Karen Smith

I am the author of “Stylishly Sexy,” a how-to handbook for women over 50. You will learn how to look absolutely fabulous and still have money left over for dinner and drinks!  I also travel throughout Southern Arizona for one-on-one fashion consults and makeovers.

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Karen Smith

I teach women over 50 how to look fabulous!

Robin Stanfield

My business is called Popflops. They’re flip flops that have a magnetic interchangeable design. Our slogan is “One pair of shoes, 1,000 different looks.”

Sherrie Mathieson

I’m a style consultant who had a successful 26-year career as a New York-based costume designer/stylist for film/TV, then transitioned to the private sector as a consultant. I’ve published two books on style—”Forever Cool” and “Steal This Style”(Random House)—which focused on boomers and those older, using only real people of diverse backgrounds and body types as my models.

My style philosophy that works. I guarantee it! I invite you to visit my website/blog, www.sherriemathieson.com.


Over the last year, I have developed a bump in the middle of my forehead…

Over the last year, I have developed a bump in the middle of my forehead. Xrays have proved no problem, but I’d like to get it reduced or removed. Is this possible?