Mary, twenty years my senior, was my first mentor. She was my editor when I was a green 24-year-old reporter. I would tensely watch her reading my copy, praying she’d like it. She taught me, over many years, how to become a better and better writer.
"Two Women" by Diego Rivera
Mary also was my closest friend for many years. My husband and I would go to her apartment for dinner many Saturday evenings. After one of Mary’s marvelous pasta dinners, Douglas would occupy himself reading while Mary and I would drink wine and talk into the wee hours. We’d discuss the men in her life (she never married, but had lots of suitors), work, food, and co-workers.
Here’s the thing. Although there was a big gap between our ages, I never ever looked at Mary as an older woman. She was hip, smart, attractive, a hard worker, dedicated and loyal. She was one of the first career women of her generation. We had a great deal in common and that’s what mattered. She wanted to teach me and I wanted to learn.
Now I am friendly with woman twenty, even thirty years my junior and I wonder if they look at me as I looked at Mary.
Age doesn’t really mean a thing if we give our best to each other, wherever we happen to be on the continuum. I wouldn’t mind being thirty again, but with my FOF experience and frame of mind. Since that’s not possible, I’m happy I have young women in my life.
0 Responses to “There was something about Mary”
Kathy says:
I had a best buddy who was about 20 years my senior (she never revealed her age!) when I was in my thirties…we continued on until she passed away when I was in my mid 40’s. Naomi was a mother, a mentor, a confidant, and so much more. She had a terrific sense of humor. The most valuable lesson she taught me was not caring what others think, to speak the truth and speak up rather than write notes or remain silent. Naomi spoke her mind and would tell anybody anything, especially if it would help them see themselves for possible change.
Today I am friends with a young lady who just turned 40 and its amazing she possesses some of Naomi’s boldness and outspoken qualities. I learn more from Lee than she does from me!
0 Responses to “There was something about Mary”
Kathy says:
I had a best buddy who was about 20 years my senior (she never revealed her age!) when I was in my thirties…we continued on until she passed away when I was in my mid 40’s. Naomi was a mother, a mentor, a confidant, and so much more. She had a terrific sense of humor. The most valuable lesson she taught me was not caring what others think, to speak the truth and speak up rather than write notes or remain silent. Naomi spoke her mind and would tell anybody anything, especially if it would help them see themselves for possible change.
Today I am friends with a young lady who just turned 40 and its amazing she possesses some of Naomi’s boldness and outspoken qualities. I learn more from Lee than she does from me!
Geri says:
Hi Kathy,
Thank you for sharing this about Naomi and Lee. I love your photo! 🙂
Quinn says:
I definitely don’t look at you as older–except when I’m benefiting from your experience. I just look at you as a great friend. xox