Dear Abby, I am 84 years old and have had a successful and rich career in my family business. I’m still working and full of energy, but I know my son has been anxious to take over the business for quite some time. Am I being selfish not to give him the opportunity to pick up the reigns, so to speak? I would be miserable if I stopped working. Besides, I’m not so sure he’d live up to the family’s reputation in light of some of his hanky panky and thoughtless behavior.
Regards, Queenie
Queenie before she took over the family business, with her parents
Dear Queenie, If you love your son as much as I love mine, I say, “Give the guy a break!” I admire your spunk and not wanting to sit back on your laurels, but sonny boy deserves a chance to do his own thing. He might bring some new vigor to the family business. Even if you’re doing a great job, it’s wise to let the next generation have a chance. Besides, I’m guessing there still will be plenty for you to do and you’ll be able lend your expertise to him. Let me know what you decide. Best,
Queenie, all grown up, with sonny boy
P.S. In case you don’t know who Queenie is, it’s Queen Elizabeth II, who was in New York for a few hours today to visit Ground Zero and The United Nations. I wonder why she is so intent to continue standing on ceremony at her age. Who does she think she is? Queen of England.
0 Responses to ““None of your business, sonny boy!””
Maravonda says:
I hope that the throne bypasses Charles and Camilla and goes to William, and before he is too old. To see Diana’s son on the throne will be icing on my cake.
LOL . . . your timely post made me laugh. Yes, the Queen has been busy carrying out her Royal duties during her visit to Canada and the United States. I doubt that the son really wants her to step down. He’s happy with life as it is now. Like Queenie, I’m not sure that he would live up to the family’s reputation. 😉
Against all tradition for English monarchy to step down. I’d never defend her (my family is Welsh, we’re not too fond of the oppressors:) otherwise; but it’s not the way it’s done in England. I think Charles would be mortified, at this point, to become King. He’s happy gardening. Leave him to it.
0 Responses to ““None of your business, sonny boy!””
Maravonda says:
I hope that the throne bypasses Charles and Camilla and goes to William, and before he is too old. To see Diana’s son on the throne will be icing on my cake.
Sunset says:
LOL . . . your timely post made me laugh. Yes, the Queen has been busy carrying out her Royal duties during her visit to Canada and the United States. I doubt that the son really wants her to step down. He’s happy with life as it is now. Like Queenie, I’m not sure that he would live up to the family’s reputation. 😉
Geri says:
Hi Susan,
Thanks for the lesson, but maybe too much tradition is the problem. 🙂
Does Camilla garden, too?
Susan says:
Against all tradition for English monarchy to step down. I’d never defend her (my family is Welsh, we’re not too fond of the oppressors:) otherwise; but it’s not the way it’s done in England. I think Charles would be mortified, at this point, to become King. He’s happy gardening. Leave him to it.
Cheers, pip, pip!