9 Powerful Divorce Stories

“My 30 year marriage ended in 2013 after discovering my husband’s infidelity and addiction to pornography.

He traveled a lot and used his time away to play. He lived a whole different life that I had no idea he led. I am retired now, own my own home, work part-time, and an very involved in my church. I have no desire to even date. My husband remarried two years after our divorce.”

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0 Responses to “9 Powerful Divorce Stories”

  1. Godsdancer523 says:

    I have been divorced for over 37 years and never ever married again. Have been engaged twice since then, but knew that marriage is not for me. I enjoy me and my kids and grandbaby. I go on dates but I don’t date. Life is good….

    • alexfof says:

      You’ve got it figured out! 🙂


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