A brilliant, young man named Aaron Gibralter, the son of my FOF friend, Terry, knows that no single person can answer the age old question: “What makes us tick?”
Calling on his infinite wisdom, Aaron created Urtak, a collaborative, internet-based survey for finding out what unites and what separates members of a community. Urtak (which means sample in Icelandic) invites us all to pool our knowledge and insight to learn about our common interests as well as our differences.
An Urtak can be created by anyone, for any community at all. Everyone in the community can contribute questions and answers so that more information can be gathered. More information equals more understanding. Big companies usually conduct traditional opinion surveys. They know little about a community and structure questions based on the results they want.
When Aaron explained Urtak, I wanted to try it with FOF women. First, he asked me to compose 15 questions based on subjects that would interest members of the community. The questions must elicit one of three responses–yes, no or don’t care—to make the process as simple as possible, Aaron said. This also allows the results of every question to be compared.
Once you answer a question, a little pie chart immediately pops up to show how your answer compares with opinions from the rest of the community.
Aaron installed Urtak on my blog. Here are some results:
Q: Have you been married more than 30 years to the same person? FOF Community: 36% Yes, 64% No, 100% Care
0 Responses to “A consensus of FOF opinion”
Terry Perl says:
Geri – whatever the poll results, that picture is wonderful. Where are they going and can I go with them?
Geri says:
Hi Terry,
They’re going to visit Lina’s new house and to hold Edie and I want to go with them. Are you there now?