No matter how many anti-aging lotions and potions I rub into my skin, it’s unlikely that I’m going to wake up one day soon, glance in the mirror, and see my 30-old-face staring back at me. But the burgeoning nutritional supplement market, estimated at a whopping $20+ billion, consistently promises it can help me live healthier–and feel younger. Although I’d be willing to keep my crow’s feet and laugh lines, in exchange for feeling as tip-top as I did decades ago, so many supplement claims seem downright absurd!
It got my attention, however, when I heard that a Stanford-educated PhD, with his advanced degree in cancer biology, had discovered a vitamin that actually could reduce the effects of aging and rejuvenate energy production in the cell. Was this for real?
I wanted to learn more, so I arranged for an interview with Dr. Charles Brenner, the scientist behind this discovery, and asked him to explain his discovery in non-scientific terms. If a highly educated scientist hoped to teach me anything, he had to make it simple. Biology was my worst subject in high school!
Discovering The Pathway To Cell Longevity
Dr. Brenner is nothing like a celebrity doctor when it comes to publicity, so you’ve likely never heard his name. The brilliant scientist discovered the pathway between nicotinamide riboside (NR), a miracle molecule with exciting ‘anti-aging’ abilities, and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), which is the single most important molecule in every single cell of our bodies. Now Dr. Brenner is speaking out about his discovery, because many companies misleadingly claim that their supplements can do the same thing as supplements with NR. That’s simply not true, he asserts!
“OK, what’s the big deal about NAD?” I asked Dr. Brenner. “We all absolutely need it,” he said emphatically. “NR is a form of vitamin B3 that helps our cells to produce NAD. NAD performs a number of critical functions: It enables our cells to convert the fats, proteins and carbohydrates we eat into the energy we need to stay in top shape. It also activates our longevity genes, known in the scientific community as sirtuin genes, which regulate cellular aging and the chemical and biological processes that help us maintain healthy and fit lives. Those processes are called metabolism,” Dr. Brenner told me.
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Unfortunately, our level of NAD substantially declines as our bodies slow down with age. Aging is the biggest risk factor for many of the diseases that kill us. Doing cardio and weight-bearing exercises all week, consuming a diet of nutritious whole foods, getting adequate sleep, and staying away from smoking and drinking are all important. The inevitable physiological stresses of life, however, lead to the decline of our NAD levels, and therefore supplementation makes a lot of sense, Dr. Brenner emphasizes.
What Your Metabolism Absolutely Needs As You Age
NAD gives our cells the extra push they need to help reduce the effects of aging, because it helps me live healthier and feel younger. That’s a big deal.
Here’s another way to think about NR: It’s like the fuel to keep an engine functioning in an energy-efficient car. “As the engine becomes older, it becomes less efficient, and requires more fuel to keep it maintained,” Dr. Brenner explains. “Cells damaged by the inevitable stresses of life, such as aging, exposure to sun, or alcohol, look for NR in order to replenish their NAD and help keep our cells running smoothly. If we are taking an NR supplement, we are providing our bodies with a proven source of NAD.”
Our cells can produce NAD from tryptophan, an amino acid which synthesizes protein, or from niacin and nicotinamide, also forms of vitamin B3. “But each of them has limitations,” Dr. Brenner reports. “Tryptophan is just plain inefficient; niacin at high doses causes flushing, and nicotinamide inhibits sirtuins. The other compounds have been available since the late 1930s, but they don’t provide the additional advantages of NR.”
NR increases NAD, but doesn’t inhibit sirtuins, won’t cause flushing, and is a vitamin that our stressed cells look for to regenerate their vital NAD. When the scientific community first looked at Dr. Brenner’s research, it was excited to see that he had discovered something with the potential to help the aging population to maintain muscle mass and function, as well as heart, nerve and cognitive function.
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A Science-Backed Brand With Integrity
There’s more good news: Dr. Brenner is the Chief Scientific Advisor behind TRU NIAGEN™, the only NR supplement directly from the ingredient’s patent-holder. He wants to assure us that we’re getting the real benefits of his important discovery, without the side effects of some other supplements.
People who have started taking TRU NIAGEN™ report subtle changes in their overall feelings of well-being; improved sleep quality; consistent energy; improved mental clarity and alertness, and skin health after taking the supplement for a couple months.
Dr. Brenner also looks forward to determining additional benefits of TRU NIAGEN™.
“My educated guess is that the more stresses a person has, the more she or he may benefit from TRU NIAGEN™,” Dr. Brenner claims. “Even when you’re in your 70s and 80s!”
if you are interested in trying Tru NIAGEN™.