Three FOF friends and I meet in Times Square, where CBS will be taping a segment on FOF. Between takes, I remove my scarf and show my pals my jowl-less face. Susan looks at me closely and says, “I’ve got to get the name of your doctor.” Ditto Cathy. They want the lowdown on the procedures. I share it all.
“How soon after the work did you show your face?” Susan asks.
“Two days,” I answer. “I looked like I went a few rounds with Mohammed Ali but I felt fine.”
Tuesday, February 9
I return to Dr. Giese’s office. She is pleased by the progress and explains any little lumps and bumps I see or feel will smooth out over the next few weeks. One of three nerves on the left side of my mouth hasn’t improved. “It may only come back 85 percent,” Dr. Giese cautions. It’s so much better than it was two weeks ago, so I am not terribly concerned. It feels a bit numb, but is not affecting me.
I also see Nathalie for another magic-fingers facial. Every time I have a treatment, I can see an improvement in the tone and texture of my skin. I worry how I’m going to live without them. Will I have to go to facial rehab?
Thursday, February 11
My ex and I Another kind of face... Artist: Doug Brin
I’m at an art opening featuring the work of my former-husband, Douglas. Marge and Nancy, whom I haven’t seen in decades, tell me I look great. I reveal what I had done. I don’t hide my age. Why hide this?
February 14, 2010 The launch party is four days away and, of course, I have nothing to wear. I go to Saks to buy something new (I have been to Bergdorf Goodman and Barney’s, but wouldn’t wear anything they had, even if they gave it to me for free.) A lovely Issey Miyake long blouse/short dress immediately catches my uplifted eyes. I grab it.
At a Valentine’s Day buffet dinner party I get a few more good reviews on my refreshed face.
Wednesday, February 17
Nathalie sees me for one last facial. She calls it the Madonna Facial. I don’t really care to look like Madonna, but it still feels grrrrreat.
Thursday, February 18
We race around the office preparing for the FOF launch event, which starts at 7 p.m. Francis from Butterfly Studio Salon comes to do my makeup. I throw on my new shirt over my new pantyhose and away we go.
PRE: JANUARY 15, 2010POST: David and I at the FOF launch, February 18
I compare my before and after photos and I believe the difference is dramatic. I didn’t think I looked too bad before. But now I think I look fresher and more vibrant. Let me put it this way: My outer self better matches my inner self.
Ed note: UPDATE: November 2011
Almost two-full years from the original “Natural Lift” surgery, we couldn’t help but post Geri’s updated “after.” (Now featuring a totally new hairstyle, courtesy of LeMetric.)
Thanks to my FOF friends who think I’m brave and like the results. Let me hear from you, no matter what you think!
Love, Geri
0 Responses to “The Big Reveal”
Jerice Bergstrom says:
I so wish I had 15 grand to make myself over. You are beautiful AND fortunate.
Thanks for taking the scalpel for us! Very interesting, couldn’t wait to check in with you each day for more. What kind of encore now?
Wow so great. I agree, you looked pretty neat before, but now it doesn’t look like FOF is wearing you out, nor do you look like a Barbie doll. (Your doctor’s necklace was also pretty amazing to see.) Enjoy, enjoy! and continue to celebrate the fearless person you are. Tilda
You look FABULOUS! Your launch party was so much fun – I was delighted to have been there to meet you in person along with your staff, friends, and family. It was a great start to a wonderful weekend in New York with my daughter and her family, taking in several shows, restaurants, sights, museums and stores. Here’s wishing you great success in you Fab Over Fifty venture – you are the most FAB of all!
With warm personal regards,
Sharon Kidd
El Paso, Texas
You look absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing the experience. I love the “refreshed” look as opposed to the horrible tight face lifts that scare me to death! You truly look ten years younger! I would love to do something myself, but am so afraid of that overdone look, you just look completely natural. I wonder if your doctor knows anyone here in Las Vegas that uses a light approach like hers?
You look marvelous, and totally natural- versus the pulled and weirdly wide-eyed look I see so often. I think the mistake many women make is t0 think well, I am doing this once so give me the works! You just look like you were blessed with very good genes. Brava! And please show us your Issey blouse.
Thank you for doing this. You look incredible, but the beauty of what you said was that you feel your outer self matches your inner self. That’s the perfect order of things.
ps-Bet your Dr. will be booked solid for YEARS-incredible job!
You look fabulous!
I’m glad they gave you anesthesia. I had a “Lifestyle Lift” a few years ago, eyes, upper and lower, face lifted and lipo under my chin. While I loved the fresh result I can honestly say the procedure was very painful. Lidocaine injections all around my face and eyes. It hurt like the devil. Perhaps they have improved the procedure since, but I would definitely be put to sleep the next time.
Once again you really look great! Congratulations on the new FOF you!
Geri, thanks so much for sharing the process. It makes it less scary. You look, in a word, Beautiful! I just found the FOF site today, and have spent hours here. What a service the site provides us. CBS? Have they aired anything yet? Thanks for starting and maintaining your Blog. I am so impressed with the site. I might get the courage to post a photo yet!
Hi Geri. Thanks for the warm welcome! I inquired about CBS because I read in the Feb 8 post where you mentioned they were there taping a segment… how exciting!! I wish it were aired on NATIONAL news! Best regards, Mary
Geri – you proved my theory that the most aging thing to ‘go south’ is the lower perimeter of the face – it pulls everything else down, makes lines that go down (down, down) and generally makes people feel (as well as appear) tired, not energetic, not happy, etc. I’m not going to say ‘you look great’ (even though you do ) – it is not just that the jowls have gone off on vacation someplace. What was done cancelled the downward movement – which allowed your own natural energy, happiness (and downright joy) to come through. A very happy face indeed.
0 Responses to “The Big Reveal”
Jerice Bergstrom says:
I so wish I had 15 grand to make myself over. You are beautiful AND fortunate.
Geri says:
Hi Jerice,
Dr. Giese gave me a big break in exchange for the PR. Thank you for saying I’m beautiful. I think I look better, but beautiful is stretching it. 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving.
Deb Kent says:
OMG Geri you look GORGEOUS!!!!!
Matilda Andrews says:
Thanks for taking the scalpel for us! Very interesting, couldn’t wait to check in with you each day for more. What kind of encore now?
Wow so great. I agree, you looked pretty neat before, but now it doesn’t look like FOF is wearing you out, nor do you look like a Barbie doll. (Your doctor’s necklace was also pretty amazing to see.) Enjoy, enjoy! and continue to celebrate the fearless person you are. Tilda
Geri says:
Hi Tilda,
Did you see yourself on the site? You look soooo beautiful on the sofa.
How is your son?
Sharon Kidd says:
You look FABULOUS! Your launch party was so much fun – I was delighted to have been there to meet you in person along with your staff, friends, and family. It was a great start to a wonderful weekend in New York with my daughter and her family, taking in several shows, restaurants, sights, museums and stores. Here’s wishing you great success in you Fab Over Fifty venture – you are the most FAB of all!
With warm personal regards,
Sharon Kidd
El Paso, Texas
Leigh Chandler says:
You look absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing the experience. I love the “refreshed” look as opposed to the horrible tight face lifts that scare me to death! You truly look ten years younger! I would love to do something myself, but am so afraid of that overdone look, you just look completely natural. I wonder if your doctor knows anyone here in Las Vegas that uses a light approach like hers?
Maureen@IslandRoar says:
You look absolutely wonderful!
I agree with LPC; thanks for sharing with us!
That’s such a FOF thing to do, no?
Susan says:
Thank you for writing about your journey. You look wonderful. Congratulations (on everything).
Duchesse says:
You look marvelous, and totally natural- versus the pulled and weirdly wide-eyed look I see so often. I think the mistake many women make is t0 think well, I am doing this once so give me the works! You just look like you were blessed with very good genes. Brava! And please show us your Issey blouse.
Geri says:
Hi Duchesse,
Weirdly wild eyed. Great expression.
You can see the Issey blouse in the photo with David, but I will get a larger view.
oxo G
Divamom-Act II says:
Thank you for doing this. You look incredible, but the beauty of what you said was that you feel your outer self matches your inner self. That’s the perfect order of things.
ps-Bet your Dr. will be booked solid for YEARS-incredible job!
Geri says:
Hi Linda,
Nice to hear from you. I don’t know how you stood the pain. I was totally out.
How is everything? Have you registered for the site?
Linda McCoy says:
I’m great thanks, yes I did register earlier on. Wish I could have caught your CBS news segment…
Linda McCoy says:
You look fabulous!
I’m glad they gave you anesthesia. I had a “Lifestyle Lift” a few years ago, eyes, upper and lower, face lifted and lipo under my chin. While I loved the fresh result I can honestly say the procedure was very painful. Lidocaine injections all around my face and eyes. It hurt like the devil. Perhaps they have improved the procedure since, but I would definitely be put to sleep the next time.
Once again you really look great! Congratulations on the new FOF you!
Mary Hansen says:
Geri, thanks so much for sharing the process. It makes it less scary. You look, in a word, Beautiful! I just found the FOF site today, and have spent hours here. What a service the site provides us. CBS? Have they aired anything yet? Thanks for starting and maintaining your Blog. I am so impressed with the site. I might get the courage to post a photo yet!
Geri says:
Hi Mary,
How pleased we are that you love the site. CBS local news did a segment on it two weeks ago.
Why do you ask specifically about CBS?
Would love you to post a photo.
Mary Hansen says:
Hi Geri. Thanks for the warm welcome! I inquired about CBS because I read in the Feb 8 post where you mentioned they were there taping a segment… how exciting!! I wish it were aired on NATIONAL news! Best regards, Mary
Toby Wollin says:
Geri – you proved my theory that the most aging thing to ‘go south’ is the lower perimeter of the face – it pulls everything else down, makes lines that go down (down, down) and generally makes people feel (as well as appear) tired, not energetic, not happy, etc. I’m not going to say ‘you look great’ (even though you do ) – it is not just that the jowls have gone off on vacation someplace. What was done cancelled the downward movement – which allowed your own natural energy, happiness (and downright joy) to come through. A very happy face indeed.
Geri says:
You made it happier!
Heather Chapple says:
You LOOK in a word simply FABULOUS!
Wow, I am proud of your bravery in doing it all and showing it all!
Thank you Geri!
LPC says:
I think the difference is striking. Primarily around your mouth. Thank you SO MUCH for doing this.