The energizer honey

Jennifer Snowdon has energy to burn. Photo by Katherine McPherson

It’s so much fun for me to meet new FOF women who are bursting with energy, talent and creativity. It’s contagious and it confirms that we are the most exciting women on the planet. Makeup artist, Jennifer Snowdon, visited the FOF offices today to demonstrate exactly how much makeup we need to wear and how to apply it. While we were all chatting away before the beauty lesson began, Jennifer told a good story:

“I recently finished working practically non-stop on a film project with a crew of  twenty and thirty year olds. I slept three or four hours a night for 20 nights. We were going non stop all day long. One day I enthusiastically jumped out of the trailer with my makeup kit in hand and bumped into a young man from the crew. He couldn’t believe my spunk. ‘How old are you?’ he asked, confused how anyone older than 25 could be so lively.”

Like Jennifer, I am blessed with an enormous amount of energy, which belies my age (63). While young people around me complain about feeling tired because they stayed up too late or say they’re under the weather if they have the sniffles, I usually don’t give in to aches, pains and other maladies unless I literally can’t get out of bed.

We can’t escape our age chronologically, but no one will care how old you if your spirit stays young. Different generations no longer think it’s us versus them. We’re all in this wild and wonderful life together.

0 Responses to “The energizer honey”

  1. Press | Jennifer Snowdon says:

    […] ‘The Energizer Honey’ (2010) […]

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    You without suspect be undergoing a style all your own when it comes to creating these discriminating blog posts.

  3. Toby Wollin says:

    There’s also a certain amount of ‘suck it up; no whining!” in this age group, so that does not surprise me in the least.


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