When we hear the word “menopause,” we usually think of night sweats, mood swings, and hot flushes, but a common health condition often goes ignored or improperly treated.
Sixty-two percent of menopausal and perimenopausal women suffer from dry eye, according to a survey conducted by the Society for Women’s Health Research.
Dry eye can be characterized by a number of symptoms, including an irritated, scratchy feeling in the eye; feeling of a foreign particle in the eye; excess watering; blurred vision or redness. With dropping levels in estrogen and androgen, women going through menopause are at a higher risk for developing dry eye, since these hormone levels are not high enough for optimal eye health, studies report.
Although dry eye may not be as disruptive as other menopause symptoms, it is still uncomfortable and can be easily addressed.
“Most patients believe this eye issue is just a fact of life; an unavoidable part of aging and that it’s not a treatable condition. This simply isn’t the case anymore,” says optometrist Sean Mulqueeny. “We have all kinds of options that we didn’t have, even five years ago.”
Many sufferers use eye drops, even though they are only a temporary solution to alleviate dry eye symptoms. Additionally, drops do not support long-term eye health or protection against future dry eye.
That’s why many doctors recommend supplements, such as EyePromise EZ Tears, which protect and support our eyes from within.
These softgels include Omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamins A & D3, green tea and primrose oil to help eyes produce healthy tears and soothe irritation.
“I’ve treated patients who’ve struggled with this for a long time. But what I haven’t seen is a product like this one. I find patients respond quickly,” says Mulqueeny.
One study reported that 54 percent of EZ Tears users experienced relief of symptoms within two weeks, and 86 percent of users saw relief within four weeks.
This post is sponsored by EyePromise, which keeps our eyes healthy. Thanks for supporting FabOverFifty!