My new house has “good bones,” but I’m afraid I can’t say the same for the bones in my body.
Like my mother, I have osteoporosis. Thankfully, I’ve never broken a bone, but I surely wasn’t going to take any chances, so I saw an endocrinologist, who prescribed a drug to increase my bone density, as well as an over-the-counter calcium supplement. Turns out that’s not such a great solution!
I already know about the potential side effects of the medication, but I’ve learned disturbing facts about the popular calcium supplement:
It’s not only made from either marble or limestone, it doesn’t actually build new bone, and it slows bone loss only a little. What’s even worse, respected studies show that popular calcium supplements increase our risk of heart attack and stroke. That’s horrible news for me, and for the 61 percent of American women over 60 who take them! But unless I want to eat 11 cups of broccoli a day to get my required daily allowance of healthy calcium–from plants, not rocks–what choice did I have?
Now, my FabOverFifty sisters and I have an exceptional option, AlgaeCal Plus, a calcium supplement that’s derived from a rare plant found along the South America shorelines, named Algas Calcareas. This wonder plant (about the size of a kiwi) soaks up nutrients from the ocean that are even more concentrated than the minerals plants absorb from the soil. Algas Calcareas, in fact, absorbs all 13 minerals that our bones absolutely need, including zinc, magnesium, silica, strontium, and 10 times more calcium than land plants.
Calcium is critical, but it just isn’t enough to nourish our bones all by itself! Unlike other rock-based calcium supplements, AlgaeCal Plus even has added vitamins D3 and K2, which play a huge role in transporting calcium to our bones, as well as keeping it out of our heart and arteries.
No wonder AlgaeCal Plus is being called a Superfood.
Oh, by the way, AlgaeCal Plus is so super that it’s “the planet’s only certified organic calcium source.” USDA Organic certification means we can rely on it to be pure, clean and chemical free so that it nourishes our bones and feeds our organs. (Users report faster-growing hair and nails, weight loss and increased energy!) And, since the Algas Calcareas plant “predigests” all the rich minerals found in the AlgaeCal Plus supplement, it’s body friendly and won’t give us upset stomachs, bloating or constipation. It’s so body friendly that 97% of the AlgaeCal calcium is absorbed in 30 minutes.
There’s more: Strontium, another natural mineral from the earth’s crust, also plays a crucial role in building healthy bone (teeth, too), and supercharges the work of AlgaeCal. So the makers of AlgaeCal formulated Strontium Boost, a combination of natural strontium with citric acid from fruits. When used with AlgaeCal Plus, the pair already has reversed bone loss for thousands of women just like me, including 85 year olds who developed new strong bone in six months.
I assure you that this isn’t fake news, either! Dean Neuls, the Canadian who founded AlgaeCal–after researching bone health for 12 years–has four major clinical trials proving we can increase bone density and build new bone safely and naturally, without the use of prescriptions:
1. AlgaeCal builds bone-building cells (osteoblasts) 200% to 500% better than the next most effective calcium supplement, according to a study published in Cellular and Molecular Biochemistry.
2. AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost increased bone density, even in 80-year-old participants, reports Nutrition Journal.
3. The duo increased bone density in one year for postmenopausal women, who typically lose 1 to 2% bone density each year, according to a study in the International Journal of Medical Sciences.
4. The duo increased bone density year after year for up to seven years, says a new seven-year follow up study in the prestigious Journal of the American College of Nutrition.
If all this still doesn’t convince you to try the dynamic duo of AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost, check out the authentic and successful experiences of 100 real people who swear by the two supplements. You’ll see their real names, cities and bone scan results on And watch this short but powerful video testimonial from a couple about their exciting experience with AlgaeCal!
Improvements in just months!
I’ve been on board the AlgaeCal Plus & Strontium Boost Bone-Building Express for over six months now, and have stopped taking the bone medication prescribed by my doctor, preferring to take this completely natural route. The osteoporosis in the femoral neck has already been “downgraded” to osteopenia, according to my latest bone density test. I’m sure it will keep improving!
Dean Neuls is so confident in the effectiveness of his two products, he “guarantees you will see increased bone density in EVERY follow-up bone scan you have” while using them–and will refund every penny you paid for them between your scans. And this guarantee extends to every single scans for seven years.
In the meantime, don’t let an osteoporosis diagnosis worry you and stop you from being an active, independent woman. A lot of people are counting on you, including YOU!
I’m excited about the DEAL that AlgaeCal is generously offering to me and all my FOFriends, because the company has rarely had a sale since it launched 12 years ago. When I insisted on it, they gave in and decided to give us up to 45% off on all their Bone Builder Packs. That’s a BIG DEAL!
to rebuild your bones, and take advantage of these special AlgaeCal discounts, plus free shipping.