It might shock far too many TV executives that women in 2023 don’t die when they turn 50 years old!
What else but cluelessness would explain that while 63 million women in the United States are 50+ – that’s 20 percent- they receive only 8 percent of on-air screen time?

Fact is, these women are “the most active, ambitious, and influential group of women in a generation,” stresses Dorthy Miller Shore, board chair and CEO of Prime Women Media. What’s more, they account for 27 percent of all consumer spending, generally making household purchase decisions for video entertainment, wifi, mobile phones, and other products and services.
A popular digital community for women over 50, Prime Women tackles critical topics including health, fitness and beauty; small business, finances and retirement; volunteering and charity work; grandparenting, and caregiving. Now, Dorthy is expanding Prime Women Media’s reach with a 24/7 linear television network bringing informative, entertaining, and inspiring content to women in their prime.
Like Prime Women, the new TV network will embrace major subjects that impact women in their prime. It also will help redefine what it means to be a woman at this dynamic stage of her life.
Menopause changes women over 50, mentally and physically. It impacts their careers, relationships, health, appearances, and libidos. “We are the most active, ambitious and influential group of women in a generation, “Dorthy said. “Yet no television network gives us the information and inspiration that comes from seeing how other women like them are tackling these problems.”
Segments will cover subjects such as dating after divorce or widowhood; caring for a parent or spouse; overcoming ageism in the workforce; managing finances post-retirement, and discovering a second act. Building on the content of its online magazine, the Prime Women television network will educate and entertain viewers with documentaries, specials, and reality series, all featuring women over 50.
“Women over 50 embrace traditional television and love to channel surf. They may have a streaming service, but they are not cord-cutters. “This demographic is especially appealing to advertisers and to cable and satellite providers.”
The founder of Miller Ad Agency, an award-winning automotive and digital advertising agency, Dorthy is joined by four other accomplished women entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors:
Valerie Freeman is a leader in the staffing, recruiting, human resource, and outsourcing sectors. Jan Fletcher is an executive in the nutrition, wellness, real estate and investment businesses. Kristine Davis currently co-manages a family-owned diversified investment company. Deborah Kauffman is a residential and commercial real estate investor and owner, as well as a philanthropist and community volunteer.