“Never say never. If the right guy appeared and swept me off my feet, who knows. But, I love my single life. Don’t think I’d be willing to hand over the remote control, make room in my bed, or have to account for my whereabouts. So probably not! LOL!”
Marianne van Doeland
“I have the best husband now, married for 16 years; God forbid if something happened to him there is no way I’d ever find someone as good as he’s been.”
Jean Farrell
“Yes. I was married 28 years and he upped and left, just like that, so I was alone for six years. I’ve been with my current partner for five years, and we are getting married next May. Never say never.”
Jacquie Marsh
“No. I have no desire to remarry again. I am in a process of rebranding and being the best that I can be. My children will soon be spreading their wings and leaving and I will then be looking at the next stage of my Life Journey and where I it will carry me and where I will go. Should I meet someone on the way who will become a good friend and companion then okay. Otherwise, I have learnt to enjoy and love MY Own Company!”
Jacqueline Lovell-Santos
“No, I was in a relationship, then my ex passed and that changed all my feelings and thoughts. Although we were divorced for many years, and the marriage wasn’t very good, Il found out that my feelings were still very strong for him. My kids and grandkids are enough for me!!!!”
Sharon Desher Weigel
“Absolutely NO! The number of women I know who have (remarried) and then lost their retirement and assists to a worthless 2nd or 3rd marriage. These jerks come out of the woodwork, worse than termites. And before the ladies know it, they have been robbed blind.”
Jenny Stiles
“NOOOO ! Been there, done that-three times!!!”
Sally Shupert
“If only there were normal respectful men out there! Haven’t seen that yet. You would think the 50+ men would be more normal, but nope lol. I’ve pretty much given up and figure I’m going to enjoy my single life!”
Lisa Wilkinson