Have you ever gazed in the mirror and wondered, “What was I thinking?” When there’s always something that doesn’t seem right, no matter what you wear, you begin to believe that maybe you’re shopping at the wrong stores, your budget isn’t big enough, or you’ll never look great because you don’t have the body of a model. Too often, your clothes cover your body but don’t lift your spirits. All that can change right now! That’s So You! helps you create new awareness around the psychological aspects of how you dress; understand how to put together a comfortable and beautiful signature wardrobe; to make peace with aging, and learn to do it with flair and confidence. We’ll show you how to loosen the strangleholds on your personal style and create a look that will make your heart sing. You will benefit from Ginger’s years of experience as she guides you through the steps to tame your closet and address real-life fashion questions. You will learn to pull together a look that truly expresses who you are, down to your toes.
0 Responses to “Ginger Burr”
Rebecca Barker says:
Well, Ginger, I have good news and bad news. The good news is I’m going to check out your book, The bad news? I’ll bet that means my brand new Converse high tops are going to be donated to a deserving fashion-forward 14 year-old-boy!
Ginger says:
Thanks, Rebecca! Sorry for the delay in responding–login issues and I just saw your fun message. I hope you enjoy the book and I’ll look forward to hearing what you get in place of the high tops 🙂