Pay It Along

“I love to give my friends money as gifts,” Barbara told me during our interview for FabOverFifty.  When I asked why,  she answered, “because I like to.”  Another woman is paying for the college tuition of her manicurist’s daughter. “As long as she does well in school, I will continue,” she told me. On the approach of my 50th birthday, I took one of my best friend’s to Paris for a long weekend.


“We were jealous and looking over our shoulders in our twenties. We’re generous in our fifties,” said Robin, whose sentiments pretty much capture the attitude of the majority of FOF women. It doesn’t appear that we suddenly switch gears once we reach the fifty-year mark, but we learn over the years how rewarding it is to be generous to others.  We’re not just generous financially, but emotionally and spiritually. We look after our aging parents and give succor to our ailing friends. We mentor younger women at work and contribute time and effort to our communities and heartfelt causes. We love to share the things we love, whether it’s the name of our yoga instructor, favorite shop or dermatologist.

Not to sound sappy and self-serving, but we are a fabulous group.

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