{Test This} LaRocca Skincare 24k gold anti-aging trio

Gold diggers, rejoice! All products in the LaRocca Skincare line are flecked with 24K gold, which the company claims will make you look like a million bucks.

According to the LaRocca website, every person’s skin has metal ions, and the “Colloidal Gold” in LaRocca’s products “promotes electron transfer,” causing “cell turnover.” The result: Skin that is “smooth and rejuvenated with a youthful glow.” Could it be true?

LaRocca is giving 6 FOFs the chance to test 3 products from the line (total value: $195):

Exfoliating Cream Cleanser

Daily Hydrating Moisturizer

24K Gold Firming Eye Cream

We want you to tell us: Are these products the gold standard–or fool’s gold?

6 FOFs will test these products. Click here to find out more about them, and then leave a comment below to enter to test them.


(By entering this contest you are agreeing to test and submit a written review of this product to FabOverFifty and to send a photo of yourself to accompany the published story. See all our past winnersSee official rules. Participants will be chosen at random from all those who leave a comment. Contest closes February 8, 2012.)

0 Responses to “{Test This} LaRocca Skincare 24k gold anti-aging trio”

  1. Nicole Oldham says:

    Have been looking for an honest trustworthy skin are line for years. Would love to try them

  2. angie ehlers says:

    i would like to test this nice stuff!

  3. njr312 says:

    I need something like this now before I look like a prune!

  4. Laura Morris says:

    The concept behind these products is very interesting. I would love to test these. Especially with my winter skin!

  5. Pamela Dollar says:

    I have noticed loss of hydration and fine lines in my skin! i really would love to try this out!

  6. leo39@netzero.com says:

    I am looking for magical anti-aging product and this one looks like it. I would really like to try this product.

  7. cdmtx65 says:

    gold standard. Love to test it !

  8. Katherine says:

    I would love to try out all of these products, especially the eye cream, because I’d say that’s that most age telling area of my face–I’m 58.

  9. Sandy Bonesteel says:

    I believe the products are the gold standard; I just can’t believe that they would use fool’s gold. Judging from all the ingredients in these products I would love to try them and see an improvement in my complexion.

  10. Cece says:

    Love love love to try this. i just dont like the injection route. Would rather keep on with skin care products.

  11. angie e. says:

    looks to good to be true!!! would love to try this product out. never heard of anything like this. could be an amazing product. would love to win this chance to sample your product. thanks so much!

  12. alma says:

    My skin has become old looking and i really need to find something that will work and help me look and feel better about myself. I would love to test these products and hope that they would help me feel better about myself. Thank you for taking the time to consider me.

  13. maria rubiano says:

    seems interesting! would love to try it!

  14. Patti Sanderson says:

    Since turning 60 I’ve tried so many products that promise to “turn back the hands of time”. Haven’t found one yet. Help.

  15. stephanie6459 says:

    i am well versed in trying products for companies, i do many surveys that involve a product being sent to my home. i use the product for the allotted time and then report back my findings to the company. i have been searching for products that will give me a more youthful appearance and have tried olay, garnier, loreal, roc – you name it i have probably tried it. none have lived up to the hype! i would be honored to try these products out. from what i am reading about them it sounds like a very new and different approach to getting more youthful looking skin!! if you pick me to examine these products you can be sure that i will do all that is asked of me, i will follow the recommended regimen and report back the findings in a meaningful way, not just say that it works good etc. i will give details of exactly how and when they were used and the results after the period of study. if you pick me i promise you will not be sorry!! i am VERY intrigued by the gold elements and what they do for the skin! i hope to hear from you!! thank you for the opportunity to sign up to try these products!!

    kindest regards,

    stephanie fugate

  16. Fratuc says:

    I care a lot about retaining and or rejuvenating my skin. I have not a found a single product that enhances my skin tone and appearance and would like to test this product. Hopefully, it will compliment and even enhance the appearance of my skin. Look forward to testing this product.

  17. debbieleet says:

    I am a product junkie. Give me a shot @ this!!! =)

  18. Jeanie says:

    I would love to try….would be a perfect 60th birthday gift as I will be 60 in April …..

  19. Marthasan says:

    I know Cleopatra, Chinese medicine, and ancient India cultures used gold long long time ago to enhance the suppleness of her complexion and preserve its natural luminosity and for healing. Today is my time to try Gold on my face and see the same results they had in that time.

  20. Barb says:

    I’d love to try it! Always willing to experiment!

  21. nbongo says:

    I’ll be a gold-digger!

  22. Victoria Rose Molcsany says:

    Good Morning,

    HELP!!!! My skin needs a pick-me-up STAT! The luxury of gold is calling me! I’d love to try these and prove even 50+ skin can be rejuvenated! Prove me right! Thank you.

  23. smitml says:

    Would love to try this.

  24. pboyd3 says:

    Please pick me!! I unfortunatly got my grandmother’s skin and every wrinlke is showing itself

  25. Alexis Todd says:

    Sounds great! I have the over 50 skin – dry in some places, dull in others and oilly at times. Would love to try these products!

  26. Debbie Huckeba says:

    I would love to test the product!

  27. Michele A. Marrucco says:

    I would be very interested in testing this product. After spending a lifetime with very oily and acne prone skin, I find myself at the other end of the spectrum now, with dry menopausal skin ( as I define it). Also, I still over indulge in the sun and beach, and at age 54 seeing the effects of that. I am constantly testing high end dermatolgical products and drug chain products, so I feel like I have run the gammut in this category. Would love to test yours.

  28. Carina Ljungqvist says:

    I’ll try anything (almost), that will make me look like a million bucks.

  29. Cheryl says:

    Love to try and test these products. Need something different for a change…this might be it. Maybe someone could come up with a product to REMOVE dark spots that really works!

  30. Debbie Denny says:

    Oh I would really love to test these!

  31. amkovacs says:

    I’m sure these products work. Simply applying anything with 24k gold flex will change my perception of how I look and my whole outlook on my day ahead! 😉

  32. L Sorensen-Jolink says:

    Based on the ingredient list, this product looks interesting. I’d be willing to try it on my skin. Thank you for the opportunity to enter a drawing toward that end!

  33. cheride says:

    This product sounds like a luxurious treat to use. I would love the chance to try and evaluate it.

  34. Loesje Shema says:

    I’ve heard of colloidal silver, but not colloidal gold. Interesting enough to try.

  35. deborahf2 says:

    If you aren’t born with a silver spoon in your mouth, why not skip altogether and try for the gold? Would love to be a tester…

  36. Fashionable60s says:

    Gold has been known to activate the cellular growth on the basal layer of your face creating more elasticity of your skin, prevents age spots, protects skin from pollution. The yellow metal evens out our skin tone, prevents dark circles under our eyes, detoxifies the skin so our skin becomes clearer. All of these qualities are enticing me to try out these products. What woman does not want to look fabulous after 50? These products are perfect for the after 50 gorgeous creatures that we are. I gladly offer my face to be the lab for testing out the gold-filled LaRocca skincare line. Thank you.

  37. Linda Waller says:

    I don’t know this this product is “fools gold or the gold standard” but I love the chance to try them out.

  38. Mia says:

    Yes would love to try!

  39. Karen Cunningham says:

    The experts must have run some experiments to see how these products work. I’ll try it. There’s just something about that word ‘gold.’

  40. Carmen Wood says:

    I’m always looking for something that will truly work. This could finally be it!

  41. Patricia says:

    What a great opportunity to try these products.

  42. ogden says:

    please! let me get a chance for a karat! I would like to see what it can do for me!

  43. Jill57 says:

    I would really like to try the firming eye cream. I know they use gold in some medications too!

  44. Debra says:

    I just started dating again… would love to have my skin look and feel like a million bucks! (Maybe- I can meet a millionaire – ha! ha!)

  45. gramhebert says:

    Sounds like a awesome product

  46. valorosa says:

    If they have real gold in it I would sure like to try them. Sometimes the best way to try things is thru these test products. I’d sure like to be one of your testers. Especially anything to help get rid of my wrinkles.

  47. Kim Kline says:

    Living in Alaska with extreme weather, being 53 and counting, I would love to test this product and give my opinion representing us beautiful northern weather babes.

  48. OcalaRose says:

    The old saying, “Beauty is only skin deep”, is true. However, don’t we all still want to look more youthful
    and glow again. I have tried more products than most could count and I’m still looking for that one product that will show me it has what it takes to help me. I am more than willing to try the LaRocca skin care products to see if beauty in in the mirror.

  49. babbluis43 says:

    Iam a 56 year old widow and I need to get back to living my life to the fullest. I have aged so much these past 2 years and I need help with my skin. Please choose me to test these products so I can know that there is help for me.

  50. Sheila Chaffins says:

    Please pick me! I would love to test these and tell you if they are real gold!

  51. Theresa Bowles says:

    I love anything gold…would love to have to chance to be a “gold digger” and try these products!!

  52. rosevincentia says:

    I would love the opportunity to try these skin products – especially the firming eye cream. Life can be hard and it would be a treat for a little pampering and to present the best first impression, especially when meeting prospective employers.

  53. Beverly Fedorko says:

    There has to be some legitimacy to this product line – as this company obviously has made a significant investment in the use of high end ingredients. I would love the opportunity to test the products – am approaching 60 quickly ( a matter of months now) and need all the help I can get to keep that youthful glow!!!

  54. Norma Axel says:

    This sounds fabulous and I cannot wait to test these products. Hopefully, gold is in the future for me and this will be mine…

  55. Rosielle says:

    Having just gone through treatments for cancer, my skin can use all the help it can get! I’d love to see if the gold brings back the glow to my skin;)

  56. Zanne says:

    I am THE best person to test skin care products because I have very sensitive skin. But, I do not have allergies and do not react badly to things that are healthy for me. Plus, I am a FIRM believer in the restorative properties of earth, water, minerals, metals, etc.; so much so that I even cook with minerals, bathe with minerals, and consider minerals vital to my health and well being. (We have a lot of mineral springs in Fla. Lucky me)! I include gold AND silver in ‘minerals’ ha ha. LOTS of gold and silver! And diamonds…sapphires…turquosie…need I go on?!! PICK ME! I need something to brighten up my outlook. Life is very tough and it shows in my skin!

  57. Rhonda says:

    GOLD!!!! just what I need to look like a million!!! Even better if I get to test for free!!!

  58. Jan Carson says:

    I would really like to test this and see if the gold ingredient would truly give me a youthful glow. I am told I am a young looking 55 but I can see that my skin is changing and I am not ready for that yet. I need to get new head shots taken and this could possibly make the photos look all the better.

  59. cynthla says:

    I would like to review these products. I am 58.

  60. Blondie Bayer says:

    I would love to try these products – why? as on Ol’ grandma I need all the help I can get.

  61. deereemp says:

    Sounds like a fabulous product. I would love to test it. I havent been involved ia a test yet, but would really like to.

  62. glorious says:

    Oh this sounds AWESOME! Anything is possible! Sure would love to try it!

  63. Nannette says:

    I am 57 years old and am showing some signs of aging. I would love to try these new products.

  64. beachwoman says:

    LaRocca skin care products sound like gold to me. Soft smooth skin with a youthful glow, here I come!

  65. travelgirl says:

    I would love to try any of these products. I am on a constant search for some wrinkle protection, however my wallet does not necessarily agree with my choices sometimes. So I must find the one that is “just right” as Goldilocks said!

  66. Gina P says:

    I can’t really answer that question, but if you choose me as one of the testers, I’ll be sure to let everyone know!!!!!

  67. Janet Keyser says:

    I would love to test these products. Just send me some and I will be more than happy to try them.

  68. suefromview2 says:

    I would love to give these products a try. The price is a little steep but if they work good , the products would be well worth the weight in gold.

  69. B Troxler says:

    I would love to test the products.

  70. Heather says:

    I would LOVE To test out this line. I want to find a great anti-aging line that really works and is not just hype. This sounds wonderful!:)

  71. 1955nurse says:

    I’ve always wondered about these type of products, and I’d LOVE to test the line — great way to see if they all work together for better results!!! This is one of those “Are they for REAL?!?!” type of beauty products… & it would be great to give it a “Road-test”! Thanks for the opportunity….

  72. lydianna says:

    Would be very interested to know if this works and would like to be involved in the test.

  73. loveyhowel says:

    I would LOVE to try anything with Colloidal Gold, as I really think the best way to help our bodies is with materials from the earth.

  74. justjana says:

    I’ve heard good things about Colloidal Gold and LaRocca Skincare and would love to be picked to try it.

  75. ktpotat says:

    Very interesting

  76. Susan says:

    I want to try everything that FOF offers! Trying to look like a young 59 yr. old is no easy task- and costly. Once again I would love to test these products.

  77. Leslie Bonner says:

    This sounds like an intriguing product that I would love to try.

  78. sunray12 says:

    I never get chosen but I would love to test this product.

  79. Bobbie Hudson Penick says:

    I am very skeptical about how effective topical gold would be however I know it has some unusual properties. I would love to test any products from this line to see if my skepticism is misplaced! I just turned 68 a few days ago and can use all the improvement I can find.

  80. jfscott1948 says:

    This year I turn 65 and a little touch of gold may be just the thing that my skin needs. I’ve tried to take care of my skin and think I’ve done a good job of it,but I am in need of something new. As I age so does my skin and it needs a different kind of skincare. I would love to try the LaRocca skincare line. It just may be what I’m looking for.

  81. gail s. says:

    I really want to try the Larocca products.Serum,fragrance and powder.

  82. Suzy Zawadzke says:

    I’d love to be chosen!!

  83. Shans says:

    Anti-aging. I’m there. And made with gold. An added benefit.

  84. Judy Detty says:

    Gold sounds good. I will happy to try it on my mature skin!

  85. Sunshine Cook says:

    WOW !!!!!! Would love to add these products to my newly developing regimine…. Love the philosophy behind the holistice blend of ingredients. Besides, my puppy’s name is Digger — short for Gold-digger 🙂 Have a wonderful day, all. Abundant Blessings Always. Sunshine

  86. Susan says:

    I would love to test these products. Have currently use another lines gold serum.

  87. Diane says:

    Ahhhhh, gold~! I love the look and the feel of gold !!! Could it’s being in cosmetic items help the skin as much as a gold band or bracelet helps the soul? If so, count me in. I would love to see if it really works!

  88. janis says:

    wheeeee. gold for my face. sounds like fun :]

  89. katie says:

    One of the main characters in the Jennifer Egan book, “A Visit From the Goon Squad”, ate gold flakes because he believed it was the next best thing to the fountain of youth. I’m not sure Iwould eat gold flakes but I would love to try them on my skin.

  90. Mary says:

    Only testing will tell.

  91. inMO says:

    I’d be happy to volunteer my FOF face for testing the LaRocca Skincare line.

  92. sattalia says:

    My fine lines could really use this.

  93. Ali Moss says:

    I would love to try their products because they do not test on animals and that’s important to me.

  94. AJB says:

    Sounds like an interesting brand to try.

  95. fhoagland says:

    I like the peptides in the ingredients of the LaRocca line and the aloe and chamomile for my sensitive and aging skin. I’d love to try.

  96. pameladw says:

    I would so love to try the LaRocca Skincare!! Choose me, please!

  97. Pamela Dollar says:

    I love this brand but have not been able to purchase them. I would love to test this product. With the ingredients listed it sounds like something that would really show some results and the fact that it has gold in it makes me curious to try it.

  98. bethsmom088 says:

    If the products do what they say, great …Living in an area that leaves my skin so dry this would be wonderful to try……………

  99. Catherine Sweeney says:

    Oh my, at $195 you almost hope it doesn’t work because if it does, I’ll have just taken my skincare to a whole new level!! It would be worth giving up a few nights eating out for great looking skin though. Ramen noodles, here I come!!

  100. Patricia says:

    These products sound different that any I have ever tried before. Would love to try them and give honest opinions about the results.

  101. MC says:

    Gold has been used for centuries for healing. Makes sense!

  102. Deb McLean says:

    I’m trying to get away from products containing parabens & phalates. Looks like your fit that description. As a 56 year old, it’s always nice to have more glowing skin. Thanks for your consideration.

  103. Kim Bennett says:

    I have always been fascinated by the colloidal gold product and am anxious to try this product. Sure hope I win! It’s a real challenge to make your face look good when you are in your sixties.

  104. Tammi Bellew says:

    I could really use a nice moisturizing routine. The stuff I use now is not cutting it.

  105. Elaine Dreyer says:

    Gold and wonderful skin care—what more could a woman want!

  106. Sharonsue says:

    I TRUST this site an TRUST your FAB opinions! I feel very priviledged to be a part of FABoverFifty family! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to test your products. I am a HAPPY 61 yr. old and I owe my good skin, not looking quite my age, by buying, testing and trying new products! This LaRocca skincare looks interesting, and anything with gold in it can’t be bad!! Right?

  107. jcleathers57 says:

    I would really love to try the LaRocca Skincare!!!!

  108. Audrey van petegem says:

    Hmmm….I have done products reviews before and have found that over the counter products like Neutrogena and Aveeno are very effective. Does cost really make a difference? I am interested to finding out!

  109. Jenni says:

    These products look great! Choose me, please.

  110. donlin1 says:

    Very interesting concept. Wonder of it works, would love to try it.

  111. Tamara Lieven says:

    I have been watching tv shows about finding gold and would love a chance to find some of my own. Will I look richer? Will my face look younger? Will my skin have a 24K glow? All these questions and more will be answered, but only if I’m one of the lucky ones that get to sample these!

  112. LuminousBeing says:

    WOW! Gold is good for the body – inside and out. I would way over
    the “POT OF GOLD” at the end of the rainbow to test these products.

  113. Maureen says:

    Sounds great! – if silver does wonders for burned skin, imagine what gold could do! – I’d love to try it!

  114. Linda Rivera says:

    I’d love to have the chance to try and let you know if we’re all being fooled!

  115. Maggie T says:


  116. amelia1313 says:

    I would LOVE to try them. I am single and looking for a job, so looking and feeling my best is important. My skin could greatly use the benefits of these products right now!

  117. Jyl_Ferris says:

    As the price of gold continually rises, as a jewelry designer, this is the closest I’m going to get to working with gold in the near future. I’d be interested to see how it reacts to the skin. I would love to test this product.

  118. potterwoman49 says:

    It would be wonderful if it works…I am ready to try anything, and would LOVE to see if this is magic!!!

  119. Fancy Cat says:

    I’m starting a new job in an office of forty 26-38 year old testosterone-charged males. I need to look the best I can make this 59-year old lady look!

  120. blueeyedgal53 says:

    Gold! Fasinating! Would love the opportunity to test.

  121. arlenes says:

    I respect and admire LaRocca Skincare because it is mindful of the environment and animal friendly.
    LaRocca Skincare is dedicated to donating 3% of all profits to The Ann & George Lopez Foundation. For these factors alone, I applaud your vision and would love to test, promote and radiate with a sense of deep pride.
    Yes, I’m worth it… and so are all the people you help everyday. So thanks for caring and sharing!

  122. pamm.peterson says:

    I love gold I want to look younger I would so enjoy testing out these lotions and potions. This would be the perfect fit and Help me look at my best for my daughter’s wedding. Thanks so much, Pamm

  123. Rashida Lee says:

    Wow I would love to try this out. Love love love trying new things!!

  124. scole1809 says:

    I would love to try this product. I love gold!

  125. Sally Brauer says:

    I would love testing these products. I’m over 70 and looking for anything to keep myself looking young. I have acne scars that I am constantly having peels and facials to try to smooth out. This should be a great help. I had a sample of something similar when I was in Las Vegas last September. It felt great!

  126. dmnyes says:

    GOLD ONE SIZE FITS ALL! no need to guess color or size, finally an affordable gold product.

  127. KMP50 says:

    The ingredients all sound like they would work without 24 K collodial gold added. I’d like to try it, but could never afford to buy it to keep up.

  128. Marilyn says:

    I’ve always been curious about these products containing gold and the claims they make but could never afford to try them.

  129. ebmw1975 says:

    Id love to try these as I’m always looking for a product that works on my combination skin. I also am curious if there really is a difference between the different price points.

  130. Mamavalveeta03 says:

    I’m not sure that I buy into the idea of gold’s actual ability to change your skin. Wouldn’t it have to be absorbed into the dermis in order to make a difference? But I’m certainly willing to pretend that I’m part of the Sheik’s harem and give it a try!

  131. Gay says:

    I would love to take advantage of this “golden” opportunity. (poor pun, I know). With the price of gold at an all-time high, would love to try this product because the price for us mere mortals in unattainable.

  132. Beth Surdut says:

    Gold is used to make the most beautiful and expensive pink and red stained glass. Let’s see if this so good it makes us blush!

  133. Linda Iverson says:

    Would like to test the products, and report on my findings.

  134. Laura Kubilus says:

    I would love to test this product. They all sound like they would be just lucious on my skin!

  135. dbspeanut says:


  136. Angela K says:

    I’m looking for a new cleanser and moisturizer, and I’m so happy this one has SPF 15! I’d love to test it 🙂

  137. Melissa says:

    I would love to test this trio of anti aging products. LaRocca is a well established company with many products that work very well. I trust LaRocca, if they claim it works, then it will work.

  138. TFabglam5 says:

    My curious aesthetician self would love to try this gold-laden skincare to see if it is “good as gold”! Gold is a key ingredient now in several skincare lines and I have not yet had the opportunity to try any of these type of new age products.

  139. Anna Lapping says:

    I would love to test these products. Gold is reported to be very good as a medical treatment for arthritis and some other things, why not skincare?

  140. Linda McGarrah says:

    This sounds interesting, would love to see how it works on skin.

  141. Kathy11016 says:

    Have not heard of product previously, never tried
    and have never heard comments. Would love to
    test. I love trying new cosmetics. I generally use
    Clinique and Lancome products

  142. Janice says:

    I have been using a gold serum that I adore but would love, love to try a different formulation!

  143. Ann Fuller says:

    If you need a 60 plus tester, I’m ready for something new to try on the winkles!

  144. nancymonts says:

    It could be a pot of gold! I have seen other products with gold.

  145. Michelle says:

    Gosh, I would love to just feel like $100.00. This would be such a nice change – and I would have bragging rights. Would really like to test these products, bring back my dreary winter skin. Ugh.

  146. Coll6233 says:

    Sounds like a very interesting approach to skin care. I would love to try it out and see if it really works.

  147. Kathy. says:

    These products look interesting. It would be fun to try them.

  148. jean ray says:

    I would like to have a chance to try the product. It looks interesting.

  149. Ellen De Domenico says:

    I feel it’s time to change my facial care products, and this seems like a good one to try. I tend to be cynical about ‘new’ products, but this one is intriguing. Especially gold!

  150. Heather Rudy says:

    I would love to try these. Will they be worth their weight in gold, or leave me looking old?

  151. PAT HAYDEN says:


  152. SILVANA MOSCATO says:


  153. Wanda Stolzer says:

    Been an user of MK Products for ever, would like to give another product a chance. I would be honest in my review of this product.

  154. Carol Harrity says:

    I have often wondered if the really expensive face care products do a better job than the lower priced products most of us use. I would love to find out for myself and promise to provide a full report if chosen.

  155. pamela adams says:

    this product sounds very interesting would love to try it for myself.Never seen anything like this before would be interesting to see if it works

  156. Ellen says:

    What Luxury! I would love to try these products!

  157. jill130 says:

    I’m always on the lookout for new skincare products, I would love to try this line. I really need a good exfoliating cleanser…

  158. paula says:

    Would love to try these products..My skin needs HELP!!

  159. Nancy Jachcik says:

    Would love to test and evaluate this product. My 65 year old skin could benefit from some help so I could give an honest evaluation!

  160. Angelia Howard says:

    I would love to find out if these products are the gold standard! They appear to have great ingredients and I would love to see the results.

  161. suri40 says:

    Fool’s gold or gold standard? I’d love to be the judge of that !

  162. SharShar65 says:

    I’ve tried so many eye creams that don’t work that I’d love to test one that does. Since I’m 67 I’ve collected many wrinkles and saggy under the eye pouches. Please give me a product that will take them away.

  163. Susan says:

    There are so many products that describe great results but mostly fool’s gold. But would like the opportunity to try these products.

  164. Deretta says:

    New to FOF, and would LOVE to take this for a test drive!

  165. elisse says:

    Would love to try them and write about them! I am always looking for a great anti-aging product that provides VISIBLE results!

  166. Kim Cage says:

    Would love to test these product to be able to tell you if
    they are the gold-standard or fool’s gold. They sound just like what my face needs!!!!!!!

  167. Ter Garney says:

    I just purchased a Deborah Lippmann nail polish ( Today was a Fairytale) with virgin diamond powder in it. So a skincare line with 24K gold in it would be a fabulous combo! Only problem is, now I’ve got the song “Silver & Gold” from the old classic tv show ,”Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” stuck in my head!

  168. folans says:

    Anti-aging and GOLD! WHat could be better!

  169. Tintin says:

    I’m certainly not going to buy gold without a test!

  170. joyzkim says:

    This sounds too good to be true. I think it’s fool’s gold. Look forward to the reviews, and I’d love to try this one! Tks!

  171. pmannerino says:

    I have used LaRocca before and loved it. I would like to try this!

  172. Donna W says:

    I have always taken care of my skin, but as the years go by, I find a few more wrinkles and a lot more dulling of my skin. I try new products all the time – some with a little success. I would love to try these products to restore the glow to my skin.

  173. btherese says:

    Wow, gold! I don’t even own any gold, other than my wedding ring; lol. So this could be interesting! I’d love to try these LaRocca products!

  174. cat roule says:

    I need to be a golden girl, please!! I am a young 52 year old granny of 7 and need to look as good as I feel! Pick me! Pick me !

  175. Gail says:

    The 24K gold would be a lovely complement to my silver hair – I would love to try it!

  176. victoria says:

    As a treatment and makeup junkie…always “jonesing” for newer and BETTER.

  177. shela rhodes says:

    This sounds amazing! I absolutely need help with the condition of my face at the age of 67 and if it is the gold standard, it will be priceless.

  178. DOTTI says:


  179. Pamela Ray says:

    I would love to test.

  180. Lynne says:

    Out of all the products you have given us the chance to try, LaRoocca is the one product I would love to test. This product sounds wonderful and exactly what I have been looking for. At the age of 56, I have noticed the texture of my skin becoming rough, my skin is not as smooth and feels like fine sandpaper. The cleanser sounds perfect, and the Daily Hydrating Moisturizer is exactly what I need, I would faithfully use LaRocca Skincare 24k gold anti-aging trio and report back the results!

  181. marie says:

    This would be incredible to test. It sounds wonderful, especially the moisturizer having SPF. Tragets all of my skin issues.

  182. Kristin Gilbert says:

    I would love to test these products. I am always discussing with my friends our “next best find”

  183. Michele says:

    I’m in! My skin has been so dry this winter. I would love to diligently test your products.

  184. Deb says:

    Would be happy to test – especially for combo/sensitive skin results.

  185. debrajwebb says:

    I would love to try these products!

  186. fofof says:

    I would love to try anything that will slow this rapidly aging face!!! HELP!

  187. Joyce says:

    I know gold therapy has been a catalyst or conductor for repair relating to connective tissue. It stands to reason this could promote change in aging skin. It would be great to be a participant in this study! I love the science based research…

  188. gjcarlson says:

    Would love to try and share results about these products.

  189. amy says:

    I’m 50 and my skin has become dull. I would love to try this product and see the results!

  190. Ronnie ms Daugherty says:

    at age 59 today mybirthday i havent been able to find anything to help my face.moisture or wrinkle creams havent helped i would love to test you products.i have spent so much money on products that havent dont anything for my face and my age

  191. Joyce Anderson says:

    OOOh, I can tell you; my cells need turning over. The side that shows is NOT my good side;)

  192. Cindy says:

    I’d like to test these products because I sure won’t be able to afford to buy them!

  193. jamorela2002 says:

    I would be thrilled to try the anti-aging products.

  194. Sylvia Hull says:

    Since I can’t afford to buy the products in order to test their claims, I would love to be a test subject. If they are what they claim to be, I’d be willing to work them into my budget.

  195. Charlotte Phillips says:

    I would love to test these products, I need all the help I can get.

  196. Jana Rooke says:

    OK, at 59, I am ready for my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! Too corny? Seriously, the skin on my face is changing daily and sometimes I look in the mirror and don’t recognize myself.

  197. wizardewu says:

    I like to try out new products to see how they work on my skin.

  198. oliver1221 says:

    I would love to test these products, have tried just about everything on the market. Would be wonderful to try before purchasing!!

  199. Bobbie Gillette says:

    I like to try new facial products. I wil tell you honestly if these products are gold standard–or fool’s gold.
    Thank you for the opportunity.

  200. TuKute says:

    I am an entertainer and trying desperately not to undergo the knife. Totally open.

  201. Jacqualin says:

    I’d be all over testing this. I am always striving for a personal best!

  202. Animalauthor says:

    At those prices, they had better not be fool’s gold!

  203. Camilla Wilson says:

    Would love to try. Always looking for something new!

  204. sknitter says:

    I am always on the lookout for great new skincare. Would love to try these.

  205. Nelli Douglas says:

    At age 64, my face is indeed in need of a product that will add moisture. I have tried several eye creams but have yet to find one that I believe in 100%. I would be so happy to test these products for you!

  206. Jo Anna says:

    The products sound very interesting! I am very curious as to how well they could help with skin repair?

  207. swoogietwo says:

    Let me be a lucky leprachaun and try these products of god.

  208. DawnMarie Helin says:

    I’d be interested in testing this product, as few other products have given me results worth the price, time and effort put into them. After reviewing the web site information, the product looks like a great combination of organics and science.

  209. Debbie says:

    Always looking for ways to not age!!! I feel young and want to stay looking young!!

  210. Laura McLendon says:

    I’m calling it “Gold Standard” for this test 🙂

  211. Arlene says:

    Interesting concepts. Wonder what research was completed to make these claims. However, when it comes to giving anti-aging products a try, I optimistically remain open minded and hopeful about results.

  212. Melinda Singer says:

    Ideally I’d say YES, the gold in the product would provide a reflective glow to your skin adding a youthful radiance! When I use products which have some “glittering” type of substance I def notice I have a more dewy complexion. I would love to have the chance to try the LaRocca products and see if indeed they are worth the price, far less than botox!

  213. barb wicklund says:

    All I have to hear is “cell turnover”! Would love to try it!

  214. campton says:

    I’ve heard of these ‘gold’ products – always a little skeptical about them working – would love to give them a try to see if the reports are true! My skin could certainly use all the help it can get!

  215. Cherie says:

    Help! I’m 55 and don’t want to look it!!! Would love to test the gold products NOW…..quickly……hurry….I’m wrinkling as we speak!

  216. Susan Betos says:

    I would love to test these products. I keep trying to find an effective solution for drying skin and wrinkles as I age.

  217. jackie says:

    Would be great with the swimming I do everyday.

  218. Priscilla Taylor says:

    Would especially love to test the cleanser since I find it difficult to comprehend how one can get collagen building benefits from a wash-off product.

  219. Deborah says:

    Winter skin is here, send me products to expose my new Spring skin.

  220. patricia says:

    I will try anything to look younger…tee hee

  221. Allyson says:

    yes please : )

  222. ouida says:

    i would definitely have to try these products before i shelled out that kind of money because there are so many products claiming to do this or that and dont. i would love for it to work and then i wouldnt mind paying for something that works. lets give it a go. thanks

  223. Donna says:

    I would love to be chosen to test test these LaRocca skincare products. I feel that I would benefit greatly. I am continually looking for the right skincare products. Then I would share the results with the world.

  224. Fran Herzig says:

    Please pick me; choose me; let it be me.

  225. soap says:

    I have rosacea and though I try many products, the ones with any type of Retinol in they I react to. I’ve never tried anything with colloidal gold. My skin tends to thicken with the rosacea, and I loose my “glow”. Maybe this product could help me get it back. I’d love to test it.

  226. skipheart says:

    I would love to give these new products a shot…haven’t tried an eye cream yet that worked.

  227. Lisa Moreschi says:

    Since, turning 40 my skin has changed and have yet to find a product to help. Hopefully, I will win and these products will help! Fingers crossed! 🙂

  228. Christa L. says:

    I would love to try out these products. My skin needs something new and different. I need to find a product that works well on my skin.

  229. Jan says:

    I’ll test anything that would turn back this past year of turning 60. Why this year has speeded up the ageing process of my face is beyond me.

  230. Maggie says:

    Yes, yes, yes. Please, please, please. My skin is a mess since I moved to a very dry environment. No matter what I do, it seems to get worse. I’ll try just about anything.

  231. Marsha Harris says:

    I would love to try these products and understand the value of natural minerals, especially gold. I have extremely fair and thin skin and have fought with dryness my entire life. It would be lovely to find something made especially for my age group which actually worked as promised. Send it on, I’ll give you an honest and thorough review of the products. Thank you so much, Marsha

  232. Christina Gould says:

    I’d love to test them. Thanks for the giveaway!

  233. Martha Myer says:

    I would love to try your products. I have YET to find a product of this type that ACTUALLY works! Thank you. (I am a 62 year old female)

  234. Donna Blair says:

    I have been hearing so much about the gold products, I would LOVE to test it !

  235. yanksdiva07 says:

    I would be thrilled to test and then review these products, I would imagine the gold would give the skin a subtle natural glow.

  236. nancdep5 says:

    I would think there might be something to this since minerals can do wonders. Would love to try this.

  237. cefears says:

    I need a youthful glow, would love to try this.

  238. debbiehoskins says:

    I would love to try these, I am hoping to find a product line that really works!

  239. Tracy Kirk says:

    I am 45 have tons of wrinkles and lines I look 10 years older than I am-people tell me Makes me feel bad. I have severe Rhumatoid Arthritis and the meds don’t help w/ skin texture and appearance. I go no where because of what my skin looks like would love to see if this claims to be true. If I had a picture I would send one but am working on getting digital camera

  240. Phoenix says:

    This sounds a little too good to be true, but I’ve always been fond of gold!

  241. judy says:

    Love to test this.

  242. Mary Grace Gallagher says:

    I am looking for something to address the puffiness I have around my eyes and am particularly interested in the 24K Gold Firming Eye Cream. In addition, I am attracted to gold in any form!

  243. Norma.L says:

    I sell cosmetics and these type of products.
    I want to see if it is better than my product.
    I want to see if “if they can put their money where their mouth is.” Or in this case, put the product and fix the mouth….lines that is.

  244. aldingerc says:

    I am willing to try anything and everything!

  245. shewalk says:

    Sounds interesting. I would love to try it!

  246. Zoe Lee says:

    I would love to test these products, they sound intriguing. I love gold anything.

  247. ruby1dsd says:

    All 3 are items I use on a regular basis for my face. I can’t wait to find out how good they are. Cell turnover is what has me truly interested.

  248. Adrienne Z says:

    La Rocca Skincare would never have anything but the gold standard in their product. I’ve heard of this brand before, but have never had the opportunity to try any of their skincare line. I’m having many problems associated with my 53-yr old face lately – my skin is sagging and drooping, I have fine lines imbedded in jowls that I never had before, my skin looks sallow and grey, my spark and youthful freshness is long gone, I have fine lines around my eyes, my eyelids are drooping and I can’t seem to get any life into my eyes. I have flaky patches around my inner eye under my eyebrows and around the bridge of my nose. I have no idea why that is – moisturizers don’t seem to help. I would love to test these products since La Rocca does have a good reputation in the skincare industry, but I don’t have the financial resources to be able to try anything as luxurious as this.

  249. kathyire50 says:

    This sounds delightful, but will gold make a difference in a product? Will it just make it prettier, or help us with our skin to make us prettier? I would love to try these.

  250. Sue McKinney says:

    It would be Wonderfull to be able to try out these products. Hope they work as well as they say.

  251. DJBilis says:

    Sounds like a marketing scheme that is all. It seems the more money you spend on these products(now with gold in the mix) the better they are going to work

  252. sylvia shaw says:

    I would love to test these, for sure they are the Gold Standard

  253. aylgo says:

    I’ve wanted to try this.

  254. Char says:

    Would love to try this product.

  255. Kristin Gilbert says:

    Always looking for the next best thing!

  256. Mle says:

    Yes, anything to try that might hold back father time. Thank you .

  257. Chama14 says:

    I would love to try anything that will reverse the effects of time marching across my face! I truly appreciate any company that strives to help women look and feel younger. Please pick me!

  258. PKW says:

    Glow is what I need –

  259. slbennetti says:

    I would think natural minerals would be beneficial to our bodies, I would be honored to test the products and report back on how they beautified and healified this 58 year old face. I would love to find products that assist me slow down the daily damage of the environment.

  260. nascarblue3 says:

    First the name LaRocca Skincare Products I am familiar with, my ex mother-in-law uses your products and I can say without a doubt at 76 her skin is the type of look we all strive for and personally are always on the journey to find products like LaRocca, she shared with me her “secret” and told me she uses these everyday, all of her other skincare products are history, would I love to test these?? YES YES YES, ok granted I may sound alittle desperate, I have seen the results, I truley envy her skin, to me this is like a dream come true, my cells thank you….

  261. PollyAnna007 says:

    My skin is ,well 50+yrs. old & it needs all the help it can get ! I only use Dove or Caress to wash my face but its still a bit oily and I have patches of red around my “T” zone ! I would really love to try this !

  262. deestea says:

    I think as we age our faces are either “wrinklers” or “saggers”, and, unfortunately, I’m a sagger. About the only thing that will fix a sagger is surgery and that’s not going to happen in our current economy. I still like to try new products though 🙂

  263. ACeeKayWa says:

    And I thought I’d tried everything! Gold is a new one for me, and I’d love to see how it works on my puffy eyes. It just SOUNDS cool!

  264. ilenep says:

    would love to try a new skin care line. Especially this time a year when my skin tends to be on the dry side!

  265. luanne says:

    Always fun to try something new!!

  266. Lauren says:

    FOOL’S GOLD or THE NEW GOLD STANDARD…hmmmm, give me the free products and I will let you know!!!!

  267. javierl22 says:

    Just turned 60 and still ook younger so with LaRocca Skincare line flecked with 24K gold i should look about 40 something or like a million bucks.

  268. Tannersmom says:

    The only way $195 gold flecked skin products will ever touch my skin is to be lucky enough to be chosen to test the items. So here’s to hoping I get the chance.

  269. Diane says:

    I would love to try this fools gold or not I am up try try something new…

  270. Elle says:

    Gold is supposed to stimulate cellular, help with circulation, slows down collagen depletion and prevent skin sagging. I’m sure sure if this is fool’s gold or not, I guess that’s why we’re here..to test it out!

  271. mbzeni says:

    Would love to test these products. I moved from the moist South to the winter harsh, dry Northeast and my skin needs hydration. I care for my skin on a regular basis (including facials) and would be able to test your product.

  272. Shari Roe says:

    I’d love to try anything that might help fighting signs of aging. Wish I’d started doing so when I was younger – sigh…..

  273. kalee123 says:

    anything that smooth my skin & depuff my eye area I would gratefull.

  274. brenda freeman says:

    I am 61 I need some gold fast I have used every thing I need something that works

  275. cynthla says:

    Would love to try and review . THave dry, mature skin. Think they would work perfect

  276. cynthla says:

    Would love to review products. Have dry, mature skln.

  277. scoutcrs13 says:

    The uniqueness of the gold in the product and the cell turnover sounds so promising! I’ve invested tons of money in several different lines with dissapointing results, so I’d love to try this line!

  278. Nancy McArdle Moreno says:

    I am always looking for something to make me look or fell younger. I would have a wonderful time testing these for you.

  279. Catherine Cordeiro says:

    I would really like to try the LaRocca skin care trio. At 67 my skin needs much improvement especially around my eyes. I have a lot of wrinkles and my skin doesn’t look firm or look radiant.

  280. Cindy says:

    I would love to try the LaRocca Skincare! It sounds wonderful!

  281. Carrie obrien says:

    Would be happy to try the LaRocca line- colloidal gold sounds fascinating!

  282. novastorm says:

    I would love to try this product and to see the difference using it makes.

  283. cynthia says:

    I would really like to review the LaRocca anti–aging products because they promote cell turnover which I really need at 58.I could look forward to younger looking skin. They have some good anti-aging ingredients. I really would like to use these products
    And. Wriite a review. Looking forward to hearing from you

    I would use them after review of Glytone products.



  284. Ruby Barton says:

    The cold weather here in Washington, is drying out my
    skin, so using extra moisture product under my regular
    skin cream seems to help a little.
    I would love to test this luxurious sounding product….
    Good Luck to All!

  285. Pat says:

    Please pick me. Although I’m over fifty my skin looks like it has already reached the golden years .

  286. KAREN COGBURN says:

    The gold standard is my vote for this line of products.

  287. KAREN COGBURN says:

    Gold Standard for me.

  288. maryjo says:

    Always looking for products that live up to their hype.

  289. Aggie Pearo says:

    I would love to test this product but after reading your article about green makeup, I was wondering how green is this product?

  290. Padma Narasimhan says:

    I can be a gold digger!

  291. Carolyn Humphrey says:

    I would love to test these products and review them on FOF.

  292. msmary48 says:

    Like Christie Brinkley, I am going to be 58 next month. I am always looking for something wonderful to keep my face and neck looking as great as possible.

  293. Cynthia S says:

    I found the fountain of youth for a while, the first 30 years…. now youth in a bottle is very popular. I’d thoroughly enjoy slathering my face with gold, take a swim in it, doesn’t that sound luscious? Oh please, let me, pick me.

  294. TexasBarb says:

    At my age I am always willing to try anything for my skin! I look good in GOLD!

  295. Wifeyrj says:

    I’m a new grandmother who doesn’t want to look like a grandmother. Let me try it, please.

  296. victoria says:

    Would be interesting to see if the “gold” standard is really all it claims to be.

  297. Cynthia Pigg says:

    I am a 54 yr. old nurse that lives at the beach. Between the sun and wind of the beach and the dry air in the hospital I really need something that helps my skin. i would love to test these great sounding products for you. Thanks!

  298. legs57 says:

    I would like to be one of the “golden girls”!

  299. Yogibear says:

    I’m willing to try anything GOLD!

  300. ewhatley says:

    Sounds like awesome stuff. I’d love to test it.

  301. Angela Howell says:

    New year new me….need a new product of gold. Pick me 🙂

  302. KAREN COGBURN says:

    My vote is the Gold Standard.

  303. Denise says:

    I’m …totally sold on gold!

  304. DLori27 says:

    I did some research about the concept of gold to be beneficial to the skin after everything I’ve read, I’m a true believer.

    Cellular Gold Complex is an exclusive formula made with 24K Colloidal Gold which is known to promote electron transfer with the metal ions found in the skin to stimulate anti-aging cell turnover.

    The earth survives by the constant transfer of energy from the cellular structure of one metal to another. This process constantly rejuvenates the planet and every living organism on the planet. As such, since every person’s skin contains metal ions, the gold in LaRocca products promotes electron transfer causing a quick cellular turnover and as such, helps to rejuvenate our skin and keeps us looking more youthful.

    This makes absolute sense in theory. Whether this process really works is another story. I’d love the opportunity to test these products and find out for sure if, in fact, they really do what they profess.

    Thank you for this opportunity to possibly test these wonderful products. Good Luck To All.

    kleimanlaw at aol dot com

  305. Kathy Spada says:

    The LaRocca Beauty line is Fabulous, I would love the chance to test the 3 products. Yes you can call me a GOLD DIGGER. God Speed. Kathy

  306. Maureen O'Neal says:

    I have heard about the Gold treatment Idea, mainly in the New York Times Magazine, and it sounds incredible, but the before and after pictures, are amazingly different!The other ingredients in their products also sound GREAT(Jojoba, apricot kernel oil,etc.), so I’d LOVE to TRY THEM! so SING ME UP, because the only way I’m going to try Gold in my face Cream, is though an offer like this!

  307. Larisa Khodorkovskaya says:

    I would love to beleave, but it is sounds too good to be true…Like magic or tarry tale.

  308. Baw59 says:

    I would love to test this product, i have problems with puffiness, and dark circles around my eyes, Also I have lines and am beginning to show signs of aging

  309. mmimilinda says:

    These products containing colloidal gold sound fascinating, and I’d love the opportunity to test then on my 67 year old face.

  310. kalee123 says:

    Hi, ‘LaRocca’ skin care looks liket would help with all the trials everyday life puts us through. We FOF women are looking for that little bit of help we can get & boy i need it.

  311. cindy b says:

    Sounds like the gold standard to me! I’d love to try it!

  312. darcy roederer says:

    I am in the market for anything that will help me with the aging process.. seems it hit me all of a sudden! So the more antiaging products to try, the better!!

  313. Cynthia McCullom says:

    I’d love the chance to try something that will help me look younger.

  314. Renee Brown says:

    I’d love to try this! I have some deep wrinkles that could use some help!

  315. dearprudence55 says:

    I would love to review these products. Gold for the skin that will make me look like a million bucks? Count me in. I want my skin to look and feel rejuvenated and have a youthful glow . I ‘d love to see if these products will past the test or if it’s just fools gold.

  316. Haleyjv says:

    I would be excited to try these new products and report my opinion to the FAB community.

  317. Beth Hommes says:

    These look great!! I need a lift for my sun and winter damaged skin. I’d love to try them.

  318. Becky says:

    Let me try this product trio out and I will give you the “real” scoop on the line. Good as gold or not.

  319. catherine lawton says:

    I don’t know if the product has flecks of real gold or are they fooling us with fools gold, I would like to test this product and give my review. I would like to see and feel my skin soft, youthful looking and rejuvenated. I hope I will be chosen to test the 3 products.

  320. Susan Morgan says:

    Sounds like a gimmick to me but I’ll try anything once!

  321. vasslt says:

    I absolutely love the idea of the use of gold, and think all of us deserve a “golden” complexion.

  322. Judi says:

    Something new…..different……..24K………..for the skin
    ……….I’M IN!!

  323. Linda says:

    I would love to test these products. Need to find the Holy Grail of skincare and this just might be it.

  324. cathy says:

    I would love to try them, especially the eye cream. I seem to be getting reactions to certain eye creams and this one seems so much better. Besides what better than gold!!

  325. Helen says:

    “Gold for Grannies” has a nice ring. Especially for a Grannie that is a “Get up and go Grannie!” I need all the help I can get so gold sounds like a great surge for this aging skin.

  326. msortet says:

    Well, I’d have to say it’s fool’s gold until I try them! Too bad LaRocca opted for 24K gold because that will surely make these products very expensive!

  327. marysuefinn says:

    I’ve tried many products over the years, but none of them contained gold. I would be very curious to try these products to see what they can do.

  328. wendy lee klenetsky says:

    I’m a 60-year-old with sensitive skin, and these products sound like they’d be gentle enough for my skin.
    I am especially interested in the eye cream, but I’d certainly be willing to try all 3 of these products.

  329. Product Test says:

    […] text-transform:uppercase; color:#43003a; display:block; width:100%; text-align:right;} {Test This} LaRocca Skincare 24k gold anti-aging trio 243 comments {My Story} "I am the primary caregiver for my father . . . and I'm lucky." 2 comments […]

  330. Janet Atchley says:

    Would love to try LaROCCA skin care products and write a review.

  331. patti stern says:

    I am a skin care junkie. At 60, my skin is in better shape than when I was 40. I would like to test LaRocca Skincare and make it the “gold” standard for all the women out there!

  332. kcirebreh says:

    Since I am supposedly in my Golden years these LaRocca products sound like the perfect beauty treatment for FOF! I am constantly looking for the next best thing in skin care. I look forward to trying these products! Thank you for the opportunity.

  333. robshee says:

    Hi I would love to test the LaRocca products.My skin is very dry. The bags (and dark circles) are so bad I could probably fit a weeks worth of clothes in them! Just kidding! I am a make up freak and think I would do a great job testing them. Thank you

  334. Barb says:

    Like others, with products that contains gold, you can only think you are getting a top notch prod. that will give you the results it stats and what better way to be able to share your thoughts, then be one of the lucky ones to test and reply.Best of luck to all of us.

  335. Stephanie V. says:

    could give this “gold” a solid test of faith

  336. vskidd says:

    Would love to try this! Not sure the gold adds anything or is just a gimmick. At the price, something some difference should be noticed.

  337. hrbeck_98 says:

    Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me, but I like a good amount of hooey now & then.

  338. starsmom says:

    hmmmmm…….sounds interesting!! I’m very curious and would like to try these products!!

  339. Delores Kenyon says:

    If I can put lemon juice on my face @ 18 to get rid of freckles (didn’t work!, I am surely worth putting Gold on my face @ 55 to get rid of wrinkles!

  340. Arlene says:

    Well, it sounds like it makes sense but, I have tried a lot of different products for the recommended time frames and I never see a difference. I think I might try this even if I don’t get to test it.
    Thank you

  341. Soledad says:

    I would love to test this product. With the ingredients listed it sounds like something that would really show some results and the fact that it has gold in it makes me curious to try it.

  342. Jen Lynn Rutsky says:

    My skin sucks lately – I can use this to try to fix it up!

  343. roneifeld says:

    I am a gold girl through and through – only wear gold jewelry, so it makes sense to try it on my face. Would love the opportunity to test the 24K gold products.

  344. Debbie Chaney says:

    We shall see if they’re the gold standard or fool’s gold…once I test them!

  345. smfsprout says:

    I would love to try the LaRocca products and see if the results are as good as gold or if I’m just a fool for believing. Thanks.

  346. Gean says:

    I would love to test the LaRocca Skincare line with 24K gold. I just had my 60th birthday and want desperatly to look younger than my age. I just started a new job and everyone around me is decades younger. Please help bring me the fountain of youth.

  347. jjosemans says:

    I am open to trying new products, especially if they help with the wrinkles I have around my eyes and on my forehead. The products seems to contain ingredients that are essential in dealing with aging. I’m Game!

  348. yyoerger says:

    Hmmmm. The golden glow or the Midas Touch? I would be happy to test and tell you which.

  349. Carol says:

    Let me try the eye firming cream PLEEEEASE!!!!

  350. Yvonne says:

    Sounds totally different from the rest of the cosmetic market, I’ll try it.

  351. Barbara Stanley says:

    I bought a magnified mirror today so I could see how to pluck my eyebrows. The mirror worked just fine, but I had no idea I had so many tiny wrinkles and face blemishes. I wish I hadn’t seen them. Now, I am depressed. LOL

  352. Andrea Munce says:

    I’m a born skeptic, but I’m willing to try these products so I can objectively evaluate their effectiveness.

  353. Weena says:

    I’m sceptical, but would love a chance to try these products and see if they might just be the gold standard.

  354. Cathey says:

    I would love to try 24 carat gold LaRocca Skincare products!!

  355. Padma Narasimhan says:

    I have heard about research on benefits of gold on skin.
    I would love to prove it right by testing it first hand!

  356. barbara says:

    I decided to take a look at the La Rocca website before leaving a comment. Personally, I think this is a rather high cost skin care line that is too rich for my wallet. I wonder if the company gives a refund if the customer is not satisfied. I would love to be a guinea pig and try the line, but I am a true skeptic. There is only such much that a line of products can do without surgery. At age 54, I have some deep facial expression lines, and I am not a believer that topical treatments will make a difference for me. Am I willing to try the products and turn into a believer? Absolutely! Make me a believer and you can have before and after photos along with my testimonial. Show me how wrong I am, and that digging deep into the pockets makes a difference.

  357. susan says:

    Who wouldn’t love to try these ultimate luxury products?

  358. hoppupp says:

    I would like to find out if this is true. I am skeptical!

  359. Karen Transue says:

    They are the Gold Standard, I would love to be able to try these! I need to get my youthful glow back~~

  360. Deb says:

    My cells need to be turned over! Please pick me!

  361. Pat says:

    I would love to try them, especially the 24K Gold Firming Eye Cream.

  362. tovismom says:

    Every time I look in the mirror I see craters.it would so nice to look in the mirror and see smooth glowing skin. Lightened brown spots, a miracle. I need a miracle skin product that actually delivers what it promises.

  363. Bernice L says:

    The body needs minerals so it makes sense. I would like to try to see if it’s truly “golden”!

  364. Ruthie B says:

    oh yea…i’m worth it! count me in, thanks!

  365. rodiehl says:

    What is colloidal gold and how does it work. Sounds fancy and expensive but I am curious what colloidal gold has to offer for the skin. Would love to be the everyday chick who tries it out for the variety of ladies out there.

  366. elizabeth says:

    This sounds like an interesting concept. Maybe gold is great for your skin. I can see how it may work.

  367. Christine says:

    Sounds like a very ‘enriching’ line of products! Very original concept. Ingredients you can pronounce and impressive testimonials. Would love to give this line a try!

  368. Marla says:

    We constantly are filling our bodies with minerals and vitamins, so why not apply them to the skin? The “Exfoliating Cream Cleanser” looks like it contains ingredients that might help my horrible melasma. Coupled with the “Daily Hydrating Moisturizer” might just do the trick. I hope and pray to find something that will help me lighten the pigmentation, because so far, nothing has worked. And who wouldn’t want a “24K Gold Firming Eye Cream” that firms and brightens the eye area?

  369. BlueBear says:

    I’ll bite! As a scientist, however, I don’t see how the colloidal properties of gold apply in cosmetics as they do in, for example, metallurgy. My skin needs all the help it can get at my age and I’d love to see if this works!

  370. Barbara Thompson says:

    Make up containing materials that shimmer will deflect light and make over fifty skin look younger. Will gold flakes affect the skin quality? I want to try this product and see for myself.

  371. Cindy says:

    Well, sometimes really weird-sounding stuff just works great. So, maybe?

  372. Jo-Ann Brightman says:

    I am not sure how much gold will help my aging skin, but I’d love to try these products

  373. FabulousMimi says:

    This must be a quality product if it contains gold. I assume much reseach has gone into the product or the company would not have gone to the expense. I am open minded and willing to give almost any new beauty product a try. I am after all a beauty product junkie! That being said, I have discovered some of my favorite products that way.

  374. Bekki says:

    I have heard a lot about gold being good for your skin. I always wanted to try it but could not afford to buy it. This would be a golden opportunity for me. My skin is getting to look dry and rough.

  375. Sharon Haas says:

    I would welcome a chance to try these products and have been waiting for an affordable product that contained gold to finally come on the market! I had the great privilege of being the recipient of a ‘gold product’ from a friend in another country a couple of years ago and have since run out and have never found anything in the US that replaced it. My skin was truly younger during the time I used this product and I would have been sure it was the gold If you choose me and I will give a fair and informed review of the product.

  376. deereemp says:

    I would love to test these products. My skin is terrible in the winter.

  377. khebertdms says:

    I would really like to try the LaRocca “colloidal gold” products. I am turning 51 this month and need to find a product that helps me improve my skin. I want my skin to be “smooth and rejuevenated”

  378. michellen ellias says:

    I am an FOF and would love to test drive this for you!

  379. cweber405@gmail.com says:

    I am always searching for that elusive eyecream that will help my puffiness, I’d love to try this!

  380. Joan says:

    I would love to test these products. I am always trying different anti aging products and have yet to find one that delivers as promised

  381. Deb says:

    At 60, I would LOVE to try this!

  382. sussexr says:

    Would love to test this product, always looking for ways to turn back the clock.

  383. Jan says:

    I’ll try anything that wants to turn the biological clock backwards. I just turned 60 and this past year has been detrimental to my skin….wasn’t showing the age till now.

  384. Barbie says:

    I haved tried numerous products that promise to work, only to be disappointed when they don’t. I’ve been out who-knows-how-much money and would appreciate a break to get to try something that wouldn’t break the bank in trying it.

  385. Ida says:

    As we age, our skin needs more attention and better care. I am fortune to have great skin just like my mom had, through genes, and want to keep it looking good! I’m sure these LaRocca skincare products will help me do that. The proof is in the pudding!

  386. april vogel says:

    I just turned 50 last november…I have rocesea so I would love to try these products to see if they make my skin irritated or not..

  387. paula says:

    Yeah I will believe it when I see it. Would love to try it

  388. Debbie W says:

    I would love to be a tester for these gold products and to determine if it is the real thing or fool’s gold!

  389. bamr07 says:

    I would love to test these products here in the Cold…Winter Northeast, that is not kind to skin. I walk the dog 4 times a day in the cold, rain, snow sleet and sun. Whatever the day brings I am out there. My skin could use some TLC…in trying these fabulous products.

  390. Mell says:

    I would love to test these products. In the winter, my skin is always dry and less resilient than during other seasons. I long for soft, supple skin again.

  391. Dorothy B. says:

    I would love to test these products. I hate winter skin and can’t get away from it in the cold northeast.

  392. Faith says:

    I would love to test these products. They might do the trick!

  393. ritzie says:

    Would love to test this. The years do take a toll on the skin.

  394. JayneRae says:

    Would love to test these products. I am always very open to trying new products and evaluating with an honest opinion!

  395. KAREN COGBURN says:

    The Gold Standard. Love the opportunity.

  396. Papertiger says:

    I would like to test these products…I have always had extremely oily skin and am always looking for the “miracle” product.

  397. gail says:

    I’d love to try these products — I’m worth using something that’s the “gold standard”!

  398. slbennetti says:

    As I age I notice that I loose the resilience of moisture and especially during the colder, winter months. I hydrate in the morning before work, but it just isn’t enough, I do need help and would love to be a tester.

  399. fran says:

    Sounds s unreal but hey- what didn’t when viewed from the future.
    I am game to try anything to try to ward off the “creaping uglies.”

  400. NelliD says:

    I will soon be 65 and would look forward to testing the LaRocca products. I have very dry skin and have yet to find a moisturizer that feels like it penetrates my skin. The exfoliating cream cleanser and firming eye cream would be just what I need to give my skin a more youthful look and am excited to try this trio.

  401. Esther says:

    Count me in! Need some face enhancements. Thanks.

  402. Esther says:

    Count me in! Need some face enhancements! Thanks.

  403. debbie coleman says:

    La Rocca Gold products look awesome.. Dewy skin always looks younger and GOLD always looks beautiful. I would be delighted to test this product.

  404. Lisa D. says:

    Wow, these products sound great. I think the ingredients are of high quality. I sure would like to win! Thank you.

  405. KAREN COGBURN says:

    Certainly the gold standard. Love to test!

  406. barbara s says:

    I am way over 50 and need some help. This would be wonderful to try a “good” product and see what happens

  407. jadie3 says:

    Being a Leo,Gold is my color. I have been trying different products on my face and would like to try La Rocca Skincare for some better results. Working indoors at least eight hours a day, my skind is dry and the elements are harsh outdoors. Im active and want to look healthy in my face as well. I want to feel like a million bucks again. Viva La Rocca!!

  408. Sara Kleipe says:

    I would love to test these products!

  409. Katie5 says:

    LaRocca sounds really wonderful product ; using 24 K to help with cell turn over is something I could use now that I am in my 50’s. I would love to give a review if I am chosen to try the three products.

  410. Judy Detty says:

    Sure would like to try this product ! I am almost 70 years but have a daughter age 40 yr. and she will tell all her friends Thanks Judy

  411. cynthia says:

    I would like to try and review the trio anti–aging products. I have mature, dry skin at 58.

  412. sanrosha says:

    Oh LA LA! I am all for a product that promotes electron transfer causing cell turnover. At 66 my husband tells me
    I look like $500,00, but I want the chance to “Look like a million dollars,!” This may be my “golden opportunity!”

  413. KAREN COGBURN says:

    For certain the Gold Standard.

  414. pepper3 says:

    I am still looking for something that works. Let me try this!!

  415. mspurplelady11 says:

    forget diamonds, I think Gold is a girl’s best friend!

  416. debbieleet says:

    I would love to try this “gold standard” so pick my name please!!!! =)

  417. Sandy says:

    I’ve heard gold does amazing things for skin — anti-inflammation, etc., besides making you feel like a million bucks!

  418. Frances Gramlich says:

    I love to try new things.

  419. Marcelle Cole says:

    Would love to see if these products will make my skin glow like it did. PICK ME PICK ME!

  420. Sahara Rao says:

    The product descriptions and the LaRocca company interests me. I would love to try these products!

  421. laclay says:

    Would be glad to test these products,thanks

  422. MoonRae says:

    Wow, this is a fabulous opportunity for 6 of us!! I’m quite intrigued and would love to be one of the testers

  423. Fab55 says:

    ….must …. try …. this…. product line…. before…it’s … too… late…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  424. jacque says:

    worth a try

  425. sydney85 says:

    I would be thrilled to try out these products. They sound amazing.

  426. NBC says:

    I’d love to test this.

  427. Kai W. says:

    The product sound great. Question: Will it work on different skin tone and color?

  428. Faith Moeller says:

    I believe that the element gold has scientifically been proven to beneficial to the skin on your body. It definitely detoxes the skin and makes it more radiant. I would love to test these products and the entire skincare line!

  429. amarnel says:

    As I am coming out of caretaking and grieving and able to truly concentrate on myself again, I have thought of plastic surgery, but don’t want to really do it. to get back in the acting game at my age, I would rather brag about a product than a procedure! I would be honored to test this product!

  430. Margarida says:

    A very unique and golden opportunity to test these fab products!

  431. fancynancygordon@yahoo.com says:

    Since i just turned 60, I am interested in anything that might help the appearance of my aging skin.

  432. dolfce15@yahoo.com says:

    Gold? sounds like another wizard of oz story, but what the heck, it can’t hurt. Like to try it and see if stands up to all these claims.

  433. kmariem18 says:

    I’d love to give these a try – I’m still trying to find anti-aging products that really work.

  434. kgritts says:

    I’ve heard that gold is good for the skin. It sure didn’t hurt the gal in the 007 movies!! I’d love to try this. Choose me!!

  435. Pam Munro says:

    Gold colloidal – really? wonder if THAT works?

  436. melody says:

    Could be an overpriced gimmick, but seeing is believing.

  437. mira olivarez says:

    I’m all for free and gold, after all, who wouldn’t be.

  438. Mary Ann Rich says:

    overfifty would love to give this a try, this sounds like gold to me 🙂

  439. panda2646 says:

    These products sound great to me… would love to test them!

  440. KAREN COGBURN says:

    Love these. Gold Standard certainly.

  441. KAREN COGBURN says:



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