How Happy Are YOUR Hormones?

Sabina Fasano knows all about disruptive perimenopausal symptoms from personal experience.

After meeting with an herbalist, who helped end her struggle with perimenopause and fluctuating hormones, her interest turned to women’s hormonal wellness through herbal medicine. Sabina’s research led her to develop a natural supplement, containing a combination of herbs, that specifically addresses the physical and emotional problems associated with the hormonal fluctuations and imbalance during menopause and perimenopause.

FOF talked with Sabina about her research into Eastern and American Indian medicines, and what makes her supplement effective.


opener_revWhat led to your interest in the subject of menopause?

My perimenopausal symptoms were severe starting in my late 30s, and I took everything from birth control pills, recommended to counteract the effect of changing hormones, to antidepressants for mood swings and pills for headaches and nausea. Nothing worked; instead, they seemed to worsen the situation. I knew my symptoms revolved around my period, and I realized my hormones had something to do with them, but my doctors wouldn’t listen to me. That’s when I knew I needed to seek help elsewhere and took an alternative route.

So what did you do?

Keep in mind, this was 25 years ago and options were limited, but I consulted with a variety of people who took a holistic approach to wellness. I started by making lifestyle changes, such as eating better and getting plenty of exercise, and went for acupuncture and massages, which helped me to relax, if nothing else! I also found yoga very helpful and something that I still do to this day. When I began working with an herbalist I was finally able to get my perimenopause symptoms under control in a short time. I was hooked and eager to learn more.

What did you learn about herbal medicine?

Our hormones are the movers and shakers of our physical and emotional health. When they fluctuate, we experience symptoms, but I learned we can’t attack each symptom separately, as my doctors were trying do. We need to take a whole body approach, which is also the correct way to address any health concern, not only menopause. We have many hormones circulating throughout our blood, not just estrogen and progesterone. Even though each of them has a distinct personality, they all communicate with each other to do their jobs, for our total wellbeing.

Herbs and botanicals work in fascinating ways. There is a category of herbs, known as adaptogens, which are plants and botanicals that help the body to adapt and stabilize in response to stress and natural hormonal changes. Another category, known as tonic herbs, helps to restore tone and invigorate the systems in our body to promote general health and wellbeing.

Herbs can help symptoms including hot flashes, poor sleep, decreased sexuality, and mood swings because the help regulate and nourish our bodily systems. 

How did this knowledge of herbal medicine lead to your hormonal supplement?

I was fortunate to have the help of the research departments at the New York Academy of Medicine and the Denver University Medical Library. Old journals on Eastern and American Indian culture taught me how herbs were used to heal and nourish health. They were turned into teas, tinctures and topical solutions, such as aromatic oils. And they were widely used in cooking.

HERBBesides historical research, I relied on today’s science and data on herbs, including clinical studies and peer-reviewed information of individual herbs. After creating Femmerol, I began a clinical trial that reviewed 17 of the most common menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia and low libido. The outcomes were good.

My mission was to find something that would help me through perimenopause in my late 30’s, but I still take Femmerol every day to support my hormonal system. At 63, I’m a happy healthy woman.

How is Femmerol different than other menopause supplements?

The way a product is manufactured is important. Cheaply made supplements don’t break down and can’t be absorbed by the body, so we end up excreting them. Femmerol uses pharmaceutical grade herbal extracts that are tested for purity.  Each ingredient we use has a certificate of analyst. We also manufacture in a facility that is fully FDA compliant. Femmerol is allergen free and guaranteed free of peanuts, wheat, soy, dairy, eggs, crustacea, fish, tree nuts. It is kosher, vegan and vegetarian. Our formula is based on traditional herbal medicine, with thousands of years of history behind it.


femWho should take Femmerol?

Don’t wait until your symptoms bring you to your knees! There is no need for any woman to suffer, but it is up to you to be proactive and take care of yourself. If you currently have PMS and perimenopause symptoms, now is the time to evaluate what changes you can make to your lifestyle, and contact us if you’re not sure if you should start taking Femmerol. Sometimes symptoms pass, but for the majority of women, they don’t. The longer you go without giving your body the help it needs, the harder things will get. To sum things up,  every positive thing you do for your hormone wellness will help balance, calm and quite symptoms for the long term.

What else should women do to help calm down their hormonal fluctuations?

Eat real food, and try to get exercise everyday, even if it’s a 20-minute walk. If you lead a busy life, reflect on what needs to change so your physical being and emotional psyche have a healthy menopause transition, and beyond. You don’t need to live the life of a monk, all you need to do is pay attention, choose wisely, laugh often and take care of yourself with the same fierce commitment as you do your loved ones.

Why is balancing hormones important to overall health?

Our hormonal system affects our emotions, nervous system, mental clarity, energy levels, sleep patterns, and much more. We often don’t connect the dots between symptoms and hormone fluctuations, and our doctors don’t either. Whether you’re perimenopausal, in menopause or past menopause, your entire hormonal system is still fully engaged in your overall wellbeing.


To learn more about Femmerol, click here.

We also invite you to ask Sabina any questions on Twitter or Facebook using the hashtag #AskSabina. You can also reach her by e-mail at or by phone at (954) 533-2603.

We are pleased to be bringing you the valuable information in this post, which is sponsored by Solutions For Women. Thanks for supporting FabOverFifty!

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