Dr. Haideh Hirmand
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
1040 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10028
Tel: (212) 744-4400

What You Should Know:
At our practice, we are passionate about beauty as well as aesthetic surgery. We are passionate about form and function. We are passionate about new technology that is both safe and effective. Above all, we are passionate about achieving your goals.
My goal is to bring innovation and quality to my patients while introducing a novel perspective on rejuvenation. The objectives are to maintain elegance regardless of age, and to highlight the best you. The key to fulfilling this mission is to provide rejuvenation that is appropriate to your age and to who you are. This is what I all age-appropriate and person-appropriate aesthetic rejuvenation, tailored to your goals.
It is important to preserve and underscore what is uniquely beautiful in each person. Sustaining the individual beauty of every face is necessary, whether it be the “look of the eyes” or the “character of the smile,” for the face acts as a communicator to the world. Every face has its own life, and every set of eyes, their own story. Preserving these unique features while enhancing all else is rejuvenation that is all at once invisible, flawless and timeless. I want to you the best you—without changing you.