Working it out

When I was 24, my boss called me into a meeting,where his boss was the only one seated at the big conference table. They announced that they wanted to promote me to editor. I was dumbstruck. Although I was a responsible, hard worker, I never expected to get such a big job at that point.

Since then, my career path has been paved with pleasant surprises like this. I would define myself as driven, rather than ambitious. I never plotted and planned what my next job would be, but my hard work has generally paid off. I’ve been more like Melanie Griffith in “Working Girl” than Sigourney Weaver.

I’ve also encountered a fair share of bumps along the way. I suffered with an ambitious boss who was ultra political, and massively untalented; a client who was so threatened by new ideas, she stormed out of an important meeting when she decided I was trying to outshine her, then didn’t renew our contract; a colleague who was a pathological liar.

I haven’t always been a model boss, but I try my best.

If we are the sum of our experiences, I’m satisfied by what I add up to so far…and that it’s all led to the creation of FOF. I’m continually learning, from my twenty and thirty something friends and employees to every single FOF who participates on the site. I hope I can continue to be so blessed for years to come. It’s a joy to be surrounded by people like you.

0 Responses to “Working it out”

  1. Shelley says:

    Everyone in a company is there (or should be) to see that it does well. It’s unfortunate when a “boss” feels threatened by his/her subordinates who often have great ideas which can help the business. Aren’t we all there for the same reason? I know when my employees had a good idea, it made me look good.

  2. LPC says:

    I kind of treasure my bumps in the road. Remembering them and then knowing how far I made it anyway makes me proud of myself.

  3. Marjip says:

    Glad you overcame the lumps along the way. You’re certainly on target & doing great now. Bless you!

    • Geri says:

      Thank you, Marji, for your support.

      Love, Geri

  4. Preppy 101 says:

    It seriously does make one feel a sense of accomplishment to overcome the bumps in the road! I feel better about them now than I did when they happened! xoxo


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