able to extend that to three weeks.
anita says:
I noticed my first gray hairs @ 40 and now 10 years later I have chunky streaks of gray.
Kathryn Fournet says:
Here she is! A week before my hair appointment I look like a skunk! I am one of those women who does NOT wear gray hair well. GRAY AWAY come on down!
Audrey Quick says:
Started coloring my hair in my early 40s to cover up the new greys. I color my own hair (and my fiancée’s). I’m not happy with all those chemicals being flushed into the water system. So a product that would extend time between colorings and decrease the amount of chemicals going down the drain would be good!
Jane Valencia says:
About 4 years ago
liliMarlene says:
In my late twenties–my dad and my aunt were completely gray
buy the time they were thirty–Figured it was just a matter or time.
Showed up in my 30s and not happy
Jean says:
I noticed the first sign of gray hair in my late 40’s.
Robbie shaw says:
I found my first gray hair the day I turned 30!
Kim Meadows says:
YES PLEASE, am finally going grey now that I am over 50 – I started late and I HATE HATE HATE it…. HELP..
daphnebaker says:
I don’t remember exactly how long ago it was. It may have been in my forties. I know it was not a happy event. Now, it’s getting harder and harder to keep up. And the grays are tougher to color in the first place.
please let me try your product ive been gray since in my twenties it would be so bad if it grew in pretty but it frame my face makes me look older iam in my sixies,young sixties,and i wear a wig a lot to keep from dyeing my hair so much.
Brenda Leon says:
I noticed a stray gray in my thirties. I am now early fifties and it is just my bangs area. The rest of my hair is brown like when I was a teenager. I would like to see if this product works and is for me. Thanks for an opportunity to try it.
i started out with grays in my twentys. gray hairs around the crown of my face is so old ugly looking iam in my sixies,would love to try the product. to have youthful look. gray hair my gray hair the way it frame my face makes me look older, please let me try your product. i wear a wig.so i dont have to dye my hair so much.
Marilyn says:
When I was 18 years old. I am 59 now and have led a very stressful life.
Zenaida says:
I started noticing gray hair in my early thirties.
Terri P. says:
My gray started in my late 30s and is getting worse with each passing year.
Jan says:
I first begin to a few gray hairs in my late 40’s. Then one day in my early 50’s I was using a hair thickening product and it stripped all the hair color off my hair and low and behold I was totally gray.
Gwen Garrett says:
When I was 18!!
Leslie Petersen says:
Yes! I need this!!!! Would love to try! Wow! So fabulous!
Sandra Maldonado says:
I first noticed my first gray hairs about four years ago. My son was about to graduate from 8th grade and as we were preparing for this special event, I noticed these white hairs standing straight up on my head like they were a piece of wire! I couldn’t believe it. Anyhow, since then they have increased and on my dark brown, almost, black hair it is very noticeable.
Christine says:
First grey hairs appeared when my daughter turned 13! What a tumultuous teenage ride she gave us! Now she is 38 and has her first child. We both need this product would love to test it! Pick me!
AEKZ2 says:
Early to mid 30s for me– after I had my first child.
Betsy says:
It’s been so long I can’t remember … probably in my late 30s, early 40s. Now, I can’t keep up with the grey hair sprouting through my too frequent hair coloring at the salon.
Therese Boisvert says:
I was in my early 40’s and stress and pain has made it really bad over the past few years. Hard to color greys always show up, would love to try this product, it sounds amazing.
Sandy says:
First grays at 23! I use a color that just adds a tone to it but those roots always keep popping up!
Robin Roth says:
My first grey popped out when I was 35 — after my second daughter was born. Coincidence? hmmm…
Deborah Drake says:
I have been gray about 10 years now. This is the first time I’ve even considered coloring my hair. I am anxious to try this product.
Ida K says:
I felt like I had them forever… It started one or two at age 45 and I would pull them out, but then there were too many to pull…(At least If I would want to rather go bold), so I started color. And it is always in day or 2 I can already see my roots picking grey… I hate it! If there is a product to easy apply and hide them – I want it!
Barbara C says:
In my late forty’s
mag says:
Would love to test a products like this. This appeals to me more than the root touch up products I currently use in between my salon colors. I started going gray in early 30’s and am in my mid 50’s and plan to color the rest of my life!!!No Gray Hair for me.
heymusiclady says:
Oh My Gosh! I love it! Finally, FINALLY, somebody created the ultimate product for young ladies my age! So excited!!! Whether or not I qualify for testing this, I’m gonna’ buy this one! MUST, M U S T have in my cosmetic cab!!!
: )
Diana Duda says:
Believe it or not my mother discovered my first grey hairs at age 4. My hair is dark brown and she and my older sisters used to pluck them out if they saw them. NOT FUN! I began coloring my hair in my teens to cover the occasional grey hair. Silly since my peers were having streaks put into their hair.
Sue Pompetti says:
Early thirties… grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Judi says:
I was 5 when my first grey hair popped! But I have been coloring my hair since I was 22. this would be a Godsend!
debra baglino says:
I started seeing my gray hair when I turned 40! Now I am 56! I dye my hair every month, those grays pop out! I spend so much money and my hair is getting so dried out! I don’t think the hair dye works anymore! I would love to test this product and if I am not chosen I would still like to purchase it,, thank you
Ellen says:
In my 40’s.
Sandra Durr says:
In my early forties
Bethany Kandel says:
Started slowly peaking out when I turned 40 but made their grand entrance after I took my oldest son to college and got breast cancer the year I turned 50!
kgritts says:
My first showed up in my late thirties. Boy were they a surprise! I hate when you have great color and these obstinate hairs fade so quickly!
claudia b. says:
about 39 – seems like everything started to go south at 39!
Julie VanSickle says:
My very first grey hair popped up when I was studying for A Levels in the UK. Survived the 20’s and 30’s and really even the 40’s with no significant increase – and then I hit 52 and the greys became more challenging.
Sharron L. says:
I cannot remember….possibly my gray started around age 40. I usually keep my hair color a dark blonde, and last week I went for some darker color added mainly to my roots. My hair grows fast.
Yvonne says:
First noticed them along my part line in my early 40s, but it’s hard to say, since I’ve always colored my hair for variety and fun, since my 20s. Now FOF, I definitely need the roots done every four weeks or others start noticing them too. This product would be a great tide-over to maybe stretch colorings to five weeks.
Liz says:
I got em in my late 20’s. More than my grandmother had when she went on to the great beyond in her 80’s.
Barb says:
I first noticed in my late 30’s…
Debbie Nye says:
I do not look good in GRAY!
elizabeth says:
I am just starting to get them now, and I am not a fan. It is much worse on dark brown hair.
Tammy Harrison says:
Early 40’s. Yuck!
Deb Mendel says:
I noticed only a few grays when I was barely 50 but now they seem to come in rapid fire and exponentially!
Jacki Payne says:
I started graying in my late-20’s and started dying my hair then. I am now 56 and still hiding a head of hair that is now mostly gray. I color every 4-6 weeks, but my hair grows quickly, so I find myself using mascara or donning a headband to cover my edges (and forget about a part in any style because the gray shows through. I would love to try this product!!! It seems perfect for my problem.
Melissa says:
I was in my early 40s. My natural color is almost black, so they were really obvious!
marlene says:
My memory says 40’s and now I am in my 60’s. Have tried alot of in-between dying products. Would love to try this one. Hopefully, it would be better than all the others!
Nancy Krueger says:
Right about 45
Patty Doman says:
Peggy Nance says:
My first grays appeared in my late 40s.
Jane Abernathy Hahn says:
I started noticing some before I was 20 but not a lot until my mid-40s. Now I would probably be all grey – I wouldn’t know what my real color even is! I had very dark hair & was always complimented on it. Like many other things, it ain’t what it used to be!
April says:
I was about 48, a couple of years older than my mom was when she passed away, at the age of 46. My mother never had a gray hair on her. She was 12 when her dad passed away at 52, and she often spoke of his salt and pepper hair when he aged (50). She longed to look like that in her old age, too. I don’t have that dream.
Kim Sortet says:
I’ve had my hair professionally colored since my 30’s so it’s hard to say…maybe at age 45 or so. But I definitely notice how quickly the gray hair shows up after a coloring and I hate them – yuk! I would love to give Gray Away a try!
diane says:
actually, I had my first gray hair in nursing school …early 20’s….that should have been my first clue as to how stressful the profession can be!
susan says:
They really started to show in my late 30’s.
Penny says:
This must have been invented by women as it sounds so easy to use!
Jody says:
Early 40’s and just keeps getting worse! Help!
DF says:
I had my first greys in my 20’s ..
Neila Gallagher says:
I started noticing grey hair in my forties! Would love to try this product.
Theresa Wilson says:
In my early 30’s
KweiYin says:
About 20 years ago.
Carly says:
Got my first gray hair at 38. I am now 48. I would love to test “Gray Away”.
Sherry says:
I have been wanting to try this. I was in my 40’s when I first noticed gray hairs.
Valarie says:
I beautiful brunette hair began changing “shades” in my 40’s. I have since been working on maintaining my original youthful brunette shade. I want my hair to reflect how I feel and not the years since my birth!
Lois D says:
Way too early in my life!!!
Jeanie says:
Grey in my 20’s as was my husband and now daughter and son….hey, we say better gray than no hair!!
We would love to try…
Now married almost 40 years and in my 60’s…
Please consider us
Gail Frost says:
At the age of 16 I got my first gray hair!!!
Nan C says:
I had strands of gray in my hair since I was in my thirties. I am now 63 years young!! It became salt and pepper hair color. In my forties I had turned all gray so I colored my hair. In between colorings, I look like a skunk because I have a stripe of gray down my part line. I have tried other products with varying degree of success. A spray seems like it would be easier to apply. I would love to try this product.
Laura says:
I first noticed a few gray hairs in my early 50s.
Eva J says:
It has been so long, I really don’t remember. Probably when I was in my late forties. When I was about 50 I noticed that I have more grays than an aunt of mine who was 90. Unfortunately, I got the gray hair from the other side of the family.
Pamela says:
Natural highlighting came to my hair in my forties.
DArlene says:
They started showing up around my 50 th.
patricia lockhart says:
I noticed about 6 years ago.
Pam@over50feeling40 says:
Would love to sample this product! Have had gray for about 10 years and always hate that time right before the appointment!
Valerie says:
I first noticed some gray hair last year, and color doesn’t hold – they just stand out!
Gwenn A Atkinson says:
I have had gray hairs since I was 18.
Pam says:
In my late 20s. Now in my late 50s too many to count.
Susan MacDowell says:
I first started to color my hair 12 years ago when I started getting a few gray hairs in my naturally brown hair. I have been coloring my hair every 3 months since then. I would like to try this product, especially when I have something special near the time that I need to color my hair again. It would be great to have a product to use to quickly cover the gray roots when I don’t have time to color my hair or it is not quite time to color it.
Sharon Harding says:
I first noticed them when I woke up and looked in the mirror on my 50th birthday!
Lynn K says:
I’d like to say thankfully only in the last 1-2 years, but the fact they’ve showed up, I’m not thankful at all. GRAY AWAY, please!
Sandra says:
Mid 30’s. I so regret coloring my hair before I didn’t have to.
Carole Mandryk says:
hmmm…I think not enough to consider dying hair until late forties.
Vera Brasher says:
I didn’t have but a few gray hairs until I was 50 or so. And still at 63 not too many. Enough that I need to color them, but still none at the front of my hairline. I’ve been very blessed.
Karen Cigburn says:
Late 40’s
Valerie says:
Wow, a product that would allow me to style my hair anyway I’d like rather than a strategic (almost) comb-over to hide my gray til my next appointment? That would be *terrific*!!
Sheila Totten says:
I first noticed grays several years after marrying.I have used both permanent and temporary hair color and do need a solution for the grays in between.
bobbye says:
I had a few grays in my 40’s, then when I turned 50 there was a mass eruption!
Ivy Pittman says:
Oh my goodness! I am so tired of the grays popping out around my edges within two weeks after temporary color. I need this product PLEASE! Thank you.
Yvonne says:
Early 50’s
Hazel Smith says:
I was in my late 20’s when I noticed gray hair.
Susan West says:
When I was about 28
shawneen conover says:
I am more than 40% gray so my roots are really noticeable and I hate having to color so often. Would love to try this product.
kathie says:
First grey hairs were in my mid twenties….look great even a bit sexy. sadly when you’re over fifty there is nothing sexy about those grey hairs….would love to try this new product.
Joanne Leone Lunsford says:
In my late 40’s but more keep showing up every day 🙁
Catherine says:
Would love to try! Be nice to cover up the grays that stand out.
MARY says:
About 10 years ago…
Mary V says:
I had a sexy streak of silver since my late 20s in the front – loved it, esp b/c it runs in my mom’s side of the family and was signal of those connections; however, I NOTICED it when I was in my mid-40s and seemingly overnight, it had taken over my head! Suddenly MUCH more salt than pepper! All the dyeing and color wands are drying out my hair, so I would love to try a new product… so please include me among the 25 FOFs! (btw – why not pick 50 for “FabOverFifty”? It seems fitting!
pl says:
I’ll definitely have to try this one to believe it……
Melinda says:
Gray strands became apparent in my dark brown hair in my late twenties. I think it is a genetic/hereditary trait as other family members experienced the same. Of course, I concealed them over the years by coloring my hair professionally. Would love to try this spray. It could be the answer to covering my visible outgrowth for a few more weeks….
Skye Wentworth says:
In my 50s. And then I found out that I needed glasses. 🙂
Kim Lencsak says:
I started to see grays in my thirties. So glad to see someone is trying to make the time between salon visits a little longer..love to test.
Sharyn says:
I noticed them in my late 30s. They’re very pesky!
ellen schull says:
I have those hairs and I would love to try.
Holly Kennedy says:
I started noticing those annoying suckers in my late thirties. They refuse to take color!