Christina’s World

God bless the FOF mom who posted this message about her daughter on the Date My Single Kid section of the site:


“Christina has a sparkling personality and an adventurous spirit. She is independent, confident, and caring. She has a positive attitude and is motivated to excel in everything she does. Standing just 3 feet and 8 inches tall, Christina is a Little Person. This has given her a unique perspective on life, relationships, and what is really important in this world. Christina is grounded by her close ties to family and her strong belief in God. Her interests include traveling the world, theatre, art, and public speaking. She is looking for a best friend first, followed by a romantic interest and eventual life partner.”

I sometimes wonder how it would have affected me if I had a child who didn’t fit the “norm.”  As it was, I didn’t deserve a Mother of the Year Award. But can we ever really know how we’ll react to a situation unless we experience it?

I would like to think I’d be as smart, sensible and open as my FOF friend. Her daughter may be a “Little Person,” but it sounds as if she’s got a boundless heart and soul. With a mother like this, how could she not?

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