Lifeline Skincare products will cost you. Take for instance, their Recovery Night Moisture Serum which retails at $190 per ounce! Ouch! But here’s why: The product is made from non-embryonic human stem cells.
You are probably familiar with the term “stem cells” from last decade’s political controversy over the destruction of embryonic stem cells for use in cloning and other scientific developments. However, the human stem cells that Lifeline uses are non-embryonic (from non-fertilized eggs) so you don’t have to worry that a viable human embryo was destroyed or harmed.
Stem cells, whether embryonic or non-embryonic, are at the forefront of science, and now beauty, because of their ability to divide and self-renew to produce more cells. Many companies say that for this reason, stem cells are the miracle ingredient in their beauty products–repairing wrinkles and age damage in skin.
In some cases its a marketing gimmick and beauty companies are capitalizing over confusion about the term “stem cells.” Some simply use plant (not human) stem cells in their beauty products. Others use extracts from a human stem cell secreted into something called “conditioned media” a nutrient-soup solution in a petri dish.
However, reps at Lifeline claim that they have found a way to capture actual human stem cells and add them to their serums and creams. According to reps at the company, they use a method called “lysis,” essentially splitting open and releasing the bio-available growth factors, peptides and proteins of the cell.
7 FOFs will put Lifeline’s Recovery Night Moisture Serum to the test. “Apply 2-3 pumps…before bedtime,” says the company website. Lifeline products “can rejuvenate your skin by actually helping to build new skin cells.” Sounds like a beauty breakthrough, but does it actually work?
Seven FOFs will win. (See all our past winners, here.) (See official rules, here.) Contest closes January 31st, 2012 at midnight E.S.T. Contest limited to residents of the continental U.S.
0 Responses to “{Test This} Lifeline Recovery Night Moisture Serum”
Susan says:
I purchased the trial package containing Lifeline eye, day and night serums. I absolutely love,, love, love the eye serum, and like the night serum but don’t think it provides enough moisture for my very dry skin. The day serum only has an SPF15 and my dermatologist says I need SPF30 so I don’t think the day serum is for me.
gailyn shepherd says:
This sounds like just what I need!
JEAN says:
Would love to try the Lifeline recovery night moisture serum!
My skin is extremely dry and I keep trying different products. Would love to find one that works!
Holly Sullivan McClure says:
I’m a grandmother but need to look good as a speaker and instructor. As a public person, I can’t afford to look saggy and aged. Love the sample packet I received and can see a bit of improvement after using it.
Cynthia says:
Need some drastic help!
Debbie swanson says:
I would like to test this product….sounds like something my skin will like….
Jan says:
Where do you sign up to volunteer to test a product? I’ve clicked on everything and can’t find out to enter my name.
Brenda Gable says:
This product might be the one I have been looking for. I am 58 years old and have dry skin that is starting to get deeper wrinkles. I would like to try it !!
Katy Kelley says:
Would love to try this, especially to help improve my facial hyperpigmentation.
Mary Spence says:
Would love to try anything new to improving the aging process.
Patti Clark says:
I would love to do a test for you. Please sign me up. I have looked for ages in the best department stores and have yet to find a cream that is any better than drugstore kind.I would buy this cream n a steady basis if it works.
Debbie swanson says:
I would luv to test the Lifeline product… Im always looking for a new thing to try..thank you
Blonde52 says:
I would love to try it. I am a beauty product junkie.
Barbara wicklund says:
I REALLY want to try this!!
njr312 says:
Would LOVE to try this!
Barbara wicklund says:
Love the science!
frankie curley lee says:
With so many new products out there it is so hard to know what one dose do what it say’s it can do. I am in my early 40’s and in the last 2 years have tried many different anti-aging products but non have really lived up to the mark. A few have made a small impression but not a enough for the high price that most cost. this product looks promising but can it raise to that promise would like to try and see
L. Rose says:
I really would like to try this
Tina Knezevic says:
I would love to try this fabulous product!
Bonnie Zappolo says:
I can’t find where you enter for this contest??
Donna Woodworth says:
I would love to test this product. I work in the field of stress management and anti-aging and am always looking for the most effective skin treatments to use on my 50+ skin.
Jami Anderson says:
I want to try it!!
Pattie6066 says:
I would love to try this product. I will be 70 this May and I need all the help I can get.
Pattie6066 says:
I would love to try this product. I will be 70 in May and need all the help I can get.
spurnky says:
Sounds amazing! 🙂
Debi says:
I would love to test this!
Sacha Schroeder says:
I can’t imagine paying this … it better do miracles! It would be awesome to try!
Gaye M says:
If it works, it’s worth the price. I’d love to have the chance to find out and would certainly share my findings with everyone else.
Rebecca JG says:
I just found this site and i love it!
Kathi says:
I would absolutely Love to try this night time serum as i am researching serums to try and this one sounds amazing!
Annette D says:
I would love to give it a try!
ccrystlblh says:
I would really enjoy seeing the wrinkles go away or greatly diminished due to the sun and age.
Carrie Schmidt says:
Yes, sign me up!
Carrie Schmidt says:
Really want to try this!! Heard such amazing things about your line from Caroline!
Darlene says:
I would love to test this
Soledad says:
Serums feels so good on the skin.
Nancy C. says:
I could use a LIFE LINE! It could be a miracle product!
Mary Lou Bissaillon says:
That’s a yes from me! Please let me try this.
Pamela Button says:
This product looks very promising in that it might help me postpone any surgery!!! My skin no longer fairs well during season changes and becomes very dry and peels during the winter months despite the mild temperatures here in Virginia. I would love to be one of the 7 chosen to test this product!!!
Please help me!
Nancy H says:
Love to test this… Wow I could look younger and younger!
Jo-Ann Brightman says:
I’d love to test this
tina hann says:
Hope I win!
JoAnn J says:
This product sounds amazing — sign me up!
Claudine says:
Would love to try it. I am 47 and single again. I need a new and self-renewed face!
NanaRitaC says:
I would love to try this!
mprimo1 says:
I use a Lumene serum every day. Would like to compare it to this one
deb says:
My skin needs a good serum
Tammy Plants says:
Fingers crossed!
Good luck all!
gshep says:
My face has started lines that look like a bulldog .Not Good !
LadyPatricia says:
I would love to try this. My eyelids are sagging. few wrinkles…hugs.
Susan says:
My 65 year-old skin is anxious to try this! A new product to fight wrinkles and sun damage-eureka!
kathy kukla says:
Please pick me to test.
Sueb says:
Hope to test this product.. sounds very interesting.
Helen says:
I am 51… I need it… Please…
Rose Holloway says:
I’d love to try this product. Looks very promising.
nan ferguson says:
That would be me FOB…sounds really greatand I luv free stuff…who doesn’t? So might I be lucky enough to try it?:)
Carin Schultz says:
Sounds wonderful! Would love to try it please.
Carin Schultz says:
Sounds wonderful! Would love to try it!
Charlotte Oberschmidt says:
I would love to try this serum. I have always bought expensive creams and nothing works.
Charlotte Oberschmidt says:
I would LOVE to try this product. I have always bought expensive creams and nothing works. I am 69 and have wrinkles.
Elizabeth says:
I’m 53 help me! Skin is always dry. Thanks to
Chicago weather!
Anne says:
I welcome all the help I can get!
kendall reaves says:
I would LOVE to win this…I got hooked on the day regime with Lifeline….would love to see how it goes together. Please, oh please. 🙂 I have always been a good test taker….and now that I am over 45, I need another test to keep me going 😉
Thanks for the possibility!
My skin is so dehydrated….I have my heat on 62…b/c I can’t stand to be any drier…..
Merri matalon says:
Hope to try this innovative product.
Rhonda C says:
I would love to test the product. It looks to be an amazing product. My skin could use the love.
Karena says:
I would be thrilled to try this on my moisture parched skin!
Fingers are crossed!
Lynn Lozano says:
I’ll be turning 57 this year and would love to try this serum. I need some help!
jenni104 says:
This would be perfect for me, just put it on at night instead of trying to figure out how it would fit in with the other daytime products. Keeping fingers crossed the my face might get a chance to lose some wrinkles :D.
Arlene says:
Marketing or miracle? I’d love to put this through its paces. I just had a new photo ID done after 5 years and it was discouraging to see how much I had aged in spite of sunscreen use and good nutritional habits.
Donna Saye says:
I have always had great skin but as I am getting into my 60s, my skin is starting to change. I would love to try this product! Maybe I am a little bit vain…and what is wrong with trying to look great?
Impulsive57 says:
edith greene says:
I would love to try it!
Connie says:
I am a professional and licensed medical aesthetician who has tried every type of stem cell product on the market. I would love to put the Lifeline product to the test. I am over 50 years old and am willing to give an honest opinion.
fhoagland says:
I would really like to test this…..
Sharronsue says:
This would be wonderful to try! Sounds AMAZING!
deborahf2 says:
Please, throw me a Lifeline:)…this product sounds amazing-would love to try it!!
Angela says:
Just celebrated my fiftieth birthday. Want my skin and body to look and feel as young as my heart does.
SheilaS says:
Stem cells are an interesting concept.Can they work on the outside of the body….I would love to test it to find out.I’m waiting! 🙂
Ilithiya says:
This would be perfect!!! This can erase away the wrinkles and create a new me. Would be nice to look young once again. Thank you for this giveaway.
angie ehlers says:
fof test this! i want to win!
mitzi auer says:
I want to test it, I need it and I can’t afford to buy it.
Susan says:
Yes please!!
msortet says:
No night cream has ever been able to get rid of my dead peeling skin on my forehead and chin. I would love to see if Lifeline gets rid of it and re-hydrates my face.
Marie Howard says:
Looks promising!!! Love to try it!
PAT says:
KLS says:
Looks like the product I need right now. Would be great to try it out first…
Elizabeth says:
This sounds too good to be true; would love to try and see if this product delivers!
Leo39 says:
I would be happy to try this product!
karen transue says:
wow weeeeee how expensive, I would love to test this pretty please!!
JcarLcar says:
I would love to try this.
rexterrier1 says:
I’d like to test this product.
Megan Sterner says:
I really need to try this as my skin is needing some help desperately!
Rinda Freeman says:
I would love to try it!
Monicaustin says:
I have tried several products with no visible difference. Would be nice to discover that something really works!
Donna says:
I,m so interested in this product. This is a product I would buy for myself. I would love to try Lifeline !!!!
Kanosha says:
Looks like a great product, sign me up!
Laura says:
I’m a skeptic with skincare potions and would be curious to see what results using a serum.
Pamela behrend says:
I would love to try this product. Sounds like something new. I have tried so much. HELP
Sandy says:
I would love to be one of the lucky ones to test this new and exciting product.
April Langus says:
I almost scared myself this morning when I looked into the mirror. Please!!! I need this!
Debbie Maritato says:
I have been using the eye serum and it is amazing! I would love to test the night moisturizer and see the results coupled!
Kathi says:
Would Absolutely Love to try this product, It sounds Amazing !
tina hann says:
I would love to test this product, it sounds amazing!
tina hann says:
I would love to try this product, it sounds amazing!
Lelani says:
I love the fact that a night facial product can restore and rejuvenate my face while I sleep…. makes for a relaxing way to fall asleep!
Sounds like a great product that I would love to test!
Have a great day!
Lila says:
I really wanna try.
faye boss says:
interesting! the look of my hands are really starting to bother me…and this might just do the trick – i would love to be a “test” diva for this product…
Colette says:
I am 51 and have just finished a year of treatment to battle hyperpigmentation brought on by adult onset acne (at 42). I spent 8 years working on controlling the acne and then the hyperpigmentation that was the result of the medication. Two years ago, after 1000’s of dollars spent, an antibiotic I was put on brought it all back! So I’ve spent more time and $$ on IPL’s, jessner peels, pixel treatments and other chemical peels this past year. My skin is now at a good stage (visibly) and I’m looking to start the recovery process of protecting it!
I’d love to try this product as part of my new skin recovery! Thanks!
mspurplelady11 says:
Sounds too good to be true but I am willing to test it.
Padma says:
from human nonembyonic stem cells! Hope this works on my aging skin.
Berti says:
I NEED this product at 62!
Nancy M says:
This product sounds intriguing and I would like to try it.
Cynthia says:
I’m fighting the good fight just need new ammo!
Barbara says:
Please, my skin needs help. Was in a restaurant last night and said as a joke to the waitress: senior discount please. Sad part was that she gave it to me, never even questioned my age and I just turned 55. I need this stuff.
Lori says:
Having just turned 50 I sure could use a lifeline 🙂
Jamie Lauter says:
Jill Beniak says:
I have been wanting to try this serum for over a year now but it’s way out of my budget! I have heard great things about it.
dmnyes says:
I am constantly in search for the Fountain of Youth!
Deborah Pecukaitis says:
The product sounds wonderful. My skin needs help, would love to try it.
Sally says:
Would love to be the first person in my town to try this AWESOME product!!!!
K.S Harrisonq says:
Would 65 be too old for your product? I would love to try it !
B G says:
I’d love to test this product for you!
Paul says:
Just curious, as a stockholder, why do you not market to men? Do you not think that men care about their looks? Or, on men are wrinkles just supposed to be “rugged” . . . LOL.
lupe says:
I would like to try this product .
Beth Joseph says:
I have a strong interest in beauty creams and anti-aging products. I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO TRY THIS PRODUCT!! Beth
blueisteyes says:
I have been using simply simple light moisture and it is becoming less effective. My skin is drying out from lack of moisture I need. Hope to be able to test this sure can’t afford it.
mell says:
I would love to try this product.
Imelda says:
Is this the MIRACLE in a tube we’ve been waiting for. We should test this as soon as possible and spread the word if it is, as a service to all women!
Jean says:
Would love to try this!
Hope I get the chance!
Rebecca says:
All I can say is who WOULDN’T want to test THIS?
Amy Koehler says:
53 baby! Would love tot try something amazing & new and be gorgeous!!
Mary Jones says:
I would love to try this product, it looks like it would help my poor 56 year old skin. It would help me feel more confident when I am out for a job interview.
JeanB says:
I have tried so MANY products with no results. I know there is nothing that can make be look 30 again BUT would love something to just HELP!
Melanie says:
I’m super curious to see if this product would counter the constant hand washing & dry, cold weather. So far, I’ve not had much luck finding a product that works.
Susan says:
Would love to test this product because I could never afford to purchase it on my own!
tksinclair says:
Would LOVE to try this….I’m in my 59th year….and I’m one of those who will sacrifice a LOT to purchase a product I believe in! I’ve always taken pretty good care of my skin and hair but this past year “suddenly” seems to be taking it’s toll…Maybe this is the product that can save my skin before it’s too late!
Please consider me! Thanks!
Nancy Morrell says:
My skins would love this!
Soledad says:
Wow! This serum is promising a lot. I’d like to know if they’re telling the truth. 🙂
Cindy says:
Stem cells…what will they think of next. But I am alway willing to try a new product. Thanks for the opportunity.
SHARON says:
Sounds promising, would love to try..
Wendy says:
Would love to try this.
Marilyn says:
Sounds FAB!
Mia Pacht says:
This product appears to be my own personal answer to firming my skin and making it looks years smoother and younger,,,,,,how I would enjoy trying this miracle hope in a jar……!
Beth R says:
I would love to test this product. I have had RA for about 20 years and it attacked my fingers and wrist area the most. This left the tops of my hands looking years older than I actually was. Hoping this product will help my hands look as young as I feel.
Jeanne T says:
OK, at this price this product should be a miracle, not a lifeline! But I would love to give it a try.
JoAnn J says:
I am game at trying anything that will reduce my smile/laugh lines
Darlene says:
Sounds like a great product…My 65 year old skin just isn’t what it used to be!!!
Lynn Dobriko says:
This is a product that I could use.
Kim-Marie says:
Always looking for a miracle in a bottle for my sun damaged skin! Sounds amazing! K-M
Polly Bourke Farrar says:
that looks great would love to try it
Debra says:
Sounds fantastic…but very expensive.
JMeidel says:
This really sounds nice. I would love to try it. I had a hysterectomy at 30 and my skin is not happy about that.
Janet Atchley says:
I would love to try this product. Does it come in a 50 gallon bucket?
Patricia Gallant says:
I need help! So willing to try this.
cjozefick says:
We all want to look younger. It would be great to try this. It might be something that actually does what it says it does. I am 58 and a grandmother. I don’t want to lok like a grandmother!
Gina says:
I have long been interested in discovering how stem-cells could improve ones skin. I would be elated to be chosen to try and review this product for you. I think it’s just a fascinating concept.
Deb Tanner says:
I will be 60 this year and look young for my age, but beginning to get creases and lines. I would absolutely love to try these on my beginning creases. Please pick me.
Swoody says:
I would love to test this and hope it is finally a product that really works. I’ve purchased so many expensive and some not so expensive eye creams and wrinkle/lifting serums, not found the right one yet. Maybe this one?
Mary says:
This product or speding my money on good tequila – tough choice!
Donna Benavides says:
This sounds like a miracle if it actually works. I would love to try this product!
Jean F says:
My 63-yr. old skin need this!
Lynda says:
Please let me try – sounds great.
mzych217 says:
I’m a lab rat when it comes to testing creams, serums, etc. I’m optimistic that one day I’ll come across a product that does what it promises to do.
Chris says:
love, love, love to test new products. Always looking for that one amazing new lotion or potion that will produce visible results.
Donna says:
I like the sound of this!! I need it, please……!!!!!!!!!!!
smfsprout says:
I would love to give this a try. I could really use the help.
Debi says:
This sounds exciting and it if works it will be worth the price! I will have to learn to spread my lotion over my face more thinly and evenly.
I would love to be the stem cell guinea pig!
Thanks and have a great day!
liliMarlene says:
Can stem cells reverse the effects of aging–i’m skeptical?
Marie Fiorillo says:
Today is my Birthday and believe me I could us some LIfe Line to get me to the next one. At this age I need all the help I can get. Product sounds awsome!!
Fran says:
Sure- why not! Anything is better than going under the knife and NOTHING I’ve tried has done much – all have been mostly hype and little real action.
SIgn me up!
scoutcrs13 says:
The price indicates it should be miraculous! Would love to try!
Leeann says:
Leah Allen says:
I liked and shared on Facebook. I would love to try this product and see if it really works. I’m 50 years old and can use all the help I can get for my face to stay young.
sarah woods says:
In theory it seems too perfect; How is this concept for the reality for stem cell in face products
lisa mcfarland says:
would love to test this out
Peggy says:
I would LOVE to try this!
Debi Butler says:
I have considerable sun damage, some acne scarring and the dreaded vertical wrinkles on my upper lip. I am 56 years old. If I test this and it works I will be your personal ambassador! Would love to test this for you!
Becky Beer says:
Yes! , I do want to test this. It has everything science can put into a product to really help reduce the lines in my face. I’m excited about it! If it dose what it claims,( and it should considering the ingredients) I’m thinking the $190.00 price tag will be worth it.
catherine davis says:
Sign me up! I would love to try this product and if it works, I would be a lifetime member of the company!!
Jana Hayes says:
I would be honored to test Lifeline’s Recovery Night Moisture Serum,
Kai W. says:
This would be great for my chin. I think it losing its firmness.
I am 51, but due some medical drama have aged an extra 10 years. Trying out this product could go a long way to making me feel human again.
Christine Norman says:
Being selected to test this serum is the only way it will reach my skin – which I would happily accept. I would expect to go to sleep at 48 and wake up at 28.
JAN says:
I guess I have a hard time thinking ANYTHING is worth $190 an ounce – seeing is believing…
elizabeth says:
I urgently need some stem cells for my rapidly aging sking. Overnight delivery would be accepted. : )
L. Rose says:
Having just had a birthday, I am ready to try this. Please select me
Carol Myers says:
Maybe it will breathe new life into my skin! Yes,pun intended!
mintjulie says:
Would LOVE to try this one out!!! PICK ME — i need it!!
Theresa Dolan says:
Love to try this
mary fanara says:
i would really like this product totry before i buy
Kathy G. says:
I am a beauty junkie and would REALLY love to try this product!
alleesyi says:
Sounds like an interesting product, would love to test it
Maureen Tablan says:
This is a REALLY BIG year for me…ready to move onto the next decade….cannot believe it ! Seems like I could use some HELP from head to toe…quite a big project so I am willing to start with my head/face with LIFELINE’s Recovery Night Moisture Serum. I hope to have a chance @ saving myself 🙂
shorty says:
would REALLY love to try this product. I am a beauty junkie and this sounds great!
shorty says:
would REALLY love to try this product. I am a beauty junkie and this sound great!
janis says:
Wow, that is expensive stuff. Would be awesome if it works :]
Myrna Marks says:
Sounds great. Would be happy to try it!!!
Judy Corbett says:
My skin does not respond easily so I would be a perfect candidate to see if this really works!!
hoppupp says:
My skin is screaming for you! Pay attention!
Pat says:
Would love to test this
dmnyes says:
Hey, I am game for anything that will turn back time!
Paula says:
I would love to try this! I am definitely interested in anything that can improve my skin and hopefully make me look younger!
Terry Miller says:
Show me the fountain of youth!
Connie Williamson says:
I really need something for my face quick, something that will work at putting my skin back to rights. I don’t mean I want a 30 year old’s skin again, just a smooth, glowing look. Right now, the rosacea, excema and dry skin are absolutely driving me mad! Please let me give this product a run for its money.
Linda says:
I am skeptical, but hopeful…so I would be an objective tester!
artemis666 says:
I would give anything to try this product!!!
Christine says:
would love to try this
kweiyin says:
Exactly what my older skin needs.
gmc says:
Would be really interesting to test.
Linda Bradley says:
This looks amazing!! I would love to try this.
Patrisha Kieck says:
I NEED this SO bad…can I please test it out?
josie says:
Just what I need for my dry dehydrated skin.
Loesje Shema says:
Please, please choose me!
LizR says:
This looks great, pick me, pick me!!
stephanie says:
very interesting product…..i would love to try something so advanced and expensive!!!
ANDREA says:
Diane Loscuito says:
As I have been in search of a skin cae product that really delivers at least some noticable results in just any area, whether it be skin tone, radiance or even combat fine lines, I would be a fan indeed!
Fabulous MiMi says:
Absolutely would love to try this! Sounds awesome and would love to see if it delivers great results!
Diana Tenes says:
Would like to try this serum. Have tried a few other serums and this sounds exceptional
Ruth Sklar says:
At my age, I’m always trying to fool the eye (of others)! I can use all the help I can get!
Sonia says:
Coming from a science background; I won’t believe it until I see it. Sounds way over-priced and under-whelmimg to me.
Jayne Cameron says:
I would Love to try this product. I am turning 50 in 2 weeks and my resolution to myself this year is to take better care of me !
Joyce Wagner says:
Please enter me for this trial. Thanks.
Rachel B. says:
At 50, I’m starting to get lines around the eyes. I’d love to try this.
Donna Witiak says:
Sounds too good to be true…let’s test it!!
kmariem18 says:
My skin needs this product!
Dorothy Campbell says:
Would love to test this poduct from Lifeline!
Leslie Bonner says:
It sounds like it’s worth a try. I would love something to use on the days I don’t use Retin A (skin too sensitive for daily use).
Susan says:
I need it because of dry winter air. Would be great to test it out.
Maureen O'Neal says:
Okay, I’d like to try it!! Not so much for the stem cells, as fgor the amino acids and peptides! Sign me up!
Joyce Wagner says:
I would love to test this product.!
Rose says:
Well this could be the miracle I’m looking for…57 and still Believe in miracles!!
MoonRae says:
Amazing!! I’m ready to try something amazing……
Thanks FOF!!
kelsi123 says:
I would love to test this product, I have Lupus (SLE), my skin is very sensitive and has been effected by my meds. This could be an amazing addition to my life if it works!!
Dawn says:
I want to test this!!!!
Rebecca says:
Sure, I’ll test it!!
Diane Korber says:
Over age 65, would love to try anything to maintain and better yet, improve my skin. The newest products with stem cells is exciting. The price would deter most of us to try this product. I would be more than happy to evaluate this product for your readers and of course myself!!
Debbie Phillips says:
Ok, I’m ready for something new to try at night on my face! I would love to see if this works.
Beth Lowe says:
I could really use a lift, especially after just going back to work after a hip replacement.
Michelle says:
Would love to ‘fix’ my face before my beloved niece gets married. My skin certainly needs a boost. Been very cold where I live and my face has paid the price. Thank you.
catitko says:
Would love to try this product!
jeri vaught says:
Love to try!!
Nikki B. says:
This serum sounds too good to be true. Would love to test it and let you know!
michellep34 says:
I’ll try it to see if it really does rejuvenate your skin by actually helping to build new skin cells. Sounds amazing but does it really work????
suerae01 says:
I would like to try this product. Definably a new direction/take on skin care
Leila says:
Throw me a Lifeline! I would absolutely love love to test Lifeline! My face needs to be rescued..;)
Barbara C says:
Wow for the price hope it works!
Kaye says:
A proliferation of radiant new skin cells sounds so wonderful! My current skin cells are really dragging their feet.
Deborah Shade says:
I would never in a million years be able to justify such an expensive purchase not knowing how it would work on me. However, that doesn’t mean that if I tried it and it worked I wouldn’t tell every person I could about it and keep using it.
Bunnie Norris says:
Well,pick me up off the floor! Normal crcumstance would have me,the guru,already knowing this existed.
So,you pulled the rabbit out of the hat,I’m stunned & would love to try it,win it and all else failing, pine for it!
Diane Tipton says:
I’d really like to test this product. It sounds like it would be effective. It will have to work really well to be worth the cost, though.
Bonnie says:
Sounds good-let’s see together!
Pamela Goldman says:
I would love to try this product out. I really want to find out whether stem cell therapy will help with anti-aging.
starsmom says:
sounds miraculous!
Anita says:
50+ mom needs all the help she can get. I’m willing to test this product!
Onehsancare says:
Sounds like snake oil, but that doesn’t mean it won’t work!
Trillion2 says:
New “character” lines showing up daily! I would love to put this serum to the test!
Leslie Petersen says:
I am looking for a good night cream……I would love to try this! it could be my new favorite! 🙂
Stephanie V. says:
wow – serious money better have amazing results. Must prove it!
Christine says:
Would love to try this product on my aging skin; going through chemo is starting to take it’s toll.
Edie says:
While I wouldn’t purchase this serum due to the cost, I would like to try it to test the efficacy.
Becky Beer says:
Sign me up for this product! All the ingredients sound like they can do the job, and I’m all for science and beauty, and not to mention reducing the lines on my face.
Debbie Chaney says:
My skin needs rejuvenation!
mink says:
I’m willing to give it a try.
vickeigh says:
Highly interested in adding growth factors to my regimen. Would love to try!
Annetta Smith says:
Testing this would be a great chance to compare it to my regular skin care line, I have to say without a trial I would never pay $190 an ounce for ANY skin product.
fe0531 says:
I would love to try this especially around my neck. Thanks for considering me.
MLE says:
I would love some new skin cells!
Cici2Three says:
Would love to try this!
annette maxwell says:
Sounds like it will work on my skin, and would love to test it. Annette
judy says:
Would like to try – thanks
Mary Grace gallagher says:
Cheaper than surgery!
Robin says:
THIS SLEEP DEPRIVED, previous sun addicted & face regimen slacker NEEDS THIS miracle worker! $190 can buy lots of diapers!!! Pick me. Pick me!
Jill Gerig says:
Just had my 53rd birthday. Starting to need a little help! Sounds like something I need! Would like to see it work!
sarai says:
It’s the dead of winter and my 57 year old skin looks it- dry, haggard, lifeless, dead, ughh. Please give me the chance to prove this Serum really is worth the price, and more.
christy r. says:
I need this in my life !
April Ponder says:
This is the first time I’ve ever heard of a product that uses human stem cells. I’ve never tried anything so expensive!
Ali Moss says:
I definitely NEED this product!!
Kerry says:
please, please,please…my face itches sooo much from dryness!!!
debbieleet says:
Some lucky woman will win this one…….Oh, let it be me!!
Clara says:
I would love to try this if nothing else to see if higher price lotions & creamswork better than average price items.
michelle geil says:
Hi, I missed the last opportunity to test an item (my name was chosen and I missed the email, drat!) I would appreciate the opportunity to see if this product works and will happily share my experience!
Marie says:
Would love to try; it’s exactly what my skin needs!
epiphany12 says:
Patti Stern says:
This product is $190 per ounce, and I’M WORTH IT!
cathiecoats says:
Interesting! I’ll be happy to give it a test drive.
Nancy says:
I would LOVE to test this. I have so many issues to address and not one product has been able to do it.
Linda says:
This would be a blessing
Christa L. says:
I would love to try this!
Valerie says:
I would love to try this serum. I’ve looked at it before, but the price was prohibitive. I love writing reviews for products.
cheryl says:
I have been searching for a product that gives results. I am over 50 and am concerned about skin care and products that diminish wrinkles, improve skin appearance caused by sun damage and environmental exposure. This looks like it could be the product.
carrie obrien says:
Wow, how interesting! I’d love to try it if it is safe and cruelty free!
Penny kopf says:
Stem cell therapy is the way to go……as a health care professional,
I appreciate this technology……..what a godsend for this product to rejuvenate skin cells……i would be thrilled to give it a try and see f
it truly provides the results claimed !
Catherine says:
It’s a new year and I need a new look, please let me try this? There’s nothing like putting an expensive product on your face when it’s 11 degrees outside to make you feel like a million bucks instantly!
Trisha says:
LaMer is too expensive for me, and I cringe everytime I buy my SkinMedica, but I will try anything (that the cost is not too prohibitive) and this sounds like it is right up my alley!
carol says:
Lifeline product may be a “lifeline” for my 70+ skin. A try would be wonderful.
Mary says:
Would love an opportunity to test this product.
It looks like something I’d love to try. Seems lately even going to the dermatologist is making my skin worse. I’m dry and scaly and irritated. Help!
RedSheila says:
Hey I want to be the spokesperson for the product but, how can I be if you don”t pick me!
jhendon60 says:
it looks like a great product!
vasslt says:
If this works, it would be a Lifeline for real!
R. Feng says:
I have been seeing this product for over a year now and I’d love to try it and prove if this product is true or not. Human stem cells… now that sounds very exciting and very different. Hope I win. 🙂 Thanks for this chance, especially since this product is so expensive.
shyeyes says:
I’d love to try this product!
leslie c says:
I’m constantlyon the hunt for a night serum that works. Would really like to test the Lifeline Recovery Night Moisture.
Lisa says:
I need a Lifeline! Please let me test it!
anne nightingale says:
elr says:
at 64 i could use this. would love to be a tester
Jo Ann says:
I will give it a whirl!
Janet says:
I would definitely have to try this product before I consider buying it!
Karen Cunningham says:
Myskin needs all the help it can get. I’d happily try it.
fofof says:
If this works it is indeed a LIFELINE! I will be more than happy to test and report back.
Lynn Doescher says:
If it really does what it says then I would seriously consider spending the big $’s. I am ready to be a victim, pick ME!
Pamela37 says:
I don’t want to be a doubting Thomas I would love to test this product.
Linda says:
Can’t afford this, so would love to be chosen to test.
ndg1 says:
REALLY?!? Since I’ve got to be one of the worst of the “face stuff junkies,” I’d love to try this and report back to all the wonderful FOFs.
Celeste Crago says:
Ooo la la! I think my face and neck would drink this up and I would be a happy tester!
Kathy Hecimovich says:
Would love to test, I’m not getting any younger!!
Bonnie Malcolm says:
I would love to test this product. I am in my late 50’s and need help to keep my skin aging so fast.
Jo-Ann Brightman says:
This looks like just the product I need. I hope I shall be chosen to test it.
Michelle says:
It would be worth the money if it truly works-I would love to try!
aila says:
$190 an ounce? I could use this, but would love to try it to see if it’s worth it…. and if it really works.
Luci says:
Tired of trying things that don’t work! Please this sounds great!
karenmm58 says:
It would be awesome to test
Debra Barber says:
Very interesting! I would love to try it!
ciaobella70 says:
My almost-70 year old face needs this!
SEnebrad says:
I am curious to see if it works. Right now I use a Vitamin C product that costs $20 a jar. I would use it on one side and try the expensive serum on the other to compare the two products.
Ginger McGuire says:
Sign me up! Sounds very interesting!
Mary Lou Savovic says:
I would love to try this for sure!!!!!
Mamavalveeta03 says:
I would love to test this because I truly believe in the difference that serums make in my skin!
MovieGirl says:
The only way I could afford it is to get a trial sample. But if it works, I’d definitely give it a thumbs up and let everyone know.
StChienne says:
This sounds fantastic; I think stem cells will prove to be the key for rejuvenating aging skin. Would love to try it!
kgritts says:
Sounds way too progressive to not give it a try! Thanks!
Kimay Bloch says:
It would be FABULOUS to test this!
Gay says:
Sounds amazing would love to see if it works
Kathleeen says:
I had a 5 month problem with a flesh eating microbe last summer with over 9 doctors with 9 different treatments and no diagnosis. It is gone now and my face has skin again. I just feel the need to make my face feel alive again! Thank you for your consideration in giving me back so confidence.
JK says:
Sounds like a good thing!
Gay says:
Would love to sample this
Toni roessler says:
I would love to try this!
missdenise says:
If it only works.. would love to try it without the $190 price tag.
Sjohn0124 says:
Yes, I would love to test this product. It’s attributes are just what I am looking for!
Mia Pacht says:
WOW; I HAVE TRIED EVERY ANTI AGING LOTION,CREAM ETC ..they all claim to be that MIRACLE in a jar…… ! Have not found it yet..however, this Lifeline Recovery Night Moisture appears to be what I have been searching for…..?I would adore trying this and hope that this gives me the results that I have been seeking……
Barbara wicklund says:
So interested in Stem cell technology, would love to try this!
Melissa says:
If it works, it would be worth every penny, I would LOVE to test this product!
suefromview2 says:
I’ve tried many other brands of night serums but I would love to give this the old college try!
Jodi Olin says:
Please pick me. I’d love to find a product to help me look more youthful!
Laura Burke says:
My saging skin would be an excellect test subject.
Consider me for testing.
suefromview2 says:
I’ve been looking for a great night moisture serum. I’ve tried many others and would love to try this.
Katherine Meyer says:
I would love to be considered as a tester for this amazing sounding product. I’ve reached the age where new ‘surprises’ seem to greet me in the mirror each day. I would love to have a good surprise for a change. Would relish the opportunity!!
carolineno says:
If this works -I will know!
Phoenix says:
It certainly sounds different than other products!
Tfabglam5 says:
I would love to put my skin on the line and try this most recent anti-aging find!
Linda Letto says:
I would love to test this. I have not recieved any product to test yet.I don’t know how this works but i signed up for two products a year
Cathy says:
Would like to try.
Debbie says:
I would be honored to be a tester. The ingredients are definitely cutting edge technology. I would be happy to tell all your readers about my experience with this breakthrough serum for skin.
Ida says:
This sounds like the product I would love to try and use if it works the way it says
fhoagland says:
I’d love to be able to test this. Love any product made from plants….
Zenaida says:
I would love to try this product!
patricia lockhart says:
I need a product like this.
Terri says:
I don’t mind paying for a product that works, so it would be great to try it first and make sure it is the right product for me.
Susie says:
I’d like to test this before paying the huge price for this product. Maybe it’s worth it!
50lish says:
Ooooh make me young again!!!
gshep says:
Interesting. I would try it !
Fab55 says:
I’m ready for my second test product, and this looks fascinating. I would even be willing to shell out the $190 to keep using it…if it works!!!
Cindy says:
Very pricey. Stem cells is worth a try.
Angela K says:
This is so expensive! I know I’ll never get to buy this in real life, so please let me test it! My skin is so dry and I’m seeing additional signs of aging around my eyes and mouth.
Ann Spence says:
I would love the opportunity to see if this product lives up to its claim,,,, I certainly need help with my lines…
Kim Cage says:
This sounds absolutely amazing!! Would love to test this product and give an honest review!
AJB says:
I would like to test this.
Virginia says:
WOW, I’d love to try this product! Going to be 60 this year and could really use this product! Stem cells is the future!
Kala says:
I read about this and was wondering if it was all it promised. Would love to test it.
Barbara M. says:
I’m in bad need of a nighttime skin care product! I have been neglecting my face due to limited budget and no time in the evenings. This would be an answer to prayer! Thank you if I’m selected!
jaylene says:
Boy this would sure help me
Ruth Bousquet says:
Building new skin cells while I sleep is amazing and truly sounds FAB!
joyce says:
Sounds interesting,would like to try it.
Doris says:
I live in the desert southwest, bad for skin! I need a great recovery cream!
Deed says:
Love to try before I buy . . . !
Connied says:
I would love to try this. There is no way I could or would spend that amount on a personal moisterizer! The only way I could, is to test try it!
joyzkim says:
Wow, there is so much out there about stem cells and here it is again? New skin cells, sounds too good to be true, but this 50 year old would love to try it out and see!!
Cathi Eifert says:
This looks like an awesome and much needed product. I would love to see if it actually works – because if it does, it is worth the money.
Muffin Story says:
Dear Shelley,
I would love to be a tester of Lifeline serum. This would be my first product to test and would really appreciate the opportunity to test.
Thank yu,
Muffin Story
Marcelle says:
If price means success then this must be a winner, would love to prove it.
Orquidea3542 says:
I would love to test this Serum to see the changes in my skin and look younger.
Kimberley says:
Would like to try this product
Rita connelly says:
I’m game.
Kelly Irving says:
Would love to try it. I can’t believe that something this expensive can make that big of a difference.
Sherry says:
There is exciting research currently to use stem cells for cell based therapy or treatment in which stem cells are induced to differentiate into the specific cell type required to repair damaged or destroyed cells or tissues. Imagine the implications for diseases such as:birth defects, cancer, arthritis etc., I would love to test “lifeline,” to see the topical effects of these “wonder” cells. It’s incredible to think that the cure to some of the most serious diseases could come from further investigation/study of stem cells.
travelgirl says:
This sounds so amazing, like a miracle in a bottle! I would be honored if I were chosen to test this product.
PhyllisJ says:
I’d love to see this work for my aging moisture-deprived skin due to the glorious Arizona weather!
Doris says:
Have lots of wrinkles and I’m only 57. Would love to test this product
darcy says:
Wow!! If it does all that.. i surely want to try it!! Here’s hoping that this is the answer!!
ellen schull says:
I love serums and would like to test this one. I like that it repairs wrinkles and sun damage.
robinz says:
You never know until you try. And I think I have tried almost everything, so why not this…. I’ll gladly give this a whirl. Maybe this is the answer we have all been waiting for!
Marne Rogers says:
I believe in miracles and want this product for my own. says:
The science sounds intriguing – I’d love to give it a try!
Sandy says:
Yow, it’d be fun to try such a luxury item.
Fran Herzig says:
This sounds too good to be true. I’d love to try it.
Chris says:
Sounds interesting! I would love to have the opportunity to test this product.
jfscott1948 says:
I would love to try this product because it sounds absolutely amazing. I am seeing my skin sagging around the jowls and mouth. All the products that I have already tried have not worked in either slowing it down or stopping the process altogether. They have not worked as advertised so I would love to try this product to see if it really would help.
Soha says:
I would love to try this product…
wizardewu says:
I would like to test this and see if it really works.
Regina says:
I would expect awesome results with that price tag!
Cathy Szewc says:
Sign me up! My 55 (to be 56 – tomorrow’s my BIRTHDAY!) skin needs all the help it can get. But on my budget? This is the only way I’ll EVER get to use this stuff…. Pick ME! Send me a birthday present please!
Bonnie says:
I would love to test Lifeline’s Recovery Night Moisture Serum!:)
Kim Irby says:
Sigh….. I just looked in the mirror. How depressing! I’d love to try this serum. If it works, I don’t care how much it costs.
Nancy says:
I’ll give it a whirl!
monicaplatz says:
I would positively LOVE to try this product — stem cells are the latest and greatest and really DO work! I would be willing to take photos or whatever you need!
Thanks for your consideration!
Elyse says:
I would really appreciate the opportunity to test this product! Thanks so much for your consideration.
Jodi says:
Yes, they are crazy–but I’d still like to try it.
Elly Rochester says:
Thank you for not using embryonic stem cells!!
pbunt says:
Testing it is the only way this $190 product will ever see my face.
Nancy Jachcik says:
Seeing is believing so I’d really like to try this serum before I believe it does any good
lynda says:
I would absolutely love to try this one – pick me please!!
Brenda Leon says:
I would love to test this product. I want to keep a youthful look and hope it really works. It would be amazing!!
Maxine Davidowitz says:
I would love to test this product. I believe that science is really improving the effectiveness of beauty products, but there are so many competing products making extraordinary claims. Would be great to give one a try.
casey04 says:
I am in!
Paige says:
Fingers crossed. Hope i’m one. Been wanting to try.
Vera Jane says:
It sounds too good to be true. But I would still love to give it a try.
mag says:
Let’s see if it can beat out what I am currently using!
Meredith Peters says:
Well, I am smack-dap-in-the-middle-of per-menopause (sounds cute, right? Like maybe Katy Perry had something to do with it?) And I’ve noticed that my skin is dryer, I’ve aged 4 years in the past year as wrinkles are showing up in new places and getting deeper This must be Beyond-Midlife Crises at age 54. I would love to test this product! I’ve tried nearly everything else, under $100 an ounce, that is.
Tonya Hickerson says:
50 and starting to show some signs of my age. Would so love to test this!!
Leslie Lone says:
I am 65 years old and look 70.Everything is going south.Please allow me to test this product and allow my Husband to see me young again before he passes.He is 80 yrs. of age and having all kinds of heath problems.
VMAH says:
I would like to test this to see if it could possible be worth the money!
allies says:
I would love to try this product! I have extremely dry skin due to medical condition & in the winter it gets worse ( especially this winter) and need a good moisturizing serum for my face and this looks like it would be amazing in solving this issue!
Pat says:
No one else thinks this is gross? Or that it’s priced at $190 to make it seem extraordinary? What other ingredients are in there? Skin is the largest organ of the body and it absorbs whatever we put on it – I’m leery of putting anything “new” on my skin when things like Melaleuca oil already work so well. I’m tired of being fooled by the advertising world, can you tell?
Mia says:
I wonder if this could help with my uneven pigmentation. Worth a try!
Tammy Allen says:
Could use this and since the price is a little steep for me; I’d love the opportunity to try this!
Pat Noel says:
I would love to test this.
LindyBelle says:
Very interested in testing this serum and hopefully being able to validate its claims!
Karen Mazza says:
Would love to try this new product!
Sueb says:
now this is something I would enjoy testing.
Jacqualin says:
I would love to try this and find out if it works. I’m not a sharpei but can use some honest help.
Ginger says:
If this is as magical as it seems, I’m all in.
Susan Snow says:
Sounds great – would love to see what it will do for
dry winter skin!
fzoltanetz says:
Amazing! Would love to test this product on my 69 year old skin! Will I be a raving beauty after use?
dawna says:
as always, I’d love to test…I’m a product junkie and always looking for the next good thing!
S Kay DeGroot says:
This is the first time I’ve ever heard of a product that uses human stem cells. I’ve never tried anything so expensive!
Beth says:
Pick me, I follow directions well and would love to see if this is a true wonder product. My cousin call me a “product pig” but in a loving way. Always searching for the miracle in a jar. says:
At age 59, my skin is beginning to sag and show spots of dullness. This sounds like just the product I need to combat these age signs.
Elisse says:
Yes, I’m intrigued, it sounds incredible. Yes, I would LOVE to try it. (And I’d love to know if they have done any studies on using it for Psoriasis, wound healing, or other skin conditions…) And yes, I’d gladly write about my experiences with it. And winning it is probably the only way I’ll get to try it… Why must these things be SO incredibly, prohibitively expensive, especially in this economy?!
Rinda Freeman says:
I would so love to try this!!
Arlene says:
Surely they wouldn’t price it so high unless it has shown positive results in their own testing lab! It at least sounds like a winning formula.
Diane says:
I need this product under my eyes!
Mary Sue Finnerty says:
I would LOVE to try this!
michelle Star says:
I am in!
danielle brigandi says:
i would love to try this,my skin is starting to wrinkle around my eyes.
Rhonda says:
Sign me up! Please! I would love to try this.
Denise Willeby says:
Sounds too good to be true, but would love a chance to let them prove it
Naheedd says:
Sounds very promising. I would love to test and review this product on my 50+ skin. Thanks.
Sharon says:
I need a lifeline and would love to test this product.
Maggie says:
50 + professional gal hopes to be chosen to try Lifeline Recovery NIght Moisture Serum!
campton says:
Would sure be nice if this worked!
Michelly says:
Well, finally, high tech meets beauty!
Michele Cox says:
I would love to try this product!
Miriam Pinheiro says:
I would love to try it!
kathy kukla says:
I would love to test this product. My skin is sagging and I need to find a good product. Please consider me.
Sacha Schroeder says:
WOW! This looks like an amazing product!