An Easy Way To Protect Your Eye Health As You Age

If you’re over 40 years old, you’ve probably started to realize that your vision just isn’t as sharp as it used to be, even if you’re wearing prescription glasses.

That’s why FabOverFifty has partnered with ZeaVision, the makers of EyePromise Vizual EDGE, to bring you valuable information on how to support your long-term eye health and feel more comfortable driving at night.


Illustration by Simone Brin

Why your vision deteriorates after 40

Changes to our eyes occur gradually, over decades, until we suddenly recognize changes in our vision. As we age, our pupils shrink and dilate less in the dark, which reduces the amount of light entering our eyes. This can even make it seem as if we’re wearing dark sunglasses at night.

We’re also at greater risk for age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the deterioration (or thinning) of the macula, a critical part of your eye responsible for your central vision. In some cases of AMD, blood vessels can form under the retina and leak blood and fluid into the eye. Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in adults over 55.

Zeaxanthin and lutein are powerful nutrients which can help protect our eyes against further deterioration and support the natural functions of your eye. The nutrients also help protect against harsh light from glare and oncoming traffic, improve clarity and decrease eye stress.

“Zeaxanthin and lutein protect the most important retinal real estate of the eye–the macula–which allows us to see detail. It is therefore critical to maintain the quality and health of this area of retinal tissue in a modern society that depends upon using computer screens and driving automobiles safely,” said Dr. Stuart Richer, doctor of optometry.


While leafy greens, certain fish, and other foods contain trace amounts of these nutrients, the amount we need to protect and improve our eye health can be found only in a supplement like EyePromise Vizual EDGE.

Learn more and give your eyes the
nutrients it needs.


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