Show This To Your Partners, Pronto!

Whether we admit it or not, most of us like to share stories about our men:

The good, the bad, and the ugly stories! And, it wouldn’t hurt of they knew a few of the tales we’re telling.

With this in mind, the new FabOverFifty Men Blog will share “intelligence” about our “better halves.” Some of it will be serious, some will be informative, and some will be just plain funny.

Perhaps you’ll even call them over so they can read them, too!

How erectile dysfunction can affect your relationship


Over 100 FabOverFifty women told us whether their partners experience
erectile dysfunction (ED)…Read More

What he wants to change about her
after 46 years of marriage


How your
husband proposed


In sickness & in health:
Your vows in action


Meet 9 husbands who
cherish their parents


Have a great idea for our new MEN section?

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