Brought to you and sponsored by Amberen
Who can forget Mary Lou Retton’s gymnastic performance at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, CA? Her breathtaking vaults. Her perfect 10s. The first American woman to win the all-around gold medal, she captured our hearts with her boundless exuberance and infectious smile.

I hadn’t followed Mary Lou’s career closely, but I came across her in a TV commercial the other day, talking openly about menopause. It got my attention that she wasn’t just talking about hot flashes and night sweats, but was describing a combination of symptoms—most of all low energy—that had left her constantly feeling sluggish. The worst part, she explained, was thinking that her signature vitality was a thing of the past.
Mary Lou hadn’t just accepted the change. She’d tried solution after solution to no avail, until finally someone recommended a supplement called Amberen for multi-symptom relief. Unlike many menopause supplements Mary Lou had heard about, Amberen was different. It wasn’t an herb, nor did it contain soy or caffeine or gluten. She tried it, and it worked! After taking Amberen for 30 days, her energy returned. Her hot flashes subsided, and the quality of her sleep improved dramatically. She felt like her true self again, busy living life. The old Mary Lou was back.◊
After hearing Mary Lou’s personal story I wanted to learn more. As the editor of a website trusted by women 45+, I only recommend health products like this that are backed by solid studies attesting to their effectiveness. Mary Lou’s testimonial was powerful, but I needed further proof.
These important studies showed that women who used Amberen for 30 to 90 days experienced safe and effective relief for 12 menopause symptoms*, with no adverse side effects reported.** While many supplements only address 2 or 3 symptoms, Amberen treats the gamut! Look at these impressive outcomes for four symptoms that most often trouble women during menopause, and sometimes for a decade more.
91% had reduced hot flashes*
78% had reduced night sweats*
80% had reduced mood swings*
87% had less difficulty sleeping*
What’s more, 77% of the women in the clinical trials had more energy* so, like Mary Lou, they could resume their active lives.
Based on all the positive data, it’s not surprising that Amberen is the #1 selling menopause relief supplement in the United States.≠ At this point, I had no hesitation about recommending it to my FabOverFifty friends. When the folks at Amberen offered me the chance to talk to Mary Lou about her menopause journey, I jumped at it.
It’s easy to understand why so many fans look up to Mary Lou, who is now 51. She’s humble, and she’s unafraid to be herself. “Was low energy really your worst symptom?” I asked her.
“Having a hot flash when I was speaking in public was hard,” she said. “It’s even more difficult worrying and waiting for it to happen. But yes, for me, dealing with low energy was hardest.”
“Because it impacted everything you did?”
“Everything! From work to affecting my relationship with my daughters. Just grocery shopping was hard. My energy was part of my identity and I felt like it was slipping away. I didn’t realize low energy was a menopause symptom until I discovered Amberen. And then it was a revelation because suddenly it was no longer this inevitable thing. It was something I could control.”
“And now?”
“Thanks to Amberen, my energy is back. It helped my moods, my night sweats, my headaches, all my symptoms. I’m currently at the end of a 90-day course, then I will take a month break and will start taking it again to manage my symptoms. My life now, in many ways, is better than when I was younger. Menopause doesn’t bother me anymore since I found Amberen.”*
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As we age, decreases in our estrogen levels make us susceptible to a range of symptoms, including “vasomotor disturbances,” which is a fancy way of saying hot flashes, night sweats, flushing and more. Likewise, we lose energy, as Mary Lou did.
These hormone imbalances occur because of a breakdown in communication between the brain’s hypothalamus (which controls hormone regulation) and our hormone-producing organs, such as our ovaries. Unlike other menopause supplements, Amberen’s unique formula of antioxidants, amino acids, minerals and vitamin E, works by supporting the hypothalamus to improve this communication. That way our ovaries know when to produce more estrogen and when not to. Put simply, Amberen helps relieve so many symptoms by helping to restore your hormonal balance.
Before saying goodbye, Mary Lou asked me to convey a message to my readers.
“I want to make a difference in women’s lives. I want my daughters to be aware of menopause, so they’ll be able to deal with it successfully. I want women to know that menopause can span over many years and doesn’t necessarily start with hot flashes, but can be a combination of symptoms that can change your life. That’s why it’s so important to look for clues that your body is sending and to get relief, especially in the early stages. I put my name behind Amberen because women deserve the relief this great product provides. I feel fab over fifty, thanks to Amberen. I’m proud of my age. We all should be!”
Available at & Your Local Warehouse
The statements in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
◊ Mary Lou Retton is a paid spokesperson for Amberen.
*Individual results will vary. Mary Lou Retton’s testimonial is based on results after 30 days of use and after continuing to use Amberen for 90 days. Every woman’s experience with Amberen will be unique. Amberen’s 12 menopausal symptom relief benefits are supported by the results of two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, human clinical trials, involving 102 and 125 menopausal women, aged 42-60 years, with mild to moderate menopausal symptoms over the course of 90 days.
**No adverse side effects were observed during clinical studies. Caution: Amberen is not intended for use by pregnant or nursing women. Do not take if you have severe hypertension. If you are taking prescription medication or have any medical condition, consult your doctor before use. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if you have any adverse reaction.
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