Why have I give up? I am in my 50’s, disabled due to a spinal deformity at birth that could have been fixed, but was not because my Mother resented me. She tore every single ounce of self-esteem from me. I ran away when I was 18, went to nursing school, and raised 2 children by myself. Now I sit on the couch almost 24/7 in terrible pain. I have a 142 IQ, and all I ever finished was my nursing degree when I was 22. I want to go back to school and do something with the rest of my life. How do you begin with no resources, financial or emotional?

0 Answers

  1. Mike Halsey wrote on :

    Great news (and I mean this in the most sincere, “realistic” and analytically-rigorous way): Your particular story, challenges, intellectual gifts and current discomfort sure seem to point toward a major breakthrough into peace and vivid fulfillment like you have never experienced before. It sure seems that great pain is the motive kick that some of the greatest seekers have needed to get to the next level.

    You had enough energy to find this site, and to post a well-worded and vulnerable request for assistance. This is evidence that you DO have emotional reserves. If we were to talk, I would very much like to explore what else that “spark” inside you has to say, what it wants most, and what great stuff it already knows that your conscious rational brain is squashing!

    In this stranger’s opinion, you have room to be VERY optimistic. 🙂

  2. Amy Cohen wrote on :

    Hi Anonymous,
    Congratulations on getting a nursing degree, you should be proud of your accomplishments, no matter what age! So you know you want to go back to school for something, thats a strart. What would you like to do with new time in your life? That is something to think about. What I would concentrate on first, is trying to get yourself into emotional health. Then the rest will come!
    How to build up your esteem? Surround yourself with people that care for you and do things that you like to do. I can suggest natural, inexpensive ways to work towards feeling confidence, self love and here I will suggest for you remedies to help figure out your life purpose. As a Practitioner For Emotional Health, this is right up my alley! Look up on line flower remedies and purchase (apx $16 each) Ancient Yew from Findhorn. This gorgeous remedy is about purpose, transformation, getting past obstacles, getting rid of burdens that hold you down and new directions for growth. Also purchase – Findhorn, Elder. Its about confidence, self love, bring comfort in your body, recovery & recuperation, radiate inner beauty and joy. These beautiful flower remedies, will not interfere with medication. I can help you find them if you cannot. Once you are feeling good, all else will follow! Your life is not over, its a new beginning Anonymous!

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