“Noooooo!!! Never ever EVER. lol (and I have been single a long time now) Too happy and independent to risk messing that up now at my age. I doubt I could live with anyone at this point (and don’t even want to). I have friends that do, but don’t marry because they do better with things including social security and medical care, depending on their circumstances. Most single women I know who are my age are like me when it comes to marriage. Thanks but no thanks. I have always worked and supported myself. I enjoy travel and have lots of friends. My son and his family are close by and I enjoy doing things with them as well. I make my own decisions, have my own money, and earned all that. No need to muck that up now. Men my age are looking for someone to take care of them, and there are women out there who just never learned how to take care of themselves or be happily independent on their own, so they’ll find one another.”
Linda Lammie Driscoll
“Nope, men over 50 have more baggage than American Airlines, are more interested in bedroom gymnastics than knowing anything about you. Not saying I’m baggage free ( last ex is a sociopath ), but at least I’m working on the issues.”
Kathy Cooper
“No way in Hell! You are dealing with shopping in a ‘used car lot’ and will just be trading one clunker for another. I’m happily divorced for almost 30 years, and once was enough for me. I try to never repeat mistakes.”
Tina Prevatt Brennan
“Sometimes getting married again just repeats the same problems you had in the first marriage. So, think about what went wrong in the first marriage and work on resolving anything before accepting that ring the second time.”
Ann Knotts
“Some people find true love early in life, some in the middle of their life, and some at the end of their life!!! And some never find it!!! If you do find it, you are blessed!!!”
Penny Simpson Balush
“A true committed relationship would be better than marriage for me, but I wouldn’t rule marriage out with the right person.”
Ginger Chamberlain
“Won’t make that same mistake twice. LOL”
Toni A Dye