In the 1989 comedy film, War of the Roses, Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner play the roles of a husband and wife–Barbara and Oliver Rose–who turn on one another with a vengeance. When Oliver has consumed the last bite of Barbara’s homemade pate, she tells him it’s made from dog meat (his dog.) He smashes her prized china. Their antics are pretty entertaining, but we know that revenge, in real life, is not the least bit funny.
But who among us hasn’t wanted to “get back” at someone who we feel “did us dirty?” Aren’t we secretly, or not so secretly, pleased when we hear a former back- biting colleague is fired? Or when someone who cheated us gets caught?
I intensely disliked a sociology professor at New York University because she was completely arbitrary about how she graded. Reading her obit in the paper years after we graduated didn’t bring tears to my eyes.
Consider the time and energy we waste thinking about people who don’t give us a second thought. We can’t undo what’s been done, but we can move on. Bad people usually get their comeuppance all by themselves. They don’t need a bit of help from us.
I heard someone say recently: “Success is the best revenge.” Can’t debate that.
0 Responses to ““An eye for an eye would make the whole world blind.”–Mahatma Gandhi”
Kate Line Snider says:
Having seen the “Law of Comeuppance” in action, I have to agree with you.
I am thinking of a gentleman who stole my heart over 30 years ago- handsome beyond belief, educated, cultured , and refined. He had no trouble seducing me- or anybody else, apparently. I cringe to report I was visiting his antiques-strewn apartment not once but TWICE when angry women came literally beating on his door ( a different woman each time). I stopped seeing him but picked up again briefly after a tragic divorce. We only saw each other a couple of times when he stood me up- and didn’t communicate until I left him a caustic message. ( Another woman – of course- had broken her wrist and he had to take her to a hospital where they apparently have no phones.) I never gave him another conscious thought.
I remarried happily years ago but chanced to encounter my ex-lover recently on one of the social internet networks. Well, there he was: late 60’s now, still handsome as the devil and still living singly amidst his collection of antiques and “classy “pornography. We communicated just long enough for me to find out a couple of things: He hasn’t had a permanent job in seven years, and although he has dates now and then, he cannot seem to sustain a relationship beyond a few weeks.You can imagine my emotions.
It must be terrible to be a cad in the age of Viagra.
I’ve always believed that bad folks will get theirs down the road. One good thing about being over 50 is you’ve lived long enough to see some of those who hurt you get theirs. I know I have. At the end of the day living well is the best revenge!
0 Responses to ““An eye for an eye would make the whole world blind.”–Mahatma Gandhi”
Kate Line Snider says:
Having seen the “Law of Comeuppance” in action, I have to agree with you.
I am thinking of a gentleman who stole my heart over 30 years ago- handsome beyond belief, educated, cultured , and refined. He had no trouble seducing me- or anybody else, apparently. I cringe to report I was visiting his antiques-strewn apartment not once but TWICE when angry women came literally beating on his door ( a different woman each time). I stopped seeing him but picked up again briefly after a tragic divorce. We only saw each other a couple of times when he stood me up- and didn’t communicate until I left him a caustic message. ( Another woman – of course- had broken her wrist and he had to take her to a hospital where they apparently have no phones.) I never gave him another conscious thought.
I remarried happily years ago but chanced to encounter my ex-lover recently on one of the social internet networks. Well, there he was: late 60’s now, still handsome as the devil and still living singly amidst his collection of antiques and “classy “pornography. We communicated just long enough for me to find out a couple of things: He hasn’t had a permanent job in seven years, and although he has dates now and then, he cannot seem to sustain a relationship beyond a few weeks.You can imagine my emotions.
It must be terrible to be a cad in the age of Viagra.
Sylvia says:
Oh So true. Good reminder and well written. It’s so much better to focus on the positive. (Michael Douglous looks so young in that picture!)
Geri says:
Hi Sylvia,
Thank you so much for your compliment.
marie arlene cameron says:
I’ve always believed that bad folks will get theirs down the road. One good thing about being over 50 is you’ve lived long enough to see some of those who hurt you get theirs. I know I have. At the end of the day living well is the best revenge!