What, me worry?

When I was about 13, I started keeping a list called “What to worry about.” I’d write down everything I deemed important that I had to accomplish. Most of my worry list centered around homework deadlines, papers and tests, but I also worried whether I’d get a part in a Youth Group production or whether Neil Maltz liked me in eighth grade.

I felt better every time I crossed something off the list, but invariably added something else that was worry-worthy.

I stopped writing out worry lists when I was in my 20s, and started keeping them in my head. I’m surprised my brain didn’t self-destruct. I worried my way through my thirties, forties and into my fifties. My worries were all over the lot, from whether I’d make my budget when I was a publisher to whether my husband was dead when he didn’t come home on time.

Something miraculous happened in my late fifties: I started to worry a great deal less and finally accepted that it didn’t accomplish—or change—a darn thing. I didn’t stop worrying entirely, and probably never will, but I worry with less intensely and for shorter periods.

I just read in USA Today that I am not alone. “After 50, daily stress and worry take a dive and daily happiness increases, according to an analysis of more than 340,000 adults questioned about the emotions they experienced ‘yesterday,’” the article said.

The research, which will be published online in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, shows that young adults experience more negative emotions more frequently than older adults. Stress and anger consistently decline with age, but worry stays constant until around 50, when it drops precipitously.  *

Just another reason it’s grand to be FOF.

*Read the full USA Today article.

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0 Responses to “What, me worry?”

  1. Karena says:

    When I am in a situation like that it is really enjoyable to just people watch. Yes, I do try to strike up a conversation and usually do, It might even surprise you!

    Art by Karena

  2. Jennifer Perry says:

    Cool, well, I think I attended a wedding like that. My husband couldn’t attend so I went alone. Could get no one to engage in conversation or even respond to a ‘hello’ from me. Not cool. But like you, I believed in staying calm and collected. For a proper amount of time. Then calmly collected myself back into my car and left for a good time with some fun folks.

    I love the name of your blog! Yes, we are fabulous.

  3. Maureen@IslandRoar says:

    Now THAT is something to look forward to!!
    I’ve already seen a difference as I approach 50. It just isnt’ worth it most of the time, now is it?

    • Geri says:

      Hi Maureen,

      It isn’t. Don’t wait till fifty.

      Love, Geri

  4. Lori Citro says:

    Love your blog! Happened upon it by googling my daughter Julie’s name for Miss USA and found her picture on your site. I’m not opposed to the pics myself nor promoting gorgeous, intelligent women eveywhere. Why shouldn’t we celebrate all facets of our womanhood, looks, brains and personality? Proud of my daughter and she’s proud of me, too!

    • Geri says:

      Wow Lori.
      I watched the Pageant. Where are you from? Did you register for faboverfifty.com, the website attached to the blog. You’re probably younger than 50, but you might enjoy it anyway.
      So happy you like the blog.


    • Geri says:

      It’s me again, Lori

      Your daughter is gorgeous. That’s why I chose her photo. Now I remember you’re from Delaware. Saw your site and will listen to your music.



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