Twenty Ten

Welcome, my FOF friends, to the new decade. Here are some random thoughts for the year ahead.

1. Learn one new thing every day.

2. Reconnect with one old friend you can’t forget.

3. Wear something a bit more edgy than usual.

4. Dramatically change your hairstyle or color.

5. Buy at least one beauty product in the drug store.

6. Take a trip with at least two FOF friends to an exotic locale.

7. Stop offering to fix your single son up with your friends’ daughters or your single daughter with your friends’ sons.

8. Introduce at least one FOF woman to another every month.

9. Say “no” a little more frequently.

10. Mentor one young woman.

0 Responses to “Twenty Ten”

  1. kanishk says:

    I really want to try to grow my hair out for a change.
    buy wagyu

  2. Geri says:

    Hi Teresa,

    Send us a photo now and one when you grow it back. And we’ll run on the site. Love what you’re thinking of doing.

    Happy New Year.


  3. Teresa says:

    I’m going to try a new hairstylist this year. I’ve used the same one for 24 years and though she is good isn’t CHANGE good? Now, how to go about finding someone new that I like? I really want to try to grow my hair out for a change….I’ve had it short for years and I want to try something different. Easy enough to go back to short if I don’t like it, right?

  4. Geri says:

    try it, you’ll like it.

  5. lady jicky says:

    I really want to say “No” more this year!


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