Name: Janice Goldman Picker [FInancial Planning]
Phone: (312) 214-3568

I am passionate about working with my clients and want them to experience financial confidence now and in retirement. I will look at your entire financial picture — cash reserves, debt management, investments, protection and taxes, ask targeted questions and listen closely to your answers. I want you to feel confident that the advice I provide reflects your unique dreams and goals.

I was fortunate enough to find my soul mate at age 58. I am enjoying the pleasures and challenges of a blended family consisting of 6 young adult children. There is a lot of financial planning that goes into having blended families. We are happy to share our experience and expertise in how to navigate financial/estate planning with second marriages and blended families.

I am very passionate about helping women discover their purpose. My purpose is to pay it forward by spreading financial literacy to indigent women in the Chicagoland area and all over the world.

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