“My 37-year-marriage ended 4 years ago. It was a marriage that produced 4 wonderful children. That’s why I stuck it out for that many years.
At a dinner party I was seated next to a man who attended alone. His wife was at a concert. He needed someone to talk to about his son, who was 21 at the time and completely lost. I listened and gave him total support and reassured him that his son would be fine. One of my sons was a nightmare, day after day of misery and stress. At 27 maturity kicked in and he is one of my successes in life.
After the dinner party, this man starting calling me (I was not attracted to him on any level).
Within a couple of weeks we started having an affair. I fell madly in love with him. Every minute we spend together is euphoric. I asked my husband for a divorce and he refused. I even admitted that I had been involved with another man. Finally after two years of this affair, I moved out and now have my own apartment and a job in the city. It’s not easy, but the experience I have with raising 4 children and trying to keep a miserable husband happy, allows me to use this experience in my daily life. I wake up happy and don’t have to worry about how my husband is going to bring down my day. Never say never, you don’t know what tomorrow has in store for any of us. I’m at a turning point again, I don’t know if I want a full-time relationship with all the ups and downs that go with it. I’m so free and independent. The only person I have to take care of is me.”
0 Responses to “9 Powerful Divorce Stories”
Godsdancer523 says:
I have been divorced for over 37 years and never ever married again. Have been engaged twice since then, but knew that marriage is not for me. I enjoy me and my kids and grandbaby. I go on dates but I don’t date. Life is good….
alexfof says:
You’ve got it figured out! 🙂